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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Clearly we are not all 100% honest. I mean, me as a single guy still has family obligations (elderly mother) so I find myself being voluntold LOL to visit, not just to visit, but some things we take for granted (changing lightbulbs in ceiling lights for example) she can't do without major risk to herself of falling down. Point is, I plan my encounters way ahead of time, that way I know I have a free weekend to see a lady. But I don't tell family members where I'm going, I make up a story, usually I'm fishing that weekend, or seeing friends. Am I dishonest I go to work Monday morning, after a weekend encounter. Co-workers ask what did you do on the weekend...you know, usual Monday morning conversation. Should I be completely honest, and say where I was, and who I saw, or be discrete. Likewise, should ladies be completely honest, and say who they saw, or likewise be discrete. When it comes to matters of money/honesty I'm honest. I've been given too much change, but I count it and return the extra. I once was in a assignment at work, paid more, but circumstances cancelled the assignment early. My boss for that assignment was going to keep me on the books for the full duration of the assignment, just so I'd get higher pay for 6 more months. But I declined, saying I was back in my substantive job, and not earning the higher pay. Basically at the end of the day, you can't change the world. All you can do is be the best person you can be. Just be the best you can be and accept that there are others that are dishonest. But for those who are honest, just continue to be honest, you can only change yourself, not everyone else RG
  2. (The) Silence Of The Lambs RG
  3. (The) Quick and the Dead RG
  4. Key Largo (Humphrey Bogart) RG
  5. Yup, the boat sold today :-( going to miss her Probably 2-3 years buy another boat But from the proceeds of the sale, I went to the bank, paid off my line of credit :-) Better yet, there is enough money left over that something very special will take place this November So mixed feelings yes, but over the tears now LOL and feeling pretty good all in all RG
  6. (The) Flight Of The Phoenix RG
  7. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
  8. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea RG
  9. Anyone that knows Meg knows that she is just a bundle of positivity...can't remember any negativity from her on CERB and definitely never in person Your post not negative, just a reminder that we are here for a no strings attached fun fantasy and you ladies, nay goddesses provide that fantasy for us gentlemen. I'll reiterate, good thread Meg, glad you posted it. RG
  10. Well one thing I think I'm going to go with a plan, not pay as you go anymore RG
  11. Very well said Meg. A post that gentlemen should read when they are posting or think they are in love with a lady. They are 99.9% of the time in love with the fantasy/illusion the lady brings to an encounter. Just as gentlemen, while on their best behaviour in an encounter couldn't sustain it (by that I mean everyday a gift, a tip and so on) a lady can't maintain the fantasy everyday for a man. Seeing ladies is rewarding, it is both social and sexual, you may even develop friendships (within this lifestyle) and what is done is appreciated, well at least by me (don't want to speak for anyone else) But most of all it is no strings attached, and uncomplicated, or should be Again, good post Meg RG
  12. Well I've had it with the customer service my cell phone provider gives, and I'm going to switch providers (cell phone providers that is LOL) and get a new phone. But, I'm thinking that a basic cell phone won't do me. Besides phone/texting I need to get email set up. Would I be further ahead using one of the smartphones (iPhone, Android, Blackberry) over a regular cell phone. It seems like pulling hen's teeth to get email set up on my cell phone now. Also, any feedback on which mobile services are good...and don't say Bell or Virgin, I've had/am having bad experiences with both Thanks RG
  13. Me either...but even celebrities aside, I find I see many more beautiful women (beautiful inside and out) in this lifestyle. If celebrityhood comes because of looks, then luck plays a big part in becoming a celebrity...there are many ladies here who could easily be on the cover of Victoria's Secret catalogue, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, Playboy etc etc etc, not to mention the ladies here are as beautiful as many actresses on the big screen, they just haven't been discovered by Hollywood...but that's our gain RG
  14. And how could I forget my "sweetheart" in my teenage years Cheryl Tiegs I was so focused on celebrities in the present that I forgot about those in my past RG
  15. Look at the Toronto section of CERB to get you started RG http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=94
  16. Focus on it...why such a focus on it in this lifestyle compared to dating, one night stands (proverbial bar pick up), extra marital affairs etc Maybe you didn't realize this, but seeing escorts doesn't cause STD/STI Sex, whether with an escort/client, a one night stand, extra marital affair, dating etc, it is the sex that puts one at risk for STD/STI's And in my experience escorts have been and are more practicing of safe sex practices than women in my civilian dating world. And finally, your sexual health (testing) is your responsibility, yours alone But your question feeds into stereotypes. I'm sure you never broached this subject while dating, having one night stands (if you had any), extra maritial affairs (if you had any) And how do you know how many partners these women had, and frankly, how do they know how many partners you had RG
  17. Do people go asking how prevailant STD/STI's are in the conventional dating world? Or for married couples where one partner may be involved in an affair. Or for those who go to a bar for a one night stand Seeing escorts (sex for money) is not the cause of STD/STI's...sex, with no matter whom you see, puts a person at risk for STD/STI's Sorry, but there seems to be, even on this board, some who are focused on this lifestyle as a cause of STD/STI when all it is is sex for money. But people can have sex with multiple partners by dating, having affairs, one night stands etc...why not the same focus on them And why just focus on if the ladies in this community having STD/STI's, guess what, it takes two to tango...why not the same focus on the gentlemen in this community RG
  18. Geez after Meg's post I forgot there is just something about Ann Margaret RG
  19. Well I'll re-iterate what I originally said. If you keep your emotional head on straight, you won't run into any problems This is paid companionship, not a conventional date, and we are on CERB, not eHarmony. Let your head do your thinking, not your heart. If having sex is making you believe you are in love, at it's very core, the money is in exchange for sex...I say that so guys don't confuse paid sex with love. Yes the ladies are very good at interpersonal relations between themselves and men...making a man feel like a king Yes, you may even develop friendships, after repeat encounters...just keep in mind the friendship is within the confines of this lifestyle. And you both may feel comfortable enough opening up with one another in an encounter, talking about subjects that may be personal and private. If there are true feelings, she'll let you know But don't put a relationship spin on your encounters. The ladies do a very good and difficult job at providing a escape for us gentlemen. Don't make their job more difficult by turning it into a guy looking for love RG
  20. Fisherman in me thought it was Bass Pro Shops...it's referred to as BPS for short :-) RG
  21. I was agreeing with you, you used the term bragadocious in your post. I'm just commenting that those who do get ladies' real name, if they do brag, are bragging likely to board handles which are anonymous...I mean how many of us tell our "civilian" friends about our paticipation in this lifestyle. I certainly in the few cases where a lady has given me her name kept it between the lady and myself. In fact most aspects of an encounter stay between a lady and myself, behind closed doors, except those in a recommendation which the lady gets to see first, and give her yay or nay to me posting. I would have gone with a full post and explaination but I was in agreement with your post and comment line too short and gave you rep points as well. And I certainly wasn't implying you brag, if I thought you, by your post did brag, I certainly wouldn't have given rep points out. RG
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