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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well the issue really isn't for us to comment on, only your opinion matters here. It's your handle, both your current one and proposed one. The only opinion that matters is yours. We'll miss Castle, if he goes, but Mondo Sex Head will be welcomed to CERB Whatever you decide, I'll support your choice RG
  2. I can see how, for a man, that the idea of a model being an SP can be appealing. Having sex (although at least for me seeing SP's is much more than just about sex) with a model is most men's dream and fantasy. Conversely, there are many beautiful ladies, model material, who are SP's. So it is quite conceivable that magazines may do model searches (don't know for fact if they do) in the escort world, knowing there are many beautiful ladies in that world A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  3. I am stunned and awed by the CERB ladies' beauty too Cristy. One lady, don't know if she has ever been asked, but she could easily be a Victoria's Secret model, and I have told her so. Another lady told me she was approached by Playboy. All the beautiful women of CERB, instead of fame and fortune by becoming models, instead share their time, companionship and beauty with us gentlemen. And the ladies are down to earth, intelligent and have a sense of humour, and make us feel like we are their boyfriend (for the time specified)...just another reason we should appreciate the ladies of CERB BTW Cristy, since you brought up the subject, have you ever been asked? RG
  4. The only person responsible for your own sexual health is you and you alone. And no matter what protection is used, they are risk reduction, not risk elimination. And any intimate activity between two or more people, whether in this lifestyle or not, carries with it some risk The question, as Cat said, is offensive, even if not intended to be offensive And the added offense, it strikes me from your post that you somehow think it's the ladies' responsibility when it comes to STD/STI's. Guess what, sex education 101, STD/STI's, it's everyone's responsibility Look after your own sexual health, don't worry about looking after any one else's RG
  5. I forgot one, it's not take out per se, but sometimes I'll take the drive to the cheese factory, pick up a bag of fresh curd, and bring that home for dinner with a Becks no alcohol beer...yummm RG
  6. For me it's from the Italian/Greek restaurant up the street Either their spaghetti and meatballs or pork souvlaki (comes with a greek salad) There is enough spaghetti for two meals (so I re-heat one at work for lunch) The only thing is the sauce is a bit on the sweet side, so adding tabasco to the spaghetti works like a charm The souvlaki I order with extra tzatziki sauce. Due to the garlic I never eat either one the week of an encounter :-) RG
  7. Honestly don't remember. It was used pre-CERB days when I tried dating sites (all I got were a couple Russian brides who managed somehow to email me, but the cost of flying them over was far more costly than meeting any CERB lady) But I still had the email account so stuck with it and the name when I joined CERB RG
  8. Character, chemistry, integrity...that doesn't come from spelling words right. I've met people who had Ph.D's, who were so book smart, but had no common sense, nor for that matter, any integrity. If someone can communicate his/her thoughts on paper, that's what is important. If you are looking for a career as a proofreader in a publishing house, then focus on spelling and grammar. But don't expect a proofreader to provide the same escape that the ladies of CERB can provide RG
  9. Well I've been fortunate with my last three cats, they all had personalities, and were/are great company. Mine right now is on my desk very interested in what I'm doing on the computer...if he only knew LOL My cats always greeted me at the front door when I came home, including the one who lets me own him now. I had a cat who was an outside cat, when I drove into the driveway, she would run, jump on the hood of my truck, then onto the roof of the cab and peer in upside down into the cab to see me RG
  10. Driving home this morning through the country, noticing that some of the trees are changing colour...fall is just around the corner RG
  11. First, yes, I was in love with her. And when she showed up at my place very pregnant, (after she and the married guy broke up) asking if we could still get married, one of the hardest things I did was telling her no, it's over. It wasn't an easy time for me, I was heartbroken, but yes, I dodged a couple bullets I guess (infidelity, money, helping raise two kids, each having a different father) not to mention at that time I wanted a child of my own...just too complicated. Especially with someone you could no longer trust The best "relationships" for lack of a better word are those I've made in this lifestyle, uncomplicated, no drama, no strings attached escapes RG
  12. Back to my ex-fiance. She was a single mother already, and I, not trying to sound noble here, was ready to marry her, and help her raise her child (well I guess baby, he was under one year old at the time) She was wayyyyy in debt, needed a credit card just to buy groceries. Her one dream was to own a house. My wedding present was buying her a house she loved. I had the money for a down payment, and told her I would cover mortgage payments/insurance/heat & hydro for the first year, she could put what she made against her debts (especially credit cards) She decided to have a fling with a married man before our marriage. Got pregnant. The "man" refused child support of any sort...don't know if she finally got support from him through the courts or not. But it broke up a marriage, my fiance became my ex-fiance. She had problems with debt, never got her dream house. I give her credit for having the baby and raising it. But I don't think her life turned out too good. She never married and never had help raising her child. But had I got married, I wouldn't be here now RG
