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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Ahhh!!!! LOL...a Y was missed :-) Y- You've Got Mail (god had to watch it with my g/f, thank god I'm single, don't have to watch any more chick flicks) since A is covered B-Bullitt (Steve McQueen) RG
  2. X-Rated Ambition The Traci Lords Story RG
  3. Well got the call, mom wants me up next week to go over her will. Every now and then she does that (why I don't know) I don't need a reminder she is old (82, mind you in good health), nor am I one who looks for what he can get out of a will, I much prefer loved ones to be alive I find those visits depressing RG
  4. That after a six month hiatus, Kylie Daniels got her password reset and is back on CERB with her positive fun attitude contributing to this board and community :-) RG
  5. Don't be sorry Lexy, I think we all are feeling that frustration. Knowing there is a victim/potential victim out there, and it's her victimizer posting. RG
  6. Don't know if already posted Brassirothesauriast (bruh-zeer-oh-thuh-SAW-ree-ast) - A person who collects brassieres or pictures of women wearing them. Amomaxia (AM-uh-MAX-see-uh) - Love-making in a parked car. Melolagnia (MEL-uh-LAG-nee-uh) - Amorous feelings inspired by music. Heptomacrophilia: People who want to f--ck Godzilla. Faunoiphilia (FAW-nay-FIL-ee-uh) - An abnormal desire to watch animals copulate. Snogging-(British informal) cuddle and kiss RG
  7. Well instead of eyes,...Your Eyes Only that is, how about fingers...Goldfinger that is RG
  8. (The) Outlaw Josey Wales RG
  9. Gran Torino (Clint Eastwood, real good film btw) RG
  10. Here's a few to try RG Mahatma Ghandi who said, "A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." Churchill said that you measure the degree of civilisation of a society by how it treats its weakest members. Truman said a society will be judged by how it treats its weakest members. "Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members -- the last, the least, the littlest." -Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life It is said that the worth of society can be measured by the manner in which it treats its weakest member. "The greatness of any city can be judged by the way it treats its weakest member." You can judge the character and quality of life in a community by how it treats its weakest members It is said that a civilization is measured by how it treats its weakest members - including, of course, it children.
  11. I like Katherine. Although we have yet to meet, she strikes me as a classy and sexy lady, not to mention a positive contributor to CERB RG
  12. Really, and maybe it's my spidey sense tingling here, does your g/f want to become an escort or do you want her to become an escort If she wants to become an SP, she should make the enquiries, not you Beyond that, no advice. No guy should ever be involved in getting a lady to become an escort, it's one thing a gentleman would never do My two cents RG
  13. Well I do thank that one fateful day LOL when after enough of being alone, I went to Google, typed in "escorts" or words to that effect, and found CERB. Feb 1, 2010 a door opened in my life when I joined here, and I've met many wonderful ladies through CERB not to mention met on-line on this board many good people. I don't regret this path, just in all seriousness, wish I had gone to Google a long time sooner RG
  14. Just tossing this out for discussion, that's all. If, based on the OP's post, and proceeding on the assumption that ladies are either bi-curious or bisexual if they offer duos (FFM) does that also mean that guys are bi-curious or bisexual if partaking in a duo (MMF) Another quick item tossing out for discussion, does the issue of bi-curious or bisexual enter into the picture, depending on whether the duo is interactive versus non interactive BTW just questions tossed out for discussion. I am in no way passing, not even remotely, any sort of judgement. This lifestyle and everyone's sexuality is very much personal, and not for anyone to judge. Not only that, I am hoping for my first menage once the logistics can be worked out, with two very special ladies. But that will be another story for another day :-) RG
  15. This is the life of a wife of a Alberta (or any) redneck Be glad you left Alberta Emily. All in fun, from a guy who has some friends who are Ontario rednecks RG
  16. And I would love to be able to say that I am a gentleman who partakes in this lifestyle, and I have met many wonderful ladies who have enriched my life. More so than any of the women I dated But discretion being what it is, while I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of any the ladies I have seen or will see, for now, this stays a compartmentalized and private part of my life. Maybe one day this lifestyle will gain as much acceptance as computer dating has...I remember at one time computer dating had somewhat of a stigma too RG
  17. I like the term special friends Lexy. I notice, with ladies I have repeat dates with, (I guess they could be called my special friends) that encounters with them have evolved and develop into something more intimate. And I use intimate in the broadest sense of the word. Also, a lot of ladies don't even offer a menu listing services, beyond saying they offer a gfe. Myself, I've found encounters where the date just unfolds naturally have been the most rewarding, memorable, and made for wonderful memories too. The movie Pretty Woman does a disservice to SP's imho. It feeds into a stereotype that the lady is waiting for her Mr. Right who is a client to come along and save her. And that somehow this lifestyle is how two people will meet and fall in love. How many clients watch that movie and think they can be the next Richard Gere and the SP the next Julia Roberts, and he will save her, and they will marry and live happily ever after. The reality versus the stereotype, in my experience, is that most of the ladies I've met are very professional at what they do, and I respect them for the escape, and companionship they provide without strings attached. For a lady to meet a stranger for the first time for an encounter, with a smile on her face, and let the encounter unfold naturally and intimately, not only is it a gift to have those interpersonal skills, it is, at least for me, very much appreciated that there are ladies that can provide that intimate interpersonal escape. A bit of a long winded rambling. RG
  18. Chalk it up to a learning experience. Sure you can call the cops, but it won't be their most pressing matter. And you went to an incall (illegal) not an outcall. Don't know if you could be charged going to an incall or not, but you could be opening a can of worms by calling the police. If the police get involved, going to be a lot of he said she said. Just as an example, what if an underage girl comes out when the police come and points a finger at you. What if the girl says you tried to sexually assault her. And at the end of the day, your money is likely gone anyway. It would take going to court to get a judgement to recover your losses. Not unsympathetic, but it is a learning experience. My advice, stay away from BP and such other sites, stick to the ladies on CERB. By reading their posts, and recommendations, you'll know which ladies to see. My advice for what it's worth RG
  19. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
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