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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Reading this thread has got me to thinking. For those who have a marriage in a rut, maybe your partner has medical issues and so on, unless you are prepared to end the marriage, having affairs, generally speaking isn't the way to go. The spouse will end up hurt, not only from the sexually infidelity, but probably more so from the emotional (read love) infidelity. The lady/gentleman who is the other woman/man may get involved with someone married on the hopes of finding true love, only to find a uncommitted relationship, and they are dumped and left hurt as well. But one option, seeing escorts seems a solution (well maybe not the perfect solution, but it isn't a perfect world) for a marriage in a rut, or bad marriage etc. It allows a spouse in a not so perfect marriage an escape without the risk of true emotional infidelity. The escort isn't going to try to steal the spouse for her own, so no real threat to the marriage. And anyone seeing escorts who keeps a head on his shoulders knows, or should know that the SP, no matter how much she might like you, doesn't have genuine feelings (read love) for you. So seeing escorts, while allowing sexually infidelity, does so without the risk of true emotional infidelity A rambling from a happy single guy who loves this poly amorous lifestyle For whatever it contributes to this thread RG
  2. Here is the thread about race And yes, a touchy subject...really race versus a lady's right to choose IMHO http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=93093&highlight=race RG
  3. Just because a gentleman does pay a lady for her time doesn't mean he owns her for that time Every act that takes place are still between consenting adults. If the lady does not consent to a certain service, irrespective of how much you pay for her time, means you do not get certain services. And if the lady does not want to see you, she has the right to not see you, just as a gentleman has the right to chose which SP's he will see or not see And if you are here to get photos, the ones provided on websites and profiles suffice. If you want more explicit photos, your local corner store carries Playboy or Penthouse. The photos provided by the lady are to entice, and give you an idea of her looks. Encounters are to be mutually beneficial and 100% consensual A rambling Good thread Gabriella RG
  4. Well don't know if it counts as a sex injury, but when I started taking l-argenine and discovered it's benefits...well being single, and no encounters immediate, I only had one source of relief. Well lets just say the benefits I felt a few times a day, and I had to relieve myself a few times a day...only thing, should have gone to the pharmacy for lubricant, too much self relieving leads to some not so pleasant side effects. Is that a sex injury story or just too much information RG :-)
  5. I do think if the raid on a bawdy house was done because of concerns over human trafficking, anyone in that bawdy house should expect to be leaving...in the back of a crusier handcuffed. Any questions would be done at a police station. And I don't think the police would be looking at owner or client in too kind a light. To the police, justifiably so, in a case of human trafficking, see only those who have been trafficked as the victims. Any owners and clients, well to the police, they are the problem. The police may use the common bawdy house provision as legal grounds to conduct the raid and arrest people inside, but it would only be part of a much larger investigation into human trafficking And anyone arrested, or even just questioned by police under such circumstances, you'd better be calling a lawyer first. No matter how polite a police investigator seems to be, they are investigating a case and looking for evidence to lead to convictions. Your only friend at that point is your lawyer Better yet, stay away from bawdy houses that look like they would be targets of LE to begin with A rambling RG
  6. This talk about hammers got me thinking, it's hammertime MC Hammer-U Can't Touch This Oh come on, it put a smile on your face RG
  7. Except the man doesn't meet the one most important marriage-material criteria for the woman. The woman wants a faithful one woman man. How does she go about getting him. Going after a man who does cheat, and isn't a one woman man. What makes the woman think things will change? That part I found dysfunctional. And when I heard some of these women crying about how the married man they stole (and they didn't have any regrets over marriages broken up...and in some cases they knew and were friends with the wife) didn't stay, well I just had to bite my tongue. RG
  8. One man mulled about being a carpenter Johnny Cash (with June Carter Cash)-If I Were A Carpenter It's Johnny Cash, that has to redeem me, doesn't it RG
