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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Forgot to add, but that is a double edged sword. The question, would she be my friend without the compensation also conversely applies, would he be my friend without the sex. Just thought of it RG
  2. Don't know if a kink, and certainly not an exhaustive list, but these pop out in my head first, when both you and a lady slowly undress one another. And when you are lying in bed with a lady, kissing, and holding one another. But most important, any of those crazy little kinks, well they are only good if the lady you are with, well you have a connection/chemistry and click with her...well at least for me. If not, what's the point RG
  3. Well as a frequent user of hotels a question. Why do hotel rooms with two queen size beds have either only 1 armchair, or none at all, but a room with 1 king size bed have a couch and armchair, or at least two armchairs (at least in my experience) If a room has two queen size beds, it is plausible that there could be up to four people in the room A room with one king size bed, plausible only one person, usually two in the room So why more seating in a room that likely will have less people in it hmmmm..... RG
  4. Me, living in smalltown Ontario, I need to travel to see ladies. With other commitments in my life, I need to plan ahead. I've been known to plan encounters as far as 7+ months ahead. As for recommendations, look in the recommendation section on CERB of the city you plan to have the encounter in, there should be recommendations of ladies that would interest you. One more thing, if you find a lady that interests you, send her a respectful email to set up an encounter. And if she has any verification requirements, comply with them. RG
  5. Well no real insights since I don't smoke and never have. But, and maybe this makes sense to the smokers out there, don't know. But often, according to a smoker who quit, he said the hardest part for him was his smoking was linked to certain activities/habits/behaviours. For example, when he got up in the morning, had to have a cigarette Had to smoke whenever he had a coffee Had to smoke whenever he read the newspaper Had to smoke after every meal and so on So for him other activities/habits/behaviours impacted on his smoking And a general observation, or is it just me, but "cures" like Champix, well they seem worse than the disease itself. We want to cure you of smoking because it's bad for your health, but you might think of committing suicide (yes said sarcastically) Anyhow, a rambling RG
  6. Actually a very good point. In my case, since I have to travel, all encounters, even those with ladies I consider friends, are paid encounters. A phone call to get together for a quick cup of coffee not possible. But it doesn't lessen IMHO the friendship. And I do accept the uniqueness of this lifestyle. But, for lack of a better word, the dynamics of an encounter with a lady who is an escort versus a lady who is a friend who is an escort is very much different. Don't know if that is an answer RG
  7. Free time...good lord. Well ladies that I see know with me when the SP/Client relationship is evolving, and we become regulars, and or friends, well the donation stays the same. But, well lets say I give gifts and tips, but with regulars/friends they are well, bigger. Never, at least for me, would I take food off a lady's table, make it hard for her to pay the rent, car payment, bills etc by trying to get free time. Anyone calling himself friend and does that, well he's really not much of a friend IMHO, more the prospective client who tries to negotiate down a lady's rate. Friendship should be it's own reward, it's own benefit...there shouldn't be ulterior motives to it (like free time) If you want to be a friend with a lady and she wants to be friends with you, because you like one another, accept it on those terms, with no special expectations in an encounter. Yes, the encounters you have with a friend are much more enjoyable, because, for lack of a better term, the SP/Client relationship is gone, and you are getting to see a friend again, someone you feel safe opening up with and she feels safe opening up with you...if that makes sense. And finally the confusion lies here for some I think. Encounters are social/intimate affairs. Friendship with a lady who is a professional companion involves a social (with a history of paid sexual intimacy) aspect, but it is intimate in the very broadest sense of the word. Again, as long as you can keep your head about you, yes, you can be IMHO friends with a lady who is a escort RG
  8. Just recently took the truck in for it's oil change, and they checked coolant etc for winter Well the real sign winter is around the corner. Just got winter windshield washer fluid, and picked up a six pack of gas line anti freeze. Yup, it pays being prepared, but it sucks winter is around the corner RG
  9. We all know about rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, ear studs etc Nothing to raise an eyebrow But anklets, some women wear them. Question, are they a piece of jewelry that has sexual undertones to wearing them, or just another piece of jewelry BTW I know when studs/earrings are worn on nipples/tongue/naval it can definitely have sexual undertones to it, but then again, in many cases, well in the case of the nipple and in some cases naval, once you see it, sex is about to take place anyway. But ladies can wear dresses/skirts every day and expose their ankle Just a question, a couple friends and I talked about the other day RG
