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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. XXX State Of The Union RG
  2. This seems to be a somewhat common (and rude IMHO) question for the ladies by some men, with I guess, the expectation of a reduced rate, based on various threads I've read. To me, and I've said it before and I'll say it again, oral, next to hugging and kissing is the most intimate giving and unselfish of all the sexual acts. Any guy rude enough to ask the rate for a bbbj, should tell him it's extra. I know I don't ask for rates, it's on the ladies' website. But to me it is the one act I could see a lady charging extra for I kinda cringe when I hear about guys asking, like it's some sort of lesser service, so I can only imagine how annoying and hated that question is for the ladies, and how disrespectful they must find the question. From a gentleman who appreciates the time, and all the intimacy a lady provides in an encounter RG
  3. From Russia With Love (James Bond movie) RG
  4. Steppenwolf-Magic Carpet Ride http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEEzbFxEbB8 RG
  5. I like BRM for his gentlemanly and positive contributions to CERB RG
  6. Although I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you...yet Lexy, I can say as a general comment, for those ladies who are willing to provide a reference to a client, well this client at least, it really is appreciated. It allows me as a gentleman to see other wonderful ladies, and is a useful screening tool to help keep ladies safe. And it's not only the ladies that are concerned with other ladies' safety, the gentlemen also want this lifestyle to be safe for the ladies too. Likewise, I do enjoy providing a recommendation for those ladies that I've had good and great encounters with. Not only is it a sort of public thank you to the lady for a wonderful encounter, it hopefully can help her get some new clients/gentlemen, and conversely, gentlemen will know of a great lady they might like to get to know And a recommendation is automatic from me after a good or great encounter (she gets to see it first) And I am in the habit of writing them right after the encounter, while the memory is fresh in my head RG
  7. Although not a reader of blogs on the internet per se, in this lifestyle I do read ladies blogs. It is a way in addition to other ways (reading posts, emails, pm's etc) to get an insight into a lady's personality if you will, and see if you might click, have chemistry. For me at least, the chemistry/connection factor is the most important when seeing a lady. But for me the social side (ie conversation side if you will) of an encounter is more important than the sexual side. Just recently, I was reading one lady's blog and, well I don't know if what I did counts as blogging or not, but I left a comment to her blog. First time ever I've done that But I agree if you are going to blog, you have to stay on top of it. Don't post, then six to eight months later another post and so on. If the blogger is not going to be posting regularly, then readers won't be coming back A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  8. Beautiful sheet of ice...for this guy, a sheet of ice is only good in the winter if it is covering a lake to go ice fishing. NHL lock out, doesn't bother me one bit. Just hope the winter is cool enough this year coming so the ice is thick enough to walk out on and fish through safely. RG
  9. I took a look at ArgineMax when I went to GNC. Unfortunately, for me, with my medical condition, it contains gingko and ginseng, both of which are contra indicated with my prescription. That was one thing my doctor was looking out for when we discussed me taking l-arginine. BTW I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it's bad for me...everyone's medical history/condition is unique, and taking these supplements should be done after consultation with your doctor But something else I discovered, and got the ok on, also sold at GNC was stuff called Brad King's Ultimate Libido. Now this I don't take every day, unlike l-arginine. But the day of an encounter, well I take it in the morning and an hour before the encounter begins. Do I wish I didn't have to take this stuff...yes. It would mean I didn't have a serious medical condition, which requires medication. But, given the hand I was dealt with (health wise that is), this seems to be an acceptable solution RG
  10. Happy Birthday Touch Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  11. Think I just posted this recently but A SP asked me during the course of our first (and last) encounter if I would become a regular client. Those ladies that are good and great don't need to ask, just by being good or great, they get regular clients Another SP kept talking about how she never gets recommendations, hinting that she'd like one. Again, speaking for myself, those ladies who are good or great don't need to ask for a recommendation, they will get one (except those who specifically request no recommendations/reviews) RG
  12. OK you won't be the only guy LOL In the summer, it's shorts and tshirts In the fall/winter/spring, jeans and hoodies. Although sometimes instead of hoodies I'll wear quilted plaid flannel shirts...you know, the ones known as Bancroft Dinner Jackets, or Timmins Tuxedos LOL RG :-)
