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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Interesting article. It's not a surprise that parenting and sex work is confusing to discuss with children. I know in the era I grew up in, just the talk about the birds and bees was enough to give my parents a coronary LOL My talk on the facts of life was this. Dad sat me down, said son, it doesn't matter which girl you sleep with, but if you get her pregnant, you have to marry her. End of lesson. Don't know if it's the same now. I certainly don't believe a sex worker is, by virtue of her job, a bad parent. I'm sure there are some executives who are bad parents. The job doesn't make a parent bad, in fact some ladies entering this profession because they have few options, and are doing so to support their children, that says to me they love their children. Finally, if an article on parenting and sex work, why not an article on gentlemen who are parents and see sex workers. Why not the same light shining on us. Yes I don't have a child myself, but a young nephew and I'm part of his life. But my family doesn't know about my involvement in this lifestyle. A rambling RG
  2. Still a newbie and dummy in the world of smartphones I have a Samsung Galaxy Note (android) Are there, or should you put an anti virus program on it, and if so, is there an app for it If so, any preferred anti virus app Thanks RG
  3. Wow!!! Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone for their posts and sentiments. Really it is appreciated Seems just like yesterday I took the first step and embarked on this wonderful, and mutually respectful lifestyle. When I made that decision, little did I know what a positive impact this lifestyle would have on my life, nor how I would look forward to reading (and the odd posting ;-) ) on CERB almost daily I am happy this community exists, and provides an escape, and that I am a part of it. A hats off to Mod and Town Council for keeping this community the positive and safe place it is. Certainly can't be easy and it must be thankless, so to Mod and Town Council, a thank you Finally, I am happy for all the virtual friends I have made through CERB, and the live friends I have made through encounters where my first contact was through CERB. You have all enriched my life Again, a heartfelt thank you RG
  4. Well I'll throw my two cents worth in here. First, and this is just me, but I don't view this as a hobby or hobbying. I know it's an accepted term, so not a bash at anyone, but for me, how can human intimate interpersonal relations be viewed as a hobby. Collecting stamps is a hobby. This to me is a lifestyle. I participate in this lifestyle for one reason. After a real bad breakup back in 2007 (involved me being stalked of all things) I gave up on dating and relationships. But you need (not want, you need) human intimate companionship. After much thinking I knew I didn't want to go back to dating, but I thought I would try and see escorts, see if that filled a void. This lifestyle allows for the intimacy I desire without the strings attached of a conventional relationship. And I enjoy the intimate companionship the ladies provide, intimacy in the broadest sense of the word. Not just in the bedroom, but socially too. And surprisingly, something I didn't expect when I embarked on this lifestyle, but I have met a few ladies (within the confines of this lifestyle) that I would consider friends. And yes, I do like the reaction of pleasure from the ladies. Am I naive, no, I'm sure in some cases it's faked, but not in all cases. But even if faked, the ladies, (and yes they are first and foremost professional companions) do it because they want me to be happy with the encounter Don't know if that answers your question A rambling RG
  5. I would only add one thing to what BRM said, and I'm no expert. But any emails between you and a SP should be deleted if you take the computer into a shop or have someone look at it. Not that I'm a prude, and definitely the ladies aren't prudes, but those are private communications between a lady and her client, there may be phone numbers given out which aren't public etc. Basically it boils down to discretion. She entrusted you with the information contained in the emails, up to you to keep that trust. You wouldn't like it if emails you send a lady were seen by third parties. A morning rambling RG
  6. Just like the movie and actor abc threads, except here pick a tv show, past or present, including mini series and pilots that never took off. Mainstream movies that finally made their way to tv are not included nor are award shows (ie the Grammies) To start off with Adam 12 RG
  7. Moriarty, Michael (starred as ADA Ben Stone in original Law & Order, and was in Pale Rider) RG
  8. Well seems like "J" was skipped for "J" Jones, Tommy Lee and for "L" Lithgow, John RG
  9. And I think MightyFinn is on very safe grounds when he refers to the comments on pimping (that is what he was referring to) do not reflect the majority thoughts of the members of CERB. Anyone who in any way shape or form thinks pimping and being a pimp is ok, they are an aberration, not just of the CERB community but society as a whole. RG
  10. D'Onofrio, Vincent Starred as Detective Goren, Law and Order CI, also Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket RG
  11. Zimbalist Jr, Efrem Many of you are too young (OMG that means I'm old), but he starred on a tv show The FBI (mid 60's to mid 70's) RG
  12. No not what you think. My cat has been acting willful the past few days, jumping up on counters, shelves, getting into the garbage and so on. Well yesterday he decided to take a full tilt run from the spare room down the hallway. Only thing, I was walking down the hallway. He ran full tilt, right under my feet, tripping me. I went down, twisted one foot (it's swollen). I can barely walk, easier to crawl. Fortunately enough food in the apartment, and hopefully by staying off it a few days it'll make healing faster. So you could say I'm a victim of animal cruelty RG
  13. Nighthawks Sylvester Stallone, Rutger Hauer, Lindsay Wagner RG
  14. I think it's good that even after you two have broken up, you are still concerned about her safety But she needs, as others have said, to join CERB and/or join an agency to learn the profession. And that she is doing this, especially since you have been seeing SP's for four years, shouldn't break your heart. There is nothing wrong with this profession, and lifestyle. The only concern is that she is doing it properly, meaning legally and safely. RG
  15. Don't know much about this but a quick search and I found this Don't know if this helps or not http://www.gottabemobile.com/2011/07/16/voip-apps-for-iphone-ipod-touch-the-only-2-that-matter/ RG
  16. Oh I don't think, nor does anyone think that each and every encounter will a lady be turned on. But I'm sure there are occasions where both the lady and gentleman enjoy ;-) each other's company, and there is nothing wrong with that :-) Us guys, well most of us, aren't delusional, we know the ladies are professional companions, but that doesn't mean that the ladies don't on occasion enjoy the man's company too RG
  17. You made it this community's business by making your post public. I only read one insulting post, it wasn't Jabba's. Judging from the responses, everyone seems to be on Jabba's and BRM's side We aren't going to move along from our CERB community, maybe you are the one who should learn to fit in RG
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