  10. Just a couple comments. First the comments about boundaries. Couldn't agree more. But in all our relationships, with family, civilian friends (for lack of a better term), business relationships, SP/Client relationships etc there are boundaries. Second, you may have a business relationship with someone who is also a friend. For example, your mechanic may be a friend, but if he fixes your truck, you still pay him, he isn't any less a friend is he Third, we, well I'm not talking about a SP/Client relationship evolving into romance. I'm talking about friends. Yes because of this lifestyle you are intimate with one another and even see each other naked, but you can still be friends, respect one another, trust each other, feel safe enough to discuss matters that friends would talk about (share aspects of each others lives) and so on. Could give examples of this but that would betray a trust and friendship Anyhow, a couple quick ramblings RG
  11. Nope, never give up sex...all joking aside you not just want, you need human companionship. And this is based on three dry lonely years without, was on a first name basis with my hands LOL RG
  12. Occurred to me, and I'm just asking here, and it may be something to consider in your decision. Did you offer/volunteer to the lady, or did the lady ask you. And if in the later case, well in both cases, well is she aware of your financial resources. Maybe there is an ulterior motive here, if she knows about your financial resources. Not be skeptical, oh hell, yes a bit, but if you worked where I worked, skepticism and suspicion is part of the job description Just a question and maybe something to keep in the back of your head Again, good luck whatever you decide RG
  13. Just so you know BRM I'm not considering your morals inferior to mine, far from it, more a case of if faced with the same moral/ethical dilemma I would chose an option different than yours. But there can be many different "correct" if you will, answers to moral/ethical dilemmas...there isn't always just one right answer. My answer is different than yours, but we can both be right in our answers...who knows. Nor do I think what you are considering abhorrent, not at all. And I do consider you based on our interactions on CERB a good person, with high moral standards and character. I was tossing out another viewpoint. And truly, I wish you the best in the decision. RG
  14. Well me, and I'm speaking only for me, I couldn't do that. Now maybe the birds and bees talk dad gave me as a young 'un is a factor. He said if you sleep with a woman and get her pregnant, you have to marry her. Basically for me, even if the woman wanted such an arrangement, I couldn't be a absentee, or semi absentee father. I would want to be part of my child's life (beyond periodic visits) and definitely more than just a provider of support payments. That said, Phaedrus's point about checking with your wife is important. You've said she doesn't mind you seeing SP's but you also don't let her know. But how is she going to react to you being the father of a child not hers. There are considerations beyond just the woman's and yours. This arrangement is predetermining that a child is going to be born into a single parent home, without, for all intent purposes, a father. Nothing wrong with single parent homes, so don't get me wrong. But if a child can have two parents, and maybe this is coming from the era I grew up in, wouldn't that be better. It sounds, from what you have told us that this woman has decided that the child will be fatherless And, another consideration. What if, after the child is born, the mother, (btw playing worse case scenario here) dies (accidents happen everyday) Are you fully prepared to then step up to the plate and raise the child. And one I'm somewhat familiar with, without going into details. But what if the child is born with a disability (disabilities) A very loving father and mother, with good income, came close to bankruptcy with the cost of raising this child. OHIP doesn't cover everything, nuff said there. I also strongly urge you, like others did, to consult a lawyer, and most definitely your wife. Finally, not passing any judgements, more observations, questions and playing devil's advocate if you will Whatever you decide BRM, good luck RG
  15. Well not nerve wracking (for me), but nervous, excited, butterflies in my stomach, weak in the knees LOL (to me nerve wracking implies what is termed fight/flight syndrome, having nausea etc...that hasn't happened to me) I get excited, but never think of cancelling (flight) an encounter because of it. But if a lady can't get me feeling that way, well for me, there isn't any point in meeting her. RG
  16. In my experience no. And I've been to more than a few major chains. Hotels are in the business of providing rooms to people. They'd be out of business very soon if questioning every single potential patron. The most I've got is are you here for business or pleasure. Your there to get a room. That is the business they are in. But if concerned, have a made up story. House being painted, seeing family/friends in the city...well use your imagination. Definitely don't say you are there to see an escort LOL But a hotel asking you why you are there, well that would be like a restaurant asking you why you want to eat. Just don't act suspicious, remember, you have a right to be there, and outcalls (seeing an escort in your room) is legal RG
  17. Hoping everyone is having a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your dinner, and be thankful for all the positive things we have RG
  18. First, not disagreeing here, more a case of observations from my life. My "civilian" friends I have known in most cases 20-25 years. I have only been active in this lifestyle for a little over two years. But those ladies who are friends, well they know my real name (but most ladies I see require verification, so they would know that anyway LOL) Hobbies, ask anyone on CERB my hobby. Some ladies, very few, but some know exactly what I do and where I work, something I wouldn't tell even if required for verification. But I tell a lady I know and trust. But when it comes to telling my stories, well that is compartmentalized. There are things I've told family, things told to civilian friends, things told to lady friend, and in some case all three are equally privy, in other cases some stories are compartmentalized, only family, or civilian friends, or only lady friends know. And of course, things only I know, and keep private A rambling RG