  13. Certainly in most cases, Cat's guidelines are good to follow. But I was fortunate, yes very fortunate that a new lady I just met, well we both felt comfortable enough with one another to discuss subjects that by strict interpretation of rules about questions/subjects to avoid with client/sp, well we may have broached those rules. Hope that sounds right. But if both the lady and gentleman, in the privacy of the room, in the course of getting to know one another, can get a vibe (best way to put it) that subjects generally reserved for second, third fourth etc dates can be discussed, then I think two consenting adults can be free to discuss whatever they are comfortable talking about. But conversation is a two way street, both parties have to be equally open with one another. And for me at least, that openness in conversation is as much if not more intimate than the sexual side of an encounter. I only say this because in my encounter the other night, the subjects brought up may technically be considered as questions/subjects to avoid. But the lady is very much a professional, and me, very much a gentleman, and both of us as consenting adults, were free to discuss what we both felt comfortable talking about This post may or may not help a newbie in this lifestyle. But if a client goes to see a lady for an encounter, and she brings up some things about herself, and asks questions to the gentleman, I don't want to see a guy thinking, "I actually don't mind talking about this, but this thread on CERB gave me guidelines on what is allowed and isn't allowed, and this is considered off limits" My point in this post, if both the lady and gentleman are comfortable enought discussing subjects with one another which are normally considered off limits, then you two as consenting adults should feel free to discuss those subjects. But always, always, whatever is discussed between the two of you, stays behind closed doors. Subjects discussed are private and are to always stay that way A morning rambling RG
  14. And what happened when Pinocchio lied...his nose grew So, from Dan Singer The Big Nose Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTIAz16YpFg I'm sorry, all I could think of this early in the morning RG :-)
  15. Well gas prices again :-( Although I expected a bit of an increase in cost for my trip to Toronto, (it normally costs $80.00 in gas) cost me $96.00 this time But the trip was worth it :-) RG
  16. I'm back home now after staying in Toronto, with a goofy looking smile on my face, after meeting Kylie Daniels yesterday. It was a three hour outcall to my hotel last night, and a wonderful way to end the summer. I contacted Kylie last spring about a date. I told her my about my schedule and life making me have to plan encounters way in advance. Kylie was very accepting of this, and we booked an encounter for August 31, 2012, some five plus months in advance. Verification was quickly looked after, with me providing her with requested information, and our encounter was scheduled. I was in my hotel room, watching the clock, butterflies in my stomach, just waiting in anticipation of the knock on the door. Then, on time, came a quiet knock on the door. As weak in the knees as I just became, I managed to get to the door without stumbling, and there waiting, a gorgeous woman. She is even more beautiful in person than her photos show. I let her in and we greeted with a hug and kiss, like we were old (well she isn't old by a long shot) friends. We went to the couch, I got Kylie a glass of wine, I poured myself a juice. We spent a relaxing hour or so over drinks getting to know one another. Conversation shifted back and forth, and for a first time encounter, we both felt safe enough with one another to open up on subjects generally reserved for second, and third dates. Kylie excused herself to use the bathroom, and when she came out, all she was wearing was a very sexy bra and panties, and looked like a model getting ready for a photo shoot. We embraced, and undressed one another. Then we proceeded to the bed where our "conversation" continued, although not a word spoken. The details of of this "conversation" on the bed are very private, between Kylie and myself. After the conversation we layed in bed in each other's arms, KCC (kissing, cuddling, conversation (yes normal conversation) ) Then, after awhile of KCC the mood struck and a pleasant surprise, we both continued with our "conversation". Again, no details, it was a private matter, between Kylie and me. Unfortunately as in all encounters, it was time for our date to end. But I have to say Kylie is not a clock watcher, at all (thank you Kylie) And our encounter was intimate, in the very broadest sense of the word, even before we got to the bed. If you are looking for a lady providing a GFE, you won't be disappointed in meeting Kylie. Our encounter wasn't just a fond memory, it was memorable too. I'm very glad I met her. She is definitely a lady I will see again
  17. And the Muppets may be puppets, and may be something but it's not Jim Henson who's the master of puppets Metallica-Master Of Puppets RG
  18. Well said Berlin, all women, all shapes races abilities religions, your all beautiful. I was asked last night what my type of women is. Reflecting back just on the ladies I seen since embarking on this lifestyle, mid twenties to fifty, forgive me, I hate using these terms but spinner to bbw, blondes, brunettes, redheads, busty to not so busty....well my type, I like women What is the most attractive quality a lady has? Her personality/character/intelligence/sense of humour. In short what makes each one of us unique RG
  19. Those are possible side effects of l-argenine. And the bottle of l-argenine has the warnings. I've been on it daily since mid-June, the only side effect is the one I was seeking, erections now hit, not miss :-) Obviously, everyone's personal medical history is a deciding factor. Just as taking ED drugs are an option for some, but for those (like me) who have a family medical history of Stroke, it can't be taken. And I'm taking l-argenine it after consultation with my doctor. Is it the solution for everyone, no. But it may be a solution for some RG
  20. Absolutely agree with you November. There is SO MUCH MORE to an encounter than sex. When you make that connection with a lady, there is chemistry, when you click, then the sexual side is so much more enjoyable. And to those ladies where that connection has been made, the encounter is more than a memory, it becomes memorable Woman are more, so much more, than just sex providers, they are, or can be companions in the truest sense of the word And to all those ladies and the memorable encounters I've had with you, a thank you RG
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