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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well 42092 sounds like you are on the right path with a special lady. For what it's worth, just from her profile, if I were in Charlottetown I would give Aubrey a call for an encounter. She sounds like a wonderful lady. And for you, she is the one who would be great to take your virginity. Treat her special, because irrespective of the donation, she is the one lady sharing and participating in a very special moment in your life, one that happens only once and you will always remember For whatever it's worth RG
  2. Well I've said if in a relationship with an SP the issue (yes bad choice of words but best I can think of) her being an SP versus monogamy would have to be worked out. By worked out, I need to work that out I know and have learned since embarking on this lifestyle that for the ladies, being an escort is their profession, their livelihood. When an SP sees a gentleman, she is seeing him as a paid companion, not seeing him as his girlfriend. In my head I have no issues with being involved with an escort and she continue as an escort...it is her profession, her livelihood. But in my heart, would I be able to accept her continuing as an escort. I don't know. That would be what I need to work out if indeed a SP and myself fell in love. I was raised to believe in monogamy. In all my relationships I was monogamous and faithful and I don't apologize for that for one minute, nor should anyone expect someone to just throw away a lifetime of beliefs, in my case fifty one years of that belief. Just can't throw it away. But conversely (and ironically), one aspect of this lifestyle I've enjoyed and embraced is it's poly amorous nature. And I don't know if I could go back to a conventional relationship now, after enjoying, and continue to enjoy this lifestyle's poly amorous nature. So that would be something else to work out. Could both a lady and myself have a happy relationship, she continuing with being a SP, and me, could I and would I continue in this lifestyle, or give it up and be monogamous. And would she be accepting of me continuing in this lifestyle if that is what I wanted. But these questions to be worked out are for all intention, hypothetical for me. Not only the age difference between me and most of the ladies makes the issue of a relationship moot, I live in smalltown Ontario, and due to my profession, I can't relocate. Realistically, living apart long distance well could the relationship stand those strains too. Some ramblings RG
  3. Schindler's List On one hand a very good (critically speaking wise that is) movie. On the other hand, definitely not what would be considered entertaining, and no way I could watch it again RG
  4. And what most of us do is in fact legal and not a issue for LE. Not to mention the gentlemen here like, respect and appreciate the ladies we see. But pimping out a girl, it's not only illegal, it's sleazy, immoral and unethical too. And in all likelihood how do you think a pimp keeps a girl who hates sex with strangers (my guess hates sex with the "boyfriend" too said in quotes because no real b/f would force his g/f to do this...he would care and protect his g/f, not pimp her out) in line (continue to have sex with strangers)...likely hook her on drugs I hope the cops saw his post and can do something. And I hope the g/f sees all these posts and sees her "boyfriend" for the exploitive loser he is and leaves him RG
  5. Q&A (Nick Nolte, Timothy Hutton) RG
  6. Judging from a couple posts one important thing to add. If you schedule an encounter KEEP THE APPOINTMENT. Don't be a "tire kicker" That is nothing but rude and your going to develop a bad reputation in this community (yes, it's a community) if you do so. As much as this is a very intimate lifestyle, it is also at it's core, a business, and the ladies' livelihood. Ladies don't mind answering serious enquiries, but they do mind having their time wasted. You need to follow through on your enquiry by booking and keeping an encounter. If you have no intention of scheduling an encounter, don't waste the ladies' time. If it's a case of shyness/nervousness you need to overcome this (it's mind over matter). And tell the lady in your email you are shy/nervous. But still follow through with your encounter And standing ladies up, whether in this lifestyle or conventional dating, not cool at all It's all part of being a gentleman and showing common courtesy. RG
  7. I'm sure there are ladies who would accommodate your request. Contact a lady who interests you and be very respectful...in short be a gentleman. Tell her a little about yourself, provide verification information if requested, in short be up front with her. Mention in your email that you are a virgin and obviously inexperienced. But make sure from your email that she knows you are a gentleman she would be comfortable being with When you have the encounter, pace it. By that, book the encounter long enough for some social time (conversation etc) before any sexual activity takes place. And besides the donation, a tip and gift would be a nice added touch...after all, you always will remember with fondness the lady who took your virginity. The tip and gift a nice token of appreciation for the lady who did something so special for you RG
