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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Any man of that mindset, all he does is a disservice to the lady he saw and claims to like. A recommendation serves to me at least three purposes. First, it is a public thank you to the lady from the gentleman for a good encounter. Second, it tells other gentlemen out there of a lady who provides good or great encounters. And third, related to the second, it is a way for the lady to continue building her business, by getting new clients. Remember, this is their livelihood, how they pay their bills/rent/put food on the table etc It is completely selfish and short sighted, with no basis in rational thought to not write a recommendation for the above reason. There is also underlying that belief, a bit (well a lot actually) of possessiveness on the client's part (I saw her but no one else can) A gentleman would never not write a recommendation for that reason. And any man thinking along those lines, well is he prepared to be the lady's exclusive client every day 365/year...probably not. A late night rambling RG
  2. Guess common sense and common courtesy just isn't as common as we'd like to think. RG
  3. Just now, a lamp for my bed side table. This morning woke up, turned my bed side lamp on, bulb started flickering, then a burning smell and smoke and lights out....fast!!!! So bought another lamp RG
  4. Well I think a trip to the barbers is in order (hair too thick, never thought I'd say that LOL to shave off, don't have clippers and no point buying them for one time only) Monday after work. I'll let you all know if I had enough guts Monday evening Thanks again everyone for the feedback, it is appreciated RG
  5. Four year old chedder (makes extra old seem like mild) and macaroni today, plus hagen das dulce de leche ice cream...had macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight, my cat wanted ice cream for desert LOL RG
  6. Thank you all for the opinions. Haven't decided yet but leaning towards the Kojak look...more a case of getting enough guts LOL But if I do, my next encounter may be like this (although I could do that now with the way my head is LOL) http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=seinfeld+i+want+to+dip+my+head+in+oil&view=detail&mid=4E6A23192307D2F3828D4E6A23192307D2F3828D&first=0 See, a Seinfeld episode for every occasion RG
  7. Congratulations Peachy on 1000 posts. Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  8. This is an out of the blue question, but I need the opinions of ladies I have had encounters with. For this question, definitely a lady's opinion carries much weight. Obviously the ladies I have seen know what I look like. My question, should I keep my haircut as is (bald on top, hair on the sides) or would I look good completely bald (like Kojak LOL) I'm half ways thinking about getting it all cut off, but still not sure. But to the ladies I have seen, and who's opinions I respect, well it might just help my decision making BTW if you prefer to not answer publicly on the board I understand, please feel free to PM if you wish to be discrete. But either through post or PM, your opinion is appreciated Thanking You Very Much In Advance RG
  9. Happy Birthday Jolie Enjoy your special day RG
  10. Have to agree with your last point Cristy. If a bad encounter, this site has a wonderful feature, a PM system. Shouldn't post anything negative publicly, even something inferring a negative. If you have a bad encounter with a lady either keep it quiet, or if asked, send a PM My two cents RG
  11. I like Porthos because he just agreed with me in another thread :-) Oh, I liked Porthos even before that RG
  12. My two cents. CERB is not a review board, it is a recommendation board. And as the motto at the top of the page says, If you do not have anything nice to say...Please don't say anything at all If the purpose of your review is to not recommend, but to criticize (saying something not nice) then don't post it here, it doesn't belong on CERB Critical reviews, well there are other boards for those type of postings As for ladies with no or little recommendations, well I saw one lady who personally doesn't like reviews. But the recommendation I wrote she liked and approved me to post. More recently another lady I saw has reviews on other sites, but seeing that this board is the only one I frequent, well I posted the first recommendation on this board of this lady. But if anyone looked at just this site, they would say, gee only one reco, is she really a good SP...no she's not, she is one I'd categorize as a great companion. Point making low or no recos doesn't necessarily mean a bad provider A rambling RG
