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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Unforgiven Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman RG
  2. Q&A Nick Nolte, Timothy Hutton RG
  3. Nowhere To Run John Claude Van Damme Rosanna Arquette RG
  4. Usually my cause of hiccups is when I'm eating and the food hasn't gone all the way down the pipe so to speak Solution, a big glass of water, chug it down, and whatever food is lodged gets dislodged and the hiccups from the lodged food goes away too RG
  5. Jaws Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfus classic line "I think we need a bigger boat" Remember when it came out in theatres, great movie RG
  6. (The) Hunt For Red October RG
  7. So sorry to hear about your step father. Family is definitely most important. You have to do what is right for you. Wishing you all the best in your future, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. RG
  8. Casablanca Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman RG
  9. Poor forgotten "W" LOL West Side Story X has been done And for "Y" You've Got Mail...one of those chick flicks I sat through :-( with my, well now ex gf, oh thank god I'm single because I can watch this "Y" movie unimpeded You Only Live Twice James Bond RG
  10. Don't worry BRM about the trap...best course the government ever sent me on was a three day retirement course in Kingston...well one reason it was the best course is because I had an encounter (actually a skydiving lesson) with Emily Rushton one evening while on the course (oh and Emily gives excellent skydiving lessons), no one in the class understood why I had a big smile on my face, oh, I digress. Anyhow back to reality about the 2%. I certainly am not locked into the trap of 2% of your pension. I learned in real terms your monthly pension income doesn't change too much. I was aiming for 32 years (64% pension) There isn't much difference between that and a full pension 35 years (70% pension, which btw is the max you can get) I was only looking at 32 years because that gives me the indexing as well. But a couple of guys last night, a friend and a former boss, both retired said the indexing is negligible so I was looking at 5 years, I may be gone in 3...don't know yet. But I can't go now, and unfortunately I do hate my job. RG
  11. I envy you ladies sometimes. I absolutely hate my government job (and yes, contrary to stereotype, I do earn my pay). Twenty eight years in a government department in which I deal with, using a politically correct term LOL (if you knew who they are you'd laugh at my choice of term too) clients...very anti social clients. And my employer facilitates a negative work environment. Let's not forget my union, I've lost count of the stab wounds in my back received from my union...hell I trust management more than them. I would love to have some other job but it's kinda too late and too close to retirement now But my real point in this post isn't to cry over my job situation, no. Ladies, all of you, I appreciate the profession you are in and the work you do. You don't make encounters seem like work, you make them seem like a date, social time, pleasure, fun, and an escape for both you and me. It's that encounter you provide that helps makes my life good. And for all you do, don't ever think it goes unappreciated...it is appreciated more than you know, and has a value beyond the cost of the donation. So a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the professional companions out there RG
  12. Never Say Never Again Sean Connery as James Bond...really just a poor remake of Thunderball RG
  13. Met up with my friend who's been away hunting for awhile. Went to Timmies, caught up on things. Then we ran into our former boss (good guy) gave me some very sound expert advice on dealing with a work situation. And my friend and I are going fishing on Thursday :-) RG
  14. (The) Game Michael Douglas, Sean Penn and if my brother did to me what Sean Penn (brother) did to Michael Douglas, I'd be an orphan right now because I'd kill my brother LOL RG
  15. Deliverance after watching it certainly makes you think twice about going into hillbilly country RG
  16. Getting nervous prior to an encounter, hell that's not premonition, for me that's normal and all part of the enjoyment and excitement of an encounter. Gut feeling on the other hand, should always go by it. One time recently I had it, just that vibe that I shouldn't go through with an encounter. Nothing I could put a finger on, just a feeling. Sure enough, bad encounter...should have gone with my gut And especially with ladies, it could be your safety, so yes, if you get a bad vibe, listen to your gut Trust your gut, probably your best warning system RG
  17. Kickboxer John Claude Van Damme RG
  18. Internal Affairs (1990) Andy Garcia, Richard Gere, Nancy Travis RG
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