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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. My experience, stick to CERB and Escorts Canada. CERB has recommendations on ladies you might like to see I've strayed off the reserve LOL so to speak, using other sites (CL etc) a couple times and each and every time those encounters terrible...I now stick exclusively with the ladies from CERB. My advice from my experience, use CERB and Escorts Canada, avoid BP and other sites. And utilize the recommendations area on CERB when thinking of seeing a certain lady My two cents RG
  2. I know I'm not from Winnipeg :-) but likely you'll find hotels by the airport would have day rates. Quite often travellers don't need a hotel for a complete day, but would like a room for a few hours to rest in between flights RG
  3. First, I truly believe the intent of the thread was positive. But here lies the difference. When you post a recommendation, you are posting why an encounter you had with a certain lady was enjoyable. It is so to speak, a snapshot in time, when you were with a specific lady. A recommendation doesn't compare one lady against all others. It is just about the encounter you had with a specific lady. In the case when you answer a question, "can you recommend a____" (fill in the blank) you can answer based on your experience. For instance, if the question was can you recommend a spinner, you can answer by providing names of all spinners you have seen and had good encounters with. Also, quite often, when those questions are asked, the poster will say you can PM me. But asking who the very best lady is you saw. Well if one lady is the best, by inference it can be taken to mean by the other ladies they were worse. Even though their names not mentioned, those ladies will feel offended by not being named in this list. I'm not a ladies man, no Romeo, not great with lines. But this much I do know about women. What lady doesn't like to be complimented and flattered. And how uncomplimentary and unflatteirng it must be to not be included on a client's "who's the best" list. Even if not public, the ladies not listed may be offended and hurt. Like I said, I truly believe the thread was started with the best of intentions but would imho cause hurt for many unnamed ladies My take on the subject RG
  4. If a real concern, just play one hundred percent safe in your encounters...only cbj, daty using a dental dam, definitely cfs, and no kissing...if you have real concerns. You never know, or will know, for fact, another person's sexual history. Even a lady offering one hundred percent safe encounters, first remember, all safe sex practices are only risk reduction, not risk elimination. Second, a SP may offer only safe sex encounters, but she may have a private life (husband/bf) and not as restrictive in her relationship. Third, she could lie about her sexual history, just as a guy could lie about his. Finally, all intimate sexual relations carry, irrespective of how safe you are, carry an element of risk...the only absolute safe sex, and not being glib, is masturbation A rambling RG
  5. I am thankful for the family and friends in my life Especially my nephew who was given six months to live...that was eight years ago and he is a happy boy today I am thankful for having good health I am thankful to those ladies I have met in this lifestyle, who have enriched my life, more than they can ever know Happy Thanksgiving Everyone RG
  6. Something else, expecting exclusivity from a gentleman in what is by nature a poly amorous lifestyle is somewhat, well, creepy. Especially when I don't think that lady would recipricate and be exclusive to the gentleman Monogomy is reserved for relationships, not for this lifestyle Expecting one way monogomy is nothing short of selfish This lifestyle is by nature poly amorous, on both sides. And ladies should be happy if gentlemen find other companions who make them happy. Likewise gentlemen should be happy if the ladies they see also see other gentlemen who are good clients for the ladies RG
  7. One thing our family has gotten away from is spending tons of money on gifts. We now agree, fifty dollar maximum from each person to each family member. Well except for my nephew, little kids deserve to be spoiled at Christmas But it got to be such financial pressure on all of us, paying off the Visa bill through to March. Now Christmas is much more focused on family, not on the material things in life, and family is much more important RG
  8. Didn't hurt my feelings, not even close. If you think that, you missed the point completely, in fact judging how this thread is going, you have missed the point. But there may be more than a few ladies who could have hurt feelings, or be offended if not included in your public list of favourite ladies. I guess respect for the feelings of others, either you have it or you don't. RG
  9. Outcalls are legal. Find a nice hotel and have the lady meet you there What kind of trouble, well no police problems, your not breaking the law. The only trouble I could foresee is if you are married and your wife finds out. Be discrete at the hotel. Just check into the hotel normally, don't announce to the hotel desk staff why you are there LOL, don't give any staff a reason to suspect you are seeing a escort. That said, remember hotels are in the business of booking rooms, that's where they get their money...you are one in hundreds of customers a day, normal for hotel staff to see. Go with the outcall, and enjoy your encounter RG