  13. I'll confess I'm on the fence here On one hand it would be reasonable to assume that a gentleman has a phone used exclusively for this lifestyle. A married guy using a cell phone for this lifestyle, that he shares with his wife is just IMHO asking for trouble. One piece of advice, get a phone ONLY YOU USE FOR THIS LIFESTYLE, and no one else has access to it On the other hand, if he didn't expressly say it was ok for the lady to contact him, out of prudence she shouldn't. But, here I am fence sitting again :-), he should, as a precaution, have told her not to contact him. Under no circumstances IMO, should either a SP or Gentleman phone one another unless it is prearranged. You never know who the SP or Gentleman is with when you phone, at least with a text you can answer at your convenience In short, I'd say a bit of shared responsibility based on what was posted My humble opinion RG
  14. That's as appropriate a question to ask as it would be for SP/MA to ask about guys' social/dating/married life on CERB and how seeing escorts affects it. Some things aren't asked in public, it's rude RG
  15. $5000 would be email money transferred to a couple ladies ($2500 each) for future encounters $5000 would be used to buy a boat...something smaller than I had before RG
  16. Your in awe???...I'm in awe, excited and appreciative that a beautiful woman would accept a for lack of better term, a blind date with a bald guy in his fifties. Definitely I'm not someone you would see on the cover of Gentleman's Quarterly. But you ladies treat me like I am a model off the cover of Gentleman's Quarterly, and are genuinely happy to be in my company And for all your beauty, you ladies are down to earth, fun, personable and intelligent, wonderful companions both socially and in the bedroom. I get excited looking forward to all aspects of an encounter, whether with a lady for the first time or on repeat encounters So a appreciative thank you RG
  17. Happy Birthday Capitalman Enjoy your special day RG
  18. First off Sara, I appreciate and respect your point of view. And I certainly don't think any less of ladies who are Professional Companions:icon_wink: Sex Workers, Ho_kers, or any of the other labels used. In fact, irrespective of what label is used, you all enrich and brighten my life, providing companionship and an escape, without the strings of a relationship. I think very highly of all you ladies But some of those labels do allow "mainstream" society to marginalize ladies. Case in point, the Picton case. In large part, IMHO, the police were slow to react, was because they were investigating the deaths of prostitutes/h_okers/streetwalkers or any of the other labels used to describe ladies. They weren't investigating the deaths of someones' daughter/sister/mother etc. But irrespective of what label you use, you have this gentleman's utmost respect, both as a fellow human being and for the companionship you provide A rambling RG
  19. I'm more inclined to agree with Porthos that it is a mid life crisis. This happened once she hit 40. She isn't having affairs per se, more flings, one night stands with guys almost half her age. The implants, well she in fact told people, friends and acquaintances who in turn told other friends and acquaintances and so on. But she is proud of them, doesn't care if people know. But it is unfortunate this is happening in a small town. Really, if she wanted to be discrete she should go to a bigger city, go to a bar, and let herself get picked up...really as is, that's what she is doing now, but everyone knows RG
  20. The reason I'm bringing this up, and after reading all the replies. There is a woman my friends and I know. Her clothing used to be conservative. Long skirts, blouses, it was attractive on her, but not head turning if that makes sense. She turned 40. She got implants. Her skirts became shorter, blouses were tight pullover tops. She also (keep in mind she is married) started having flings with guys 20-25 years old (nothing is secret in a small town) All of that is enough to say yes, her dress and behaviour has sexual overtones. But she added to her jewelery a anklet, something she never wore before. Hence the reason we thought an anklet may have sexual undertones to it, it was added with the other changes she was making RG
  21. Happy Birthday Newboy Enjoy your special day RG
  22. Well Alicia Florek (The Good Wife), she can be my lawyer any day:icon_wink: RG
  23. Let me be the second to congratulate Carrie as she stands on the precipice of 2000 posts Congratulations Carrie, enjoy your contributions, looking forward to the next 2000 posts RG
  24. I think the terms prostitute, or worse ones, like ho_ker, wh_re, etc etc etc allow mainstream society to marginalize and treat escorts as second, or third class citizens. Sex workers, well it is true that for the most part sex takes place in encounter, but it doesn't truly define what the ladies do. To me, Professional Companion is the term I would prefer. I have had encounters with ladies, where we have gone out for dinner, and breakfast (no, we weren't doing it on the table in the restaurant LOL) and to a bar for drinks to get to know one another. I myself go for multiple-hour encounters (2 hours +) A fair part of the time is social, not sexual To me, a Professional Companion encompasses all aspects of male/female companionship, not just sexual. A sex worker on the other hand merely provides sexual services. Just my opinion, and two cents worth RG
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