  8. O Brother Where Art Thou RG
  9. Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom RG
  10. Casino Royale (James Bond) RG
  11. U-571 (Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel) RG
  12. Speed (Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock) RG
  13. Well we men, well me, may not care exactly what you ladies use (and different ladies use/require different things). But, well speaking for me at least, I do appreciate, amongst other things, your soft smooth silky skin. And knowing there is some effort into maintaining it, that effort is appreciated RG
  14. Kill Bill Vol 1 & Kill Bill Vol 2 RG
  15. How The Grinch Stole Christmas RG
  16. Falling Down (Michael Douglas) RG
  17. I hardly think SP's would travel with someone they don't know. Personally, just having a sleepover took repeated encounters of the lady and I getting to know one another well enough to be comfortable with each other (if that is making sense) before we spent the night together. I can't see a lady (ladies) traveling with a stranger, something in some ways even more intimate than a sleepover. Aside from being comfortable with one another, there are issues of mutual trust not to mention straight out the ladies' safety has to be considered. And in the OP's post he's looking for four SP's, so all four ladies need to get along and connect with one another too. I would suggest to the OP, have some encounters with ladies, get to know one another, before you even broach the idea of traveling. To me, I do find it strange, post count one, asking for ladies you don't know, and they likely don't know not only you, but each other, to travel with you, outside of Canada. Trips should be done with people you know and like, not with strangers My two cents RG
  18. Well I preface this by saying I'm not looking for a relationship, in general. I truly like the poly amorous nature of this lifestyle and have met many wonderful ladies, who I like, respect, and appreciate the escape they have provided me. That said, under the heading never say never, if both a lady and myself clicked to the point we both had feelings for one another, feelings with a capital "F" I could get involved with a SP. My opinion, based on my experience with the SP's I've met, is that they are very special ladies, offering companionship, and are much much much more than providers of just sexual services...they do make you feel like you are with your girlfriend, a very caring girlfriend, and treat you special. I should interject here, that the ladies irrespective of this profession are deserving of a loving caring relationship as is everyone, and should two people find true love, they should follow their hearts. True love doesn't happen everyday, and if you find it, grab it. But I must add, be careful that the feelings you have you aren't confusing because of the intimate nature of this lifestyle. Some could misconstrue the intimacy of an encounter with true feelings of love Now should the subject come up (can't foresee it, due to my age and where I live LOL), I would never broach it. The lady, due to the nature of this lifestyle needs to ask the gentleman, otherwise how would she know whether it is a client asking for a encounter, or a guy asking her for a "civilian" date I would, should it happen, be unashamed of the lady I am seeing, as I am now. Only discretion, more for the lady, keeps this a private compartmentalized aspect of my life. And I (if the lady is ok with this btw) would tell people where I met her. Big stumbling block for me, I honestly don't know if I could give up this lifestyle to have a conventional monogamous relationship (yes, for me, in my relationship life, I have always been monogamous) And it would be something to work out if she continued working (not judging, not saying she has to give up her profession, but it is something that has to be, at least for me, worked out) So short answer, yes, I could, under right circumstances, get involved with a lady Long answer, don't see it happening, and it is a relationship that has issues, for lack of a better word to be worked out. Finally, and I find it amusing actually, it's not a put down on anyone, because this subject has been brought up before, but the questions about a client getting involved with a SP come up time and again. I don't think people would go to eHarmony talking about escorts, why posts on CERB about relationships with SP/Clients...definitely though, said with a smile on my face. A long winded rambling from a happy single middle aged guy who enjoys this lifestyle RG
  19. Tonight cooked a treat for myself...now I just have to clean up the kitchen :-( Spaghettini Carbonnera :-) spaghettini with bacon, parmesan, eggs, cream and butter...and no, not fattening at all LOL, but real good. Right now stuffed RG
  20. I like Angela for recognizing I'm a better fisherman than Lee RG
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