  19. Just clarifying here. The term friends with benefits I did add a LOL...my tongue was in cheek writing that. But no, I didn't mean to imply a non commercial relationship, trying to financially benefit from being friends with a lady, well that makes you not much of a friend imho. Doing that is taking money from her, money she needs to pay the rent, car payments, food on the table, raise kids (if she has any) etc etc etc. Friends don't take money out of a friend's pocket so to speak And yes, friendship doesn't have to end with retirement. But I have heard of cases where a lady retires, and wishes to leave her past (escorting) life in the past, including anyone she met in that life. As of yet I haven't experienced a lady who is a friend who is retiring. My statement,which included the phrase "in most cases", was assuming things, I will admit RG
  20. Morning Cristy Go to your recommendations on CERB. Once there, go to the browser window which has the link (likely starts off http://www.cerb.ca.............) Highlight the complete link. Right click on it once highlighted. Click on copy. Then go to the post/message you are writing, right click and paste the link. Voila Hope that does it :-) RG
  21. A thread about getting turned on by a client got me to thinking, and I thought I'd post for discussion. Can you be friends with a SP/Client. Can a client be friends with a SP, and can she be friends with a client. And no, I'm not talking about being in love, I'm talking about being friends. I've had encounters with a couple of ladies where seeing the lady is more like seeing a friend (yes, friends with benefits LOL) again than seeing a professional companion. (btw something I never expected when I embarked on this lifestyle) Likewise, I was made to feel like her friend, not like a client. Nothing changed donation wise, nor would I expect it to. In fact as a client I would never shortchange a SP, as a friend I would also consider it a betrayl of a friendship to try to financially gain (i.e negotiate down a lady's rate, distasteful and offensive imho) from that friendship. I also expect within this lifestyle, that the friendship likely has a lifespan unfortunately, but a reality. If a lady retires and moves on, for example well the friendship will end since we won't see one another (in most cases) but there will be fond memories. The friendship is that for example, you both feel comfortable enough with one another, chemistry if you will, that you can talk about anything (even problems), well almost anything. For those who think a friendship in this lifestyle is artificial, unlike those friends in civilian life consider this. My friends in civilian life, for that matter family too, are real and very important. But they don't know about this aspect of my life, which is very real and important to me, as are the ladies I meet. So yes while the ladies I meet in this lifestyle aren't part of my civilian life, likewise, my family and friends aren't part of this side of my life. My point, friends in either side of my life, civilian or this life, compartmentalized as it is LOL, are still my friends. And due to the nature of this lifestyle compared to civilian life LOL, the friendship exists differently. Such as seeing one another in paid encounters and conversations through pm's and or emails. But does that make it any less a friendship Anyhow, thrown out for discussion RG
  22. Funny thing, me, I was always a monogamous guy in my relationships. Just the dating/relationship thing didn't work out for me, which is why I finally gave up, and started in this lifestyle seeing ladies. And one aspect of this lifestyle I like is the poly amorous nature of it. Seeing other ladies is expected, and I have met many wonderful ladies. That's one reason ladies, well some ladies provide references, they know we will see other ladies, and they want encounters safe and enjoyable. And I know the ladies are meeting other gentlemen. That's one of the reasons we (well I, shouldn't speak for everyoneLOL) write recommendations, so gentlemen out there know of wonderful ladies to meet. As for monogamy, well now, after a couple years seeing escorts and exposed to a poly amorous lifestyle I don't think I could go back to conventional relationships and dating, and be monogamous. This lifestyle has corrupted me LOL...and oh, what fun corruption it has been :-) RG
  23. Every encounter I have had, I'm nervous, excited, weak in the knees LOL, the pre date jitters if you will, well you get the idea. Right up to watching the clock and waiting for the knock on the door. Don't know if I'd say nerve racking though, if it was that I'd probably never go through with an encounter. Whether it's with a lady I've never met or a lady I've seen before. And really, for me at least, if not nervous, excited and weak in the knees, well isn't that all part of the experience and fun of meeting ladies, whether a lady you've never met before, or seeing one who is a regular and friend I'm comfortable now in that I have a routine if you will in preparing for a date. Get the wine chilled, text the lady with the room number etc etc etc. But the pre-date jitters, still get them Don't know if that is an answer but that is what I got RG
  24. I like Mighty Finn because he not only posts jokes, he can take a joke too RG
  25. Just to add to what Cristy said, yes you may have a budget, I do, we all do. My budget, well I can afford to have one encounter per month on disposable income. On occasion I may see a lady who I'd like to see for a longer period of time. Or maybe schedule a sleepover with her. Or, well an encounter that costs a higher amount than most encounters, for whatever reason. In those special cases I will save money for a period of time to afford those encounters. In my case, I'll just forgo my monthly encounters, save the money I would have spent on an encounter that month, till I have enough to pay for a encounter costing a little more than average cost Whew, hope that makes sense RG
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