  9. Well don't know if this adds anything to this thread but here goes. And I wouldn't have been drawn to the thread except the title fishing, I thought it actually had to do with fishing LOL Back many years ago, in my thirties, when I was a young pup (when your fifty one your thirties seem so young) and I was dating, I had hit a dry spell. A friend of mine, he was single also, same thing. Yes there were available single women. But they were going after married men. And in some cases, the married men said no, "I'm married" But quite a few would hook up with with the single women, marriage aside (btw I'm not, irrespective of terms used here passing any judgements, just making observations from my experience). The single woman thought she found the man of her dreams, the guy, sex. He had no intention of leaving his wife/cl. A female friend of mine (just a friend) said many women like going after married men. They see them as a challenge. And once they get them, if they get them, they think they can change them from a husband who cheats (again no judgements here, trying to find the right terminology) to a faithful husband. This thinking always has escaped me, it seems so dysfunctional. A woman chooses to go after a married man to be her husband/cl, and if she gets him she is the one to change him. Not to mention from that guy's viewpoint, he must think she is comfortable with the idea of infidelity (again, not trying to sound judgmental, just trying to find the right terms) so he continues seeing other women. On a personal note, my fiance decided to have a pre marital (very close to when we were going to get married) affair (or fling) Well she got pregnant by a married man. His marriage ended. He refused to support the child. She shows up at my place, pregnant expecting me to still want to marry her, well no, marriage off (I may make it sound like it was an easy decision, but at the time, yes still loved her, but I knew at that point I couldn't trust her, it was the worst quite a few months of my life) But thank god for very supportive friends. However I digress But it seemed in her case, she was more interested in taking a chance and going after a married guy than getting married. Anyhow that's ancient history, and a rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  10. This was a big embarrassing moment. We have to open our history books to this one, it was back when I was in high school...I also think this thus far tops them all Family had gone out for dinner at a restaurant one night. Our waitress was a girl at my high school. Kinda cute, no downright attractive. I knew she had just broke up with her bf and my gf and I had broken up So I was going to ask her out on a date, obviously not that night, parents around you know Anyhow ordered dinner, me, liver with gravy (I definitely remember this). Well while I was cutting the liver my eyes kept wandering looking at her while she was working away. What I didn't notice was that the pressure or force or whatever from my cutting was slowly making the plate slide.....slowly to the edge of the table. And then, yup, you guessed it, liver and gravy and other food all over my lap, the plate crashed to the floor and broke, everyone in the restaurant heard and saw what happened. And the girl, our waitress didn't seem very impressed. All I made was a mess for her to clean up. Never did ask her out after that I am surprised that no one at school every found out though RG
  11. I'm going to hell for this, or at least banned from this thread LOL But if there is a song, The End, it seems appropriate to have a song about a beginning So without further ado The Carpenters-We've Only Just Begun RG
  12. To be honest, it's the lady that amps up my sex drive...not the season I see her in But, seasonally speaking, I do find spring nice after a cold winter...and take that to mean whatever you want :icon_wink: RG
  13. Congratulations Meg on hitting 5000 posts Always love your upbeat positive contributions Looking forward to the next 5000 RG
  14. An unexpected pm from a lady, resulting in making a new CERB friend My cat, enjoying his spoonful or two (ok on a real hot day three) of ice cream Pre encounter emails...two weeks meeting a new lady and the building anticipation through email, it's all part of why this lifestyle makes me happy and puts a smile on my face Memories of previous encounters. Long after the encounter is over, the memory of my time with the lady is still there, and makes me happy Getting a pm from a lady just noting and appreciating support that you have given Getting a email from a lady for an upcoming encounter. She thought because of something that came up from her end, well let's just say she was very apologetic. In reality it was very minor and quickly resolved. Just kinda cute that she thought something in reality so minor was so major.(this makes much more sense if you read the email) When someone pm's me about a lady (happened on a few occasions with a few ladies) and I can wholeheartedly recommend her. Not only does it make me happy that maybe my comments and recommendation might give the lady another client (good for her business) I'm happy that my recommendation can lead a gentleman to a good or great lady, and leads to a good encounter for him Just a few RG
  15. OK I'm cheating again Rupert Holmes-Escape (Pina Colada Song) And I can't believe I posted this song...what's next, Barry Manilow:icon_eek: RG :-)
  16. Some questions/comments inappropriate to bring up to a client. Some exact quotes, some are words to the effect... Will you become a regular (btw asked during the course of the encounter) Oh glad I'm meeting you, don't have food in the kitchen, now I can go grocery shopping (yes true, happened to me, do I need to hear she is broke) I'd like a recommendation. I don't seem to get too many (wonder why, and commented before the first hour of a encounter of two hours) opening lines from a lady "gotta pay the bills hun, gotta pay the bills" Just a couple warm fuzzies I've encountered. Fortunately most ladies I meet are just that, ladies. And those few bad ones make me appreciate the good and great ladies all that much more RG