  13. Well something that doesn't happen everyday Back from my brother and sister-in-laws 25th wedding anniversary. They held a nice dinner party with family and friends early evening today It was and is their first marriage, and yes, some rough patches but they worked them out With all the seperations and divorces nowadays, 25 years is something RG
  14. My very first encounter when I didn't know any better, was in a motel. Paper thin walls, could hear people outside walking and talking as they went by the room, not to mention the people in the next door room If you value privacy and discretion, avoid motels. Only used a motel once, learned fast, never again RG
  15. Me, I have a basic cellphone, not a smartphone. And my old eyes being what they are, texting is enough of a challenge on the small keypad, but email from a phone, no can do, don't have email on it RG
  16. Perps is right, and who wants to have an encounter with a perp. Me, I like to have encounters with ladies RG
  17. The problem with text, whether as a word document or formatted at an image is the plagerizer can still put the webpage up, take pen to paper and copy what is on the website, then transcribe it from paper and enter it on her website. These suggestions to counter the stealing of Emily's site, while good, would merely inconvenience the plagerizer. But it's still a lot less work for the plagerizer than putting the work and effort forward and coming up with their own original thoughts and site If you truly want someone inconvenienced, maybe, unfortunately legal action is the recourse. Make it so costly to steal from someone (just the inconvenience of legal action has a cost) else that they won't it again Some quick thoughts RG
  18. Me, generally speaking I'm proactive in confirming encounters. First I do schedule encounters months in advance due to me needing to travel (and thus freeing up a weekend, yup even us single guys get family obligations) Right now I have encounters scheduled through to Jan 2013. One thing though, this amount of time allows for verification to take place I send a reminder email about a month or so before the encounter, unless it's a lady I know, just saying I'm still alive, and haven't forgotten about our encounter. At that time I'll let the lady know what hotel I've booked. Then about three weeks prior to the encounter I confirm the encounter. At the one week mark I'll send a final email confirming everything is still on. At that time I'll get the lady's cell phone, ask if there is anything she likes to drink etc. I also give the lady my cell phone number again. My next communication is a text message confirming room number That's what I normally do RG
  19. This may be of little comfort Emily, and some suggestions have been made in your other thread, but you are one of a kind, and a class act. There is only one Emily Rushton, and no one can mix up a class act like you with someone so low class as to steal from you. And for me at least, it speaks volumes about this other person's character (or lack of it) that she would steal from you or any other SP RG
  20. I happen to be going to Toronto next Friday. Normally my trips to T.O. are on weekends. Does anyone who lives in Toronto or familar with Toronto know when rush hour dies off. I'll be on the 401 and Don Valley Parkway, and don't want to arrive while bumper to bumper rush hour traffic is still going. Thanks in advance RG
  21. Hi Emily Perhaps (don't know if you have done this) copyright your site and put on your site that it is copyright protected and legal action will be taken Take legal action against those who steal your words, thoughts and pictures and pass them off as their own And I can't speak for all gentlemen, but if legally allowed, let us know who the SP is that is stealing from you. Certainly a SP who so obviously steals from a lady isn't someone I would ever want to have an encounter with. From that SP's end, it may prove business wise counterproductive, she may lose (or never get) clients..well at least me for sure. And if she is on CERB, report her to the Mod Good luck RG
  22. For me, as a gentleman who prefers an outcall, I, after contacting the lady and making final arrangements for our encounter, always ask what would she like to drink (be it wine, beer, juice, water etc) And I always open bottle in front of her, even with ladies who I have had repeat encounters with. But me, there is very much a social aspect to an encounter, the sitting down over a drink having a conversation, getting to know one another or with ladies I've seen before, getting caught up. Now, (and maybe I'm reading too much into your post, if so apologies ahead of time) do you dislike being an SP. Are you having a drink before an encounter because you really don't like having encounters, and need the drink to go through with it. Like I said, maybe I'm reading too much into your post, if so, I do apologize Also, as Emily points out, you thought processes wouldn't be as good. Not only would I find a intoxicated lady showing up unappealing, (and as someone who mostly does outcalls, very indiscrete) she has to be concerned for her own safety. While most of us here are gentlemen, there are unfortunately some men out there who wouldn't think twice about taking advantage of such a situation. Alcohol reduces inhibitions. And the lady may do things that cross boundaries which could have serious repercussions that she wouldn't do sober. One that immediately comes to mind, unprotected sex My advice, don't drink before an encounter RG
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