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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well my experience, first I'm 51, bald, wear glasses and overweight BUT I treat the ladies with courtesy and respect, and I am honoured and flattered that they are willing to see me...in short, I treat the ladies like a gentleman. Little secret here ladies, all of you. Every time you agree to an encounter with me, either the first time or a repeat, I wonder how such an average looking guy like me is so lucky that a beautiful woman like you (all of you) wants to spend intimate time with me. And I am so appreciative of the companionship you all provide me. And yes there is a donation, but what I receive for that donation, you can't put a price on it. The ladies in return have treated me in every which way like I am their boyfriend, and friend, and that they like me for me, my average looks aside And I have read threads/posts about so called good looking guys having the attitude they are gods gift to women, and they should get discounts because they are so good looking...well most of them don't last too long with the ladies with that attitude. Ladies like to be treated with respect by a gentleman RG
  2. I should have added one thing. Sometimes services offered just can't be performed. Case in point, msog. Well maybe for a young buck msog it is a viable menu option. But for some old guy, like myself, msog, well it just ain't going to happen. I'm happy with one shot on goal, hell doesn't even have to be on goal, just one shot LOL. Point making, some services available on a menu, just realistically ain't going to happen. And although not an official term, but I've coined it KCC (kissing, cuddling, conversation, seems to fit in with the GFE). I thoroughly enjoy and find pleasure lying in bed with a lady, holding one another, just kissing and talking. Something done post sex, and something I find very intimate. My guess, someone younger, wouldn't be as focused on KCC (I may be wrong) and instead waiting for more sex. My point here, ymmv also is very much dependent on client's interests, and not being interested/able for some menu items seems to me to be part of ymmv Another rambling RG
  3. First, no not married. But besides the sexual aspect of shaving, it is much more cool and comfortable to be shaven than unshaven. Even if I stopped seeing ladies and left this lifestyle, became a monk and never saw a woman again, I'd still shave. It is simply for me at least, much more comfortable. The bonus, in my experience, women seem to prefer it RG
  4. To me ymmv means first, things like hygiene. A lady is much more likely to be intimate with a gentleman who is clean versus one who is dirty Case in point. Kissing. It may be offered as a menu item. But should a guy have bad breath, or cigarette breath (if he smokes) the lady would imho be within her rights to refuse to kiss him. Or another example, she may offer digits. But if the guy's hands are covered in grease, like he just finished working on a car, I don't think he should expect digits. It can also mean that intangible, chemistry. A lady might offer a GFE experience. But there is very much a interpersonal chemistry/click to that service. If the lady and gentleman do not click, maybe the guy is too shy to relax and talk, it's kinda hard to offer a GFE. It doesn't mean sexual services denied. But the encounter would likely become just about sex, and in my experience, a GFE is about much more than just sex. It can also mean, in the case of a GFE, a large part of that is social/conversation. How intimate (in the broadest sense of the word) the conversation becomes depends on how much the lady/gentleman are willing to open up, which is more a case of trust. A lady shouldn't expect a man to completely open up or a man shouldn't expect a lady to completely open up on the first date. But if the client becomes a repeat, much more trust develops, and more intimate personal conversations occur, because it becomes more like two friends together, not a SP meeting a client Also, it can mean how a guy treats a lady. Showing up intoxicated/high. I think most guys can expect their encounter terminated. And likewise, if the guy is abusive, verbally or otherwise, the encounter is terminated Just because a gentleman is paying the lady for an encounter, doesn't mean he owns her for that time or is entitled to do whatever he wants. The acts performed are still between two consenting adults. And ymmv an industry standard, means irrespective of what is offered on a menu, it allows the lady to consent to an act on an individual basis. One client may be a gentleman, the next an unhygienic rude and ignorant man. Should both be treated equally. And finally, if the gentleman in scheduling an encounter has any specific enquiries, he should ask the lady at that time. There is no way a lady can envision every circumstance that may arise, the gentleman has to know more about himself than the lady. He should bring up anything that might be of issue prior to the encounter. In short, ymmv means irrespective of menu offerings, that those menu offerings may be offered in an encounter, not a guarantee that they will be offered. And irrespective that a gentleman is paying for an encounter, doesn't mean he is buying and entitled to do what he wants with the lady. It still has to be consensual between two adults, and forcing the lady to do something she doesn't want to do isn't consensual. And I don't see it as a negative. It just means the prospective client is aware ahead of time that there isn't a guarantee of services, but for the clients who are the best clients they can be, there are services they may experience At least that's how I see it RG
  5. It was when I was there, but that was back circa 1979-1980 when I was in the Forces. Don't know about today. But if I had the money to afford to travel overseas to find out, I'd get a hotel in Toronto, Ottawa, Maritimes, Vancouver and Winnipeg and have encounters with a few CERB ladies :-) RG
  6. I do think this is a newer trend. My ex-gf's weren't shaved, but then again neither was I. I even knew (not Biblically) some women who didn't shave at all (armpits, legs) And take a look at some older Playboys, the centerfolds weren't shaved. In fact in my case I started shaving when I entered into this lifestyle. RG
  7. Well my last word on the matter. First, there is a little clause in SP's website's, YMMV. That to me is sort of covers the disclosure aspect. Otherwise a provider in her website would have to cover every eventuality/condition prior to an encounter so a gentleman knows whether he will receive a certain service. I have not received this sort of disclosure from any lady prior to an encounter. Not to mention, most of the ladies I see don't even have a menu, you meet the lady and the encounters unfolds naturally. There really isn't an expectation of a specific service if you read the lady's website. And an encounter with myself and a lady will not be the same as an encounter with another gentleman and that same lady...every encounter is unique. That's another aspect of YMMV, don't expect the same as some other gentleman. Your encounter will be special and unique to you and the lady, not part of a script that every client will have the same experience. But really, if that's a concern, the gentleman in