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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Don't know if this is a thread hijack or not. Me, I'm a tad on the big side (wears well, I'm tall too...or maybe I'm just deluding myself LOL) But due to my size, I'm aware that maybe certain positions may not be preferred by ladies (ie missionary) Would ladies prefer positions like cowgirl when seeing heavier guys, or would missionary be acceptable. Interested in feedback, depending on answer I may change up, or not Thanks in advance RG
  2. Don't know about rentals but the Costco website shows them carrying them Here is one, seems affordable http://www.costco.ca/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=10339299&whse=bcca&Ne=4000000&eCat=bcca|589|22884|22903&N=4010669&Mo=10&No=10&Nr=P_CatalogName:BCCA&cat=22903&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-CA&Sp=C&hierPath=589--22884--22903--&topnav= RG
  3. Cristy First, I didn't mean to imply that your post was a criticism of anyone. If taken that way I do apologize I also reiterate that I do respect that you don't mind questions of any sort, and if a question crossed a boundary, you would let the person know. And I know you would know when a question crosses the boundary from conversation and raises concerns for your safety. But generally speaking most threads about subjects to avoid are focused more on conversations between a lady and gentleman. In this particular case, the question about being an easy drunk was before an encounter and does raise warning flags. It is beyond rude, it is about a lady's safety and security. That is the point I was trying to make, that some questions raise legitimate warning flags, that's all Again, as I said, I do respect that you don't mind questions of any sort A rambling RG
  4. I like Angela, one of my friends from Orleans. Not only a friend and great SP, she promotes the community atmosphere on CERB by organizing/hosting the socials RG
  5. Something about this lifestyle in regards to older man/younger women that has to be considered. For me at least, I began it when I was 49 (I'm now 51) The vast majority of ladies in this lifestyle are much younger than I am. And some of the ladies prefer clients who are older. So it isn't a case of chasing younger women for me, it's that I seek out female companionship with no complications, no strings attached. And most of the ladies out there are much younger than me. Maybe that's why some of the ladies prefer older men. They are clients that might have the maturity to understand this lifestyle, and not get emotionally (read feelings) wound up with a lady...the ladies I assume also prefer no strings. And this lifestyle is mutually beneficial, as long as both parties understand the boundaries. Don't know if that makes sense but a rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  6. Interesting read. Me personally, if I was back looking for a relationship (back in my dating days), I certainly wouldn't be doing the May/December romance thing...the furthest apart in age (me being older) I was with the women I dated was 9 years apart, but most often very close in age And as for a forty something guy eying a twelve year old in the opening paragraph, that isn't about older men younger women, that is straight out a case of pedophilia, something entirely different from an older man/younger woman. And there are appropriate treatments for pedophillia.... unfortunately none of those treatments are legal But a good and interesting read RG
  7. Happy Birthday Soleil Enjoy your special day RG
  8. My Goddess Of The Day is a lady who is a now a new friend of mine That is Nathalie Lefebvre I enjoy her posts and contributions to CERB, not to mention our private conversations She and I are virtual friends right now, but looking forward to when we meet and become friends in person Here is Nathalie's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=47001 And a picture of the lovely Nathalie
  9. If a client really likes the lady he sees, then he should be writing a recommendation for her. Gentlemen understand and respect that for the ladies this is their livelihood, and maybe a recommendation from them will help in the lady in her business. Possessiveness has no part in this lifestyle. I write recommendations, for three reasons, first, it's kind of a public thank you to the lady for a good encounter, second, it may help the lady get new clients, and three, sort of related to two, but it lets other gentlemen know about a lady that they may also have a great encounter with. One of the best ways to show a lady that you like, that you do indeed like and respect her is post a recommendation on your encounter with her. It can help her business, and other gentlemen can have a good encounter too. RG
