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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Something you might want to consider is l-arginine. Non prescription and at least for me, it works. Unlike Viagra this is something to take daily, not just before sex, and it's two weeks before you really notice it's effects (although I started noticing a difference about 30 minutes after taking my first pills :-)) And it's good for overall circulation. Due to a prescription I have to take for an unrelated medical condition, well the side effects were erections hit and miss, mostly miss. ED drugs I can't take due to a history of stroke in my family Here's the link to the thread I posted on l-arginine. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=98245&highlight=l-argenine I pick up my l-argenine at GNC Might want to give it a try...after two encounters this summer with it (and I've only had two encounters this summer) , I'm sure glad I'm taking it RG
  2. To me a deal breaker is no kissing or hugging Yes I prefer a bbbj Yes I like daty But the best encounters I've had are those where the only menu item is a GFE. Your date unfolds naturally, with no expectations...the only surprises I've had have been very pleasant memorable ones :-)...and because each encounter (even repeats with the same lady) is unique between two people, the details of what happens are very much private, and special between two people. But I still maintain, of all the intimate acts, next to hugging and kissing, oral is the most intimate and unselfish of all...it is one partner giving pleasure so the other partner can receive pleasure My morning rambling RG
  3. Well after months (yes told you I'm a long range planner) finally met a new lady last night in Toronto. Had an absolutely great encounter with her. Seeing her was a great way to end the summer. Will be writing a recommendation this weekend sometime RG
  4. I'm actually glad I started this thread. I've wondered if I was getting tested enough, now after reading the posts I've got things under control...well sexual health wise that is...my bank account on the other hand seems to take a beating, but for what I receive, it's one the ladies truly deserve There are no clinics where I live (smalltown Ontario), so I have to get my testing done through my doctor. But he is cool with me being tested, says it's the responsible thing to do. And he follows up personally on tests. So far nothing on my STD/STI tests, but on occasion my other tests required a follow up...he phones me personally...not his receptionist, him personally. And I'm assured he has my complete medical history. I'm also fortunate in a way, should I ever (touch wood I don't) test positive for an STD/STI I can personally contact the ladies I've seen and let them know. I know who I've seen, and their contact information. No little black book with hundred's of anonymous names here. And hopefully I never have to contact any lady. But, and this is important. If contacted I am not passing blame on anyone. We are all consenting adults here, and we all know this lifestyle has certain risks (yes we practice risk reduction). I just want the ladies who have provided me with a needed monthly escape to be tested for their health too. My morning rambling RG
  5. Since my fantasy encounter with a SP is really a gfe I've had a few memorable gfe's. But also on my list of fantasy encounters is a sleepover. I've done that once with a special lady, and plan to do another sleepover with another special lady And having led a pretty vanilla life sexually, one thing I haven't done, but would like to do is a menage a trois (MFF) I've discussed it with two ladies and it's mostly a matter of my budget (if my damn boat sold and our contract got settled) and our collective schedule worked out, allowing the three of us to connect for a few hours RG
  6. Well trainwrecks need a train to happen. And here is a song about a train Johnny Cash-Orange Blossom Special RG
  7. Fishing (yes even in the winter, if the ice is thick enough) Sometimes just a drive out in the country Getting together with friends On CERB And once a month, the way I relax, unwind and escape, is with an encounter with one of the ladies from CERB...I'm going to relax tomorrow night in Toronto:-) RG
  8. I remember those days...I also remember when there was TNN (The Nashville Network...lots of fishing and outdoors shows, it got replaced by Spike) and the History Channel doesn't seem to show much conventional type history programming Nowadays the channels are marathons of shows having nothing to with the name of the channel they are on imho RG
  9. Doing what BRM suggests I don't think makes a difference in whether a bbbj is offered or not. But it is a way to determine if you as a client will have a connection/chemistry/click with the lady, and to that end, BRM's idea is good. If feasible for me on a first encounter, I would do it, unfortunately it isn't RG
  10. Actually two good questions. For your first question, until you actually meet, you won't know. Seeing a SP for the first time is the ultimate blind date. That said, there are ways to make an educated guess if you will click with a lady. Read her posts (one way CERB is great) That will give you an insight into the lady's personality. Also look at her profile and website, and any recommendations she may have. As for your second question, well seeing as I have been pretty fortunate meeting good and great ladies (only five bad encounters in two years) I will say having good chemistry made the sexual side of the encounter all the more enjoyable. For me at least, sex, including a bbbj is more enjoyable when you are with someone you like and respect, and they like and respect you. And a couple of the bad encounters the ladies included bbbj but really, in all honesty, it was neither enjoyable nor miserable, they were just performing a service nothing more. And it's one I wouldn't repeat with them. In fact I was happy when the encounter was over. Another way to put it, I would much rather see a lady I have chemistry with who doesn't offer bbbj or even cbj than a lady I have no chemistry with but offers bbbj. And for the most part, the ladies I see don't even have a menu, the encounter unfolds naturally. But then at the end of the day, for me, seeing ladies is much more about the social/interpersonal side of the encounter, the sexual side is a bonus. It's more pleasurable to me to be intimate with someone I have spent some time getting to know (which is why I prefer longer encounters) and we like and respect one another. So short answer to question two, from my experience lack of chemistry did take away from the sexual side including bbbj Now that's speaking for me, and me alone, others may have different opinions RG
  11. I was filling the sink with water to do the dishes, someone knocked on the door, by the time I got back (forgot to turn the water off duhhhh) water was overflowing. Caught it in time, before it flooded the floor, and now I have the cleanest kitchen counters in town LOL RG
