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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Maybe I did take it wrong, if I did I apologize Bananasplity. Just as someone who has ED issues the wink wink I took it the wrong way, don't see it as humorous at all. For me, because of a medical condition requiring certain medications the side effect of one was erections hit/miss, mostly miss. And I need the prescription, it's not melodramtic to say it's a life and death matter for me ED drugs, can't use because of a family history of strokes in my family, my doctor said they are contra indicated if you have a history (including family history) of strokes. But as has been advised, try the ED drug first, if it works, no need to tell the lady. And as an alternative, well here is a thread I started a while back on another ed solution, well worked for me. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=365001#post365001 But again, if I took the wording of your post wrong Bananasplity, I do apologize. And please don't stop contributing to the CERB community because of this RG
  2. Well a few comments. First as to references. Since you haven't seen a lady yet there are other options available, which the lady will suggest. When you make your initial contact, tell the lady this would be your very first encounter. But in the course of making contact, provide other verification information. That would be providing your real full name, board handle confirmed by pm, contact email, verifiable contact cell phone number, maybe under your circumstances one other piece of personal information (work phone number, home phone (if different from cell phone) home address or some other additional piece of information) No the lady isn't going to use this information for blackmail or other nefarious purposes. She is using the information for her safety. But she will be very impressed that for a first time ever client you are so forthcoming with verification information. And with that openess on your part, you will impress the lady you want to see, and may (I emphasize may) negate the need for a reference. Now, in the alternative, you can see a lady who doesn't require a reference. Some very reputable providers don't require any verification information and/or references Check the lady's website for her preferred method of contact. Most ladies in my experience prefer email. In the email provide the verification information. If she wants a phone call, ask when is a good time to call (she has a private life too, and may be with family/friends if you call out of the blue) Some ladies just get a vibe from talking on a phone, they use their instincts to screen...and no, being nervous on the phone won't likely screen you out, but a cocky arrogant attitude would. Bottom line, be a gentleman with a lady, that is the type of client the lady wants to meet. Good luck RG
  3. The College of Physicians and Surgeons would have their own code of conduct to follow, many professional organizations do. If you as a professional break one of the rules of your organization you can be disciplined by that organization for breaching those rules. Those rules are seperate from breaking the law, in fact you can be in some cases a law abiding citizen while breaking your professional rules. Easy case in point. A Priest has consensual sex with a woman. He isn't breaking the law, but clearly breaking his vows (professional rules) as a Priest Hope that late night rambling before I go to bed makes sense. RG
  4. This is my personal experience too. I went for the flu shot, back mid 1990's. Felt fine going to the doctor, by the time I got home I had the flu was off sick for a few days. Swore then, never again Last year was the first time in years I got sick. Off sick with the flu in February for a week. Then a few weeks later, in March, off sick for three weeks with what the doctor said was a "major viral infection" (not the flu, although symptoms the same) They first thought pneumonia. But even when I went back to work I wasn't 100%, really wasn't up to par till mid April. But I don't think a flu shot would help fight a "major viral infection" And one case of the flu in well over ten years, well I'll keep going the way I have been going Now, something I have heard, and not based on any scientific/medical literature, but certain moulds in foods (it was the discovery of mould that led to developing penicillin) can help the human body develop resistance to the the flu and other "bugs" Now I eat bleu cheese, and bleu cheese salad dressing. When I got the flu last year, well I started a diet that cut out that food. Maybe coincidence, maybe not, maybe just a fluke all the way around. All I know is the flu shot didn't help me. And my first time with the flu was also when one food I cut out was bleu cheese Just my personal experience, that's all A late night rambling RG
  5. My prescription and a birthday card for my brother today. Bought them at the same time (used debit card, so which did I really buy first) RG
  6. Why would a guy who claims to have no such problems ask about them...sorry but it's one of those questions that I, under these circumstances, considers kind of rude. It's really no one's business. It is very personal (and caused by a multitude of reasons, such as age, medical conditions, prescriptions etc) and only those who volunteer their personal information (not responding to a question from a stranger) in hopes their experience may help someone else should be making such posts, IMHO And even if you have found a treatment for ed, you still need arousal. Pills in and of themselves aren't the cure, you still need to be aroused. RG