  10. I most definitely respect the fact that you don't mind questions of any sort Cristy, and if some you find personal and intrusive you will let the gentleman know so appropriate boundaries can be established. However in thread under new to this, certain questions have been deemed off limits/not to ask. And maybe a newbie could be forgiven a faux pas question, not knowing any better. But some of the questions in this case weren't just what one could be considered inappropriate and rude, some questions raised legitimate warning flags. Asking if she is an easy drunk, a lady has to be concerned for her safety...a question like that doesn't even cross a gentleman's mind to ask, and a guy asking it, what are his motives...get her drunk to do whatever he wants to her. I only mention this because when someone asks a question it may cross the lines between appropriate to rudeness, but some other questions do raise warning flags and it's not that they are rude, it's because a lady has to be concerned for her safety A quick rambling RG
  11. Those questions, well it just amazes me that a man (note I didn't use the word gentleman, and I find it hard to really use the word man in this case too) would ask them. And he, after asking such stupid and ignorant questions probably is scratching his head wondering why didn't she want to see me I say stupid questions, because what sort of answers would he expect after asking, will I be mugged, are you a cop and are you d&d free. Even, hypothetically speaking if there was a situation where a lady (not you Nathalie, I'm speaking hypothetically) did have thugs waiting, or she was a cop, or she wasn't d&d free, does the guy really think the lady would tell him. Even someone new to this lifestyle should know asking those type of questions would elicit only one answer, so why ask Asking questions about drinking, what can I say. Seeing a lady is supposed to be the escape, the good time. Wanting to find out if she is an easy drunk, likely he wants to do things to her that cross appropriate boundary lines, and not have a mutually consensual and beneficial encounter. And wanting to drink before an encounter, why would someone want to go drinking with his buddies when he could be alone with a beautiful woman. And why should he expect her to wait, with such a insulting request. If he has such concerns about the legalities, then maybe this isn't the lifestyle for him. Are there risks in this lifestyle. Most definitely. And just about everything in life presents a risk. But not nearly as risky as mainstream society would have everyone believe. That's because most involved in this lifestyle are discrete, and know the appropriate boundaries. Your rant justified Nathalie RG
  12. You cannot per se remove a post, but you can edit your post. There is I believe a 24 hour timeframe for doing that If you wish your post removed/deleted, click on the edit button icon, then go in and delete what you wrote. But you should leave a comment "post deleted" and maybe the reason, so when people go into the board they won't see a white screen with no post Keep in mind if someone responds to your post before you edit it, and they quote you, your original post shows up in their post RG
  13. I don't use BP, I now stick strictly with CERB Every bad encounter I had was when I wandered off the reserve so to speak, and went to some other site CERB, doesn't guarantee that every lady (or for the ladies, no guarantee about every guy) is going to be a good or great encounter. But it does allow a forum where both the ladies and gentlemen can interact with one another giving you a feel for their personality and character, and it has recommendations where you can get feedback on a lady. And the ladies can feel safe here, it's not a boys club, it is a club for all those who partake in this lifestyle Do I have blinders on. Maybe. But CERB, using all the features it has, hasn't done me wrong in over two years. The times I have had bad encounters, well I wasn't seeing a lady from CERB to begin with RG
  14. Cheating again :-) Gerry Rafferty-Baker Street Oh and sorry for the "Y" :-) RG
  15. Maybe send her a very respectful pm and ask RG
  16. Being in the position not only to pay mom's minimum card payment (see things that suck) on her credit card bill, but I was able to pay most of the balance on the card off for her You only have one mom, and what was a major expense for her being on a pension was relatively minor for me since I still am employed RG
  17. Visiting family this past weekend. Mom's on a pension, and money was a bit tight, her credit card bill minimum payment hard for her to make...didn't like seeing her upset, haven't seen her that upset in years, like many many years RG
  18. First no matter what, you have to use the lady's preferred method of contact. If she prefers email, don't phone her. Sometimes emails have hiccups, I know a few emails I sent to a couple ladies never were received, lost in internet cyberspace...but all got fixed in the end. My initial method of contact is email. If she says I'd like a phone call from you (happened a couple times) I'll ask her what day/time to call (got to be discrete from my end, and she will know when she can be alone so no one hears, she wants discretion too). If all she has is a contact phone number, I'll text first, just in case there is someone around at her end and she can't take a phone call, and ask when is a good time to call. Who knows, she may have family visiting right then and there...very awkward to answer a call. I know I've been texted by a lady when I was visiting with family, I just say it's my cell phone provider, they have some promotion going on Anyhow, a few off the cuff ramblings RG