  10. First you posted on a Canada wide public board, even though a Manitoba forum, is open to replies from all CERBite's. Meg made the comment, about free speech Second, you weren't bashed. I merely suggested in my reply something that may not have even been considered when you posted your thread. And I don't think it's inappropriate for a gentleman who reads something that may be considered offensive to ladies to make a comment. Being a gentleman for me doesn't stop at the Ontario/Manitoba border. RG
  11. Well I am someone curious of this because I am going to have a menage a trois with two very special ladies. Both ladies I know, having had repeat encounters with them, and those encounters were special and memorable. This will be my first menage, and with those two ladies I can only imagine a menage being special and memorable, seeing as we all know one another already. I have made sure to allow enough time for this encounter to include for both social and playtime. I am looking forward to this very special encounter, with these two very special ladies. So I don't have an answer for you, but will have some feedback next month RG
  12. Although a gift card, get gift cards for restaurants. Even people who have everything still need to eat and people like going out for dinner RG
  13. I fortunately haven't encountered this. I have found that most ladies have a mutual respect for one another. Some ladies who have provided me with a reference tell me that I would like the lady I want to see. They have also suggested ladies who I might be interested in meeting Professional companions want their clients to be happy and enjoy this lifestyle, in much the same way as gentlemen provide recommendations for ladies, so ladies can see other men and gain new clients. They don't see other ladies as a threat. They see them as their peers. RG
  14. Although not from Winnipeg I would never publicly announce on this board or any board who my favourite lady (ladies) are. While it might be flattering to the lady mentioned as a favourite, other ladies could and would be offended by not being mentioned. My encounters with ladies, many good encounters, are all memorable. And thank you again to all those ladies who have provided me with those pleasurable and memorable encounters. But any favourites (if I have a favourite ;-)) is for me to know, not for public disclosure Put the shoe on the other foot, how would the gentlemen like it if there was a thread started by the ladies about who their one favourite client is. If you aren't mentioned as a lady's favourite you might take it personally This gentleman's humble opinion RG
  15. The ladies I have met are truly special and beautiful, inside and out, and yes, the intimacy and companionship they provide is, at least for me, worth far more than the donation they ask for. But I still keep my head about me, to save me in part from a broken heart (although I'm past the stage and age of looking for a relationship), and causing them undue grief and pressure. I know I'm middle aged, bald, glasses and a bit of a belly. Beautiful women, some model material, well they aren't looking for a relationship with someone like me. But they do provide the gift of their time and intimacy, which is special enough. But in part, while they might like you, don't mistake that for genuine feelings for you. Enjoy your encounters for what they are, don't read more into those encounters than they are paid dates RG
  16. Those who approach this lifestyle with an us versus them attitude. In other words it is hobbyiest versus SP...some boards seem to thrive on this attitude. We are all, IMHO opposite sides of the same coin, in a mutually beneficial lifestyle (or should be), and that's how I approach this lifestyle. The gentlemen wouldn't be here without the ladies, and the ladies wouldn't be here without the gentlemen...see mutually beneficial RG
  17. The most that happened to me is I fall in like with a lady. Keep your head on about you. Yes, there are ladies I like, a few I consider, within the confines of this lifestyle, friends, but none I'm in love with. Why. They are paid companions. And at it's very core, the relationship between you and a lady is a business relationship, albeit a very intimate business relationship. As such, you are a client, not a potential boyfriend for the lady. Don't confuse that intimacy with love. The lady won't recipricate, and you'll end up hurt. Not to mention it's unfair to put that sort of pressure on a lady This lifestyle is about uncomplicated, mutually beneficial enjoyment. My two cents RG
  18. Something to keep in mind. This is, or should be, mutually beneficial lifestyle. Mutually beneficial in that for the ladies, the encounters provide income for them...being companions is their livelihood. And for the gentlemen, encounters provide the pleasure and intimacy of female companionship without the complications of a relationship. And for both the lady and gentleman, hopefully the encounter is pleasant for both of them. This lifestyle shouldn't be a zero sum game, that what the gentleman gets comes at a lady's expense. If both the lady and gentleman have a positive pleasant encounter, well isn't that a good thing, and if there are more happy people in the world, would this be a better place (I know, sounds sacchrine and sickingly sweet LOL) RG :-)
  19. Well back when I was a kid my dad was posted in W. Germany for three years, so got to see Europe. Then I was posted to West Germany with the Canadian Forces, saw West Germany (most from the back of an armoured personal carrier LOL). Point is, really going overseas, if an opportunity arose, sure I'd go, but it's not a goal But we have this beautiful country called Canada, of which I've only seen a little bit of. I'd love to go to Newfoundland (I've seen NS, NB, PEI), BC, up north to the Yukon...those are just a few areas of Canada I'd like to see Something I plan to do when I retire RG
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