  17. From the gentlemen's side, well this gentleman, speaking for myself only. I have seen ladies who are non-CERB, and all my bad encounters were with non-CERB ladies I'm not saying all non-CERB ladies are bad I'm not saying every CERB lady will provide a good or great encounter But, CERB, being a board which is welcoming to both the ladies and gentlemen alike allows for interaction, so guys can get an idea of the lady they are going to meet, and likewise, the ladies can get an idea who the guy is that wants to meet them. And they can determine this through the recommendations, posts, pm's to other members (recently I have been pm'd about one lady I've seen, and was very happy to tell the gentleman that the lady provides a great encounter. If he decides to see her he will have a wonderful escape and the lady might have a client, one who she sees once, or becomes a regular...but I digress) In short, my take on it, CERB is a mutually beneficial community. And for the ladies reading, for what it's worth, I now only see ladies from CERB. The last time I strayed off the reserve LOL so to speak, and saw a non-CERB lady, (back in Sept 2011) the lady I saw ripped me off. I won't go to other sites, maybe I've got blinders on, but the ladies of CERB haven't let me down In short, now, almost a year later, 100% of the ladies I see or will see are the ladies from CERB My morning rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  18. And the gentleman can ask the question without being explicit. All he has to say is "I'm unshaven, will that affect any aspect of our encounter?" RG
  19. By not shaving yourself it may make certain activities (bj, bls) completely unpleasant for the lady, and they either don't do them or do them but hate doing them. Are you telling me that there are no SP's who find performing oral (bj, bls) on unshaven men unpleasant, and they either don't do it, or they do it but hate doing it. And in my statement, I bolded it for you, I said may make certain activities... Personally, I couldn't imagine a ball full of hair in one's mouth as pleasant And I have never, absolutely never equated unshaven with unclean or unhygienic. Not washing, that I equate with unclean To me this is completely a ymmv. And every gentleman booking an encounter can ask a lady before hand whether be unshaven will affect service. Case in point, me. I know I'm overweight, 50's bald, and for ladies I'm seeing for the first time, I always ask about my appearance (maybe a little insecurity) if that is an issue. The ladies cannot forsee every eventuality, but the gentleman calling, he knows what he is looking for from an encounter and any possible personal matters that may affect the service RG
  20. I'm not snobby about guys who can't shave. But if a lady prefers to do oral on guys who are shaved (and she may not like unshaven but will still perform oral, or she may not) she shouldn't be considered less professional because of it. That's not being snobby, I just don't think it's right calling it unprofessional when a lady doesn't like to perform oral on unshaven guys RG
  21. From what you say, the shame and embarrassment should be theirs. They are medical professionals, they should conduct themselves like professionals RG
  22. I do believe, one hundred percent believe that a lady must charge what she feels her time and companionship is worth. And I have learned as I gained further experiences in this wonderful lifestyle, those memorable encounters, irrespective of the fee charged, well it really has turned out, for me at least, something you can't put a price on. I may not know about the intricacies about fee structures. But as one gentleman who appreciates the companionship you ladies have given me, or will one day provide, and to those I may never meet, don't ever devalue yourself. Charge what you think your time and companionship is worth. A gentleman will see you. From an appreciative gentleman for whatever it's worth RG
  23. When I had my doctors appointment, and I used to have a jungle, he commented about my newly shaved look. I just told him the lady I'm dating (not really a lie) prefers it shaved. Hell, I get my STI/STD testing done through him, not through a clinic, if that doesn't embarrass me, why should shaving. He's a medical professional and knows I'm sexually active RG
  24. To all the ladies who travel, having to live in hotels and out of suitcases, so we are privileged to have their companionship most definitely deserve our appreciation. I know I most definitely appreciate the effort they put in so we can see them. So here is a big thank you to those ladies who take the trouble to tour. Your efforts are not unnoticed, and they are appreciated RG
  25. Just to throw a monkeywrench in the discussion here. Define a visit. Me, I prefer longer encounters, minimum of two hours, usually three, on occasion four hours. From what I glean from CERB, most guys like one hour encounters. If I have, hypothetically speaking, one visit of three hours should I in fact be credited with three visits (money wise I'm spending the equivalent of three one hour visits) or does my three hour visit count the same as another client's one hour visit. I see another problem with a customer loyalty program. It is good for clients who are locals (ie in the same city) But as someone who has to travel, and can afford one encounter a month, and enjoys the poly amorous aspect of this lifestyle (I don't see the same lady every month) I could see for someone like me that it could take two to fours years to benefit from such a program. So traveling gentlemen for all practical purposes would not benefit from such a program Don't take what I said wrong. I don't and won't see a lady because she has such program anyway. If she and I click, have chemistry, and I enjoy her company, I'll see her, again and again. And if she offers a monetary discount, well she can just apply it to the tip...I do at a gut level have a problem taking money from a lady, that's money she can use to pay bills etc. But that's just me Oh yes, another rambling RG
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