  19. Clothes valet, well I'm a outcall type of guy most of the time so wouldn't apply to me. And I dress casually not formally. But wouldn't it be kinda hot and exciting if while we undress one another the lady popped a shirt button or two and maybe ripped the shirt while tearing my shirt off Oh, did I say that with my outside voice But now better make sure I bring a few shirts with me on my next encounter, just in case any lady I see decides to pop a button or two RG
  20. I too am not sure about the whole idea of sex addiction. Is sex addiction a bona fide psychological diagnosis, or is it a way to excuse certain behaviours (ie Tiger Wood's very public infidelities...sorry for what may be sounding like judgement laden terms, best I can use though) as a psychological/psychiatric condition. As for kinky sex, does that have to do with sex addiction, or is it a case of consenting adults exploring the boundaries of their sexuality. Put another way, if your in Baskin and Robbins, do you just stick with vanilla. And if you try to expand your sexuality beyond vanilla, after a very vanilla sex life are you all of a sudden a sex addict Some ramblings RG
  21. It is bizarre but true, some people have problems dealing with rejection. They may not know the reason for the rejection, and it may be something in the lady's personal life that's going on, it may be she senses on a gut level something is off, or she knows that chemistry wise she and the guy won't connect, or she has a concern for her safety (if that, she definitely shouldn't see the guy no amount of money is worth any risk). If a lady declines your request respect it. If you can't do that, it is a sign you don't respect her. On a sidenote I know twice I carried through with an encounter when my gut said something is off...and twice I should have trusted my gut. And for me, my safety wasn't at risk. But I digress The guy should accept the rejection like a man. In this lifestyle, there are many ladies you can see. If one lady doesn't want to see you, there are many ladies that will see you. I would rather be with a companion who wants to be with me than dwell on the one who doesn't want to see me. If it is a case every lady you contact doesn't want to see you, then it's time to look in the mirror, what sort of vibe are you giving off that women don't want to be alone with you. Some quick thoughts RG
  22. The ladies of CERB deserve a salute. Those who I've had the pleasure of meeting have provided me with intimacy for a few hours, an escape which brightens up my life. It is intimacy that a price is put on, but it's real value, you can't put a price on And for those ladies on CERB I haven't met in person, but on the board, or through pm's, your insights and contributions have and are valued, and I'm honoured you are willing to share your thoughts And to all the ladies, both those I have met, and those I have only met virtually through CERB, you have made me a better man So a heartfelt thank you goes out from me to all the ladies. What you do is appreciated much much more than you know My salute to the women of CERB RG
  23. First I do understand from a legal quandry why you wouldn't want to reveal your name given you live in the United States, and down there they aren't as enlightened as we are up here regarding escorts LOL (bit of tongue in cheek here) That said, first, are you coming to Canada to see ladies or are you seeing ladies in the U.S. If in the U.S remember the ladies are at as much risk wondering if the "client" may in fact be LE setting up a sting on her, and not a bona fide client. And a lady both in the U.S and Canada, until she knows and trusts the gentleman, always, always runs a higher risk from a safety standpoint versus issues of a man's privacy...in short her legitimate safety concerns (especially her life) trumps a man's legitimate privacy concerns.....always. A option you may wish to consider is using one of the date verification sites, like date check. While I don't know exactly how they work they are used by many ladies and I don't believe they require your real name Also, as for a phone. Get a disposable throwaway cell phone. Use it once per encounter, throw it away and get another one for your next encounter. The phone is for communication only Consider it part of the cost of partaking in this wonderful lifestyle Depending on where you plan on seeing ladies, join a escort board (if in Canada, you are on the right board here :-) ) When getting verified let the lady know your board handle (confirmed by pm) And sounds simple, but chose carefully when planning on seeing a lady. Check her website, profile on a escort board, recommendations/reviews. That is a way to vett and make sure you are seeing a legitimate SP, and not LE Just a couple thoughts and a rambling RG
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