  12. Well I used to have the dish (Bell Expressvu) cost about the same as cable, and channel selection pretty much the same as cable. And I've been told cable, well in my case Cogeco, is the same feed that Starchoice (another dish) has. Don't know about buying a new tv with usb connections, only because I don't use a computer for watching tv. But I think it's coin toss between cable and the dish cost/services wise. Only thing I will say, don't go with Bell, just had a lot of bad experiences with them (phone, internet and dish) I refuse to use them now for anything As for living off the electrical grid, you'd likely need a generator, which would cost you more in gas money to run than paying an electrical bill. Not to mention being even more beholden to the gas companies than we already are RG
  13. I'm proud of my nephew, born premature, given six months to live, and is now a happy 8+ year old boy. I'm proud of the men and women of the Canadian Forces, many who have made great personal sacrifices to serve this great country I'm proud to be Canadian I'm proud and respect the wonderful ladies here who provide us with a much needed escape which really, in some ways, irrespective of the donation, no price can be put on their companionship I'm proud that in spite of working for 28 years in a very negative environment (some of you ladies know where I work) I'm pretty much a positive upbeat guy, I didn't let my work turn me into a negative person. And I've seen more than my share of people who have become negative miserable people. I'm proud of CERB allowing like minded people to share in this lifestyle in a positive judgement free forum RG
  14. It's coming on this Sunday night on Lifetime Network, just saw a promo for it http://www.tvrage.com/shows/id-29471 I'll give it a watch, who knows, may be good RG
  15. A couple ladies I've seen have the online booking form which I used with no issues. One lady in her website said her online booking form doesn't work and instead to use her email When I've used online booking had no issues RG
  16. First I'm single, so no I have no guilt :-)...just a lot of fond memories of past encounters and looking forward to upcoming encounters Now if I was in a relationship again, well I wouldn't be here. But I am not passing judgement, everyone's relationship is different, and what is right for one person may not be right for another I suppose you can always look at this lifestyle this way. If you had an affair with another woman, down the road, eventually, either your wife or the other woman, depending on who you chose, will be hurt. That is because genuine feelings come into play in affairs. But seeing a escort, the most feelings you two should ever have is liking one another, nothing more than that. And you are seeing a professional companion, the only infidelity committed is physical. There isn't the same risk of emotional infidelity, like there is in an extra marital affair. In short, seeing a escort is no strings attached companionship. And you can end seeing an escort(s) when you like, with no risk she will call your wife An affair on the other hand, they don't end so cleanly. The other woman won't take to a break up too kindly, and may call your wife. Your wife finds out, costly divorce likely. And these situations nobody lives happily ever after, or so it seems. A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  17. Gas prices going up again...now 134.9 litre Fortunately I gassed up this morning at 122.00, but I know when I come back from Toronto on Saturday my wallet is going to take a beating RG
  18. Although not specifically requested in the thread, I feel the need to post this comment. There have been other threads where comments have been made words to the effect "can I get a reduced rate, all I want is a blowjob" Speaking for myself, and myself alone, next to hugging and kissing, oral is the most intimate act that can be performed. It is the one act where the one partner is giving pleasure so the other partner can receive pleasure. It is the most unselfish and giving of all the intimate acts, imho. A reduced rate???...if anything it should be extra. To those ladies who provide this, well corny as it sounds, most intimate of gifts, I truly appreciate what you have provided me. Yes I have paid a donation, but in some ways, well it is a intimate gift that money can't buy. I felt the need to post this so ladies know, at least for me, the intimacy they provide, irrespective of the donation, is appreciated A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  19. lavacultophila-A desire to stare at someone in a bathing suit lexiphanicism-Showing off by using words venustaphobia-The fear of beautiful women (thank god I don't have it) oculoplania-Letting one's eyes wander while assessing someone's charm Just a few, and yes, I had to look them up :-) RG
  20. I don't know if I'm getting tested frequently enough or not To begin with, I have encounters once a month (it's all I can budget for without living on Kraft Dinner lol) Every two months I get tested (I tie it in with tests I have to take to measure my blood levels for my medication) Am I getting tested frequently enough for the amount of encounters I have (in essence I get tested after every second encounter, and so far, I'm STI/STD free) Any input appreciated Thanks RG I should have added, seeing SP's is my sex life, I don't date, have a wife/cl/gf. So I have twelve encounters a year, and get tested six times a year
  21. I just got this email, but I think it's been posted before. But even so, still a good public service health message http://touchingmyself.org/ RG
  22. Probably what I watch the rest of the time...I don't follow hockey Actually until this thread didn't even know about a lock out RG :-)
  23. Ice Pilots NWT Ice Road Truckers Pawn Stars Law & Order (they are playing the old original reruns on Mystery Channel) Law & Order SVU The Good Wife NCIS NCIS Los Angeles Seinfeld Just a few RG
  24. Sticking to neutral foods this week (avoiding garlic and onion), had roast chicken tonight pre cooked at the grocery store For desert, fresh pineapple For breakfast tomorrow, fresh pineapple, for lunch, chicken sandwich and fresh pineapple, dinner haven't decided...but all deserts fresh pineapple Wonder why :-) RG
  25. For me, while yes it's a preference to CBJ, I always respect the lady's boundaries, and I have had wonderful encounters with ladies who do not provide BBBJ...so no, it's not a deal breaker Every encounter with every lady should be mutually beneficial, and part of that is respecting the lady's boundaries. I certainly wouldn't want to receive, nor would I ask for, any service that the lady truly does not want to provide, even if she begrudgingly agreed to do so for an extra fee. The closest answer in your poll was would much prefer but depends on SP's looks. That is most correct to my opinion, but really, for me, that all encompassing personality/character/sense of humour/chemistry plays far more important a factor for me than looks or services My two cents RG
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