  7. Well like I said, you kinda want to have an encounter with her, but are kinda scared to have one with her too And I don't know whether the Admiral shows the courage and bravery of the Canadian navy, or makes our navy look foolhardy LOL RG
  8. Hands down, Sean Connery the best Bond ever The rest all competing for second place But runner up, Pierce Brosnan, imho Daniel Craig, well if a good Bond movie came out, he'd have a shot...but he's too emotional over a woman...James Bond just isn't supposed to get that emotionally involved Worst Bond, George Lazenby Second worst, Roger Moore As for Bond women Well who can forget Honey Ryder...(Ursula Andress) Kinda liked Tiffany Case (Jill St John) Something kinda, well you want to but are scared to have an encounter (nice word for it) with Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen)-Goldeneye And my all time favorite Bond movie...From Russia With Love RG
  9. Haven't tried either, but given the choice, I'd jump out of a plane Best spy James Bond or Jason Bourne RG
  10. Welcome to CERB sfoget. This is a good community, and like Phaedrus says, we don't bite RG
  11. I hate getting home from work and it's pitch black outside RG
  12. Checking the board and getting on the lady's mailing list a good idea Also, if you have seen a lady before and develop a good relationship with her, she may just give you a heads up on her upcoming tour dates. Or you may tell her your free dates before she schedules her tour dates and she is able to schedule you in well in advance There is a very special lady...you know who you are ;-) that has done that for me, knowing I have a travel schedule too, requiring planning on my part. I'm able to schedule encounters with her. Her accommodating my schedule, well it is very much appreciated RG :-)
  13. Happy Birthday theliquor Enjoy your special day RG
  14. You wonderful ladies of CERB make me feel sexy RG
  15. Funny about work emails. There was (well still is) bs going on at work. They forgot I have a pile of leave...about a year (less now LOL) I booked leave from beginning of August till mid October. Come back to work. Over 700 emails. Did I worry about them? Nope, just highlighted all of them and hit delete...boy did it feel good RG
  16. A whole weekend...Friday when I got home from work until Monday when I got home from work Had Bell for phone/internet/dish, bill paid under a bundle. I came home Friday night, internet dead, phone dead, but dish, it worked fine. Well Bell screwed up the billing. I paid the bill, but they put all the payment on the dish, nothing else. So my phone and internet disconnected by Bell because they didn't put any of my payments towards the phone/internet, just the dish Left Bell shortly thereafter RG
  17. Then this will scare you too Lee http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=scary+movie+brokeback+mountain+parody&view=detail&mid=E5C951C872E341006ECFE5C951C872E341006ECF&first=0 RG
  18. Really it is personal. Now I do think by posting you not only use the board, you do contribute to it as well. And some ladies requiring as part of verification a board handle, want some posting history behind that handle. Someone who has a handle, but no posts, well his handle isn't going to count for much in the verification process. Something guys might wish to keep in mind But you get out of a board what you put in, IMHO RG
  19. I think it really depends upon circumstances. I have contacted ladies seven to eight months ahead of time to schedule an encounter on a specific date. That was due to my personal circumstances (having to travel, obligations etc) I think if you just explain your situation, in case you are worried about coming across as a "tire kicker" and not someone sending a real email you should be ok. Don't know if that helps or not RG
  20. Chedder Cheese-Supreme (5 years old, makes extra old taste like mild)-so out of your choices, guess old will have to do homemade real mashed potatoes or baked potatoes RG
  21. well not wife, never married girlfriend, well none of those relationships lasted...some their fault, some mine, some ours But SP's, I've met real great ladies in this lifestyle...so SP it is Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter) or Catwoman (Halle Berry) yes I'm dating myself here RG ooppps baked potato with all the fixins (butter, sour cream chives etc)
  22. chocolate jalapeno poppers made with chedder cheese or cream cheese RG
  23. People who decide to start prepping their boat for launch on the boat ramp. The boat is supposed to be prepped (straps off, rope attached etc) away from the ramp...then you just back your truck/trailer to the ramp and launch your boat. My last time out with the boat, some dipsh--ts had their boat parked on the ramp, taking their sweet time getting it ready. I finally backed my boat around their boat (not at easy as you'd think, given the size of the ramp) Two CERB ladies know what lake and day I'm talking about RG
  24. Oh please, please, pretty please pick me, said while on one knee LOL-btw just kidding Seriously now, I just did the plain and simple ask a lady out...most of the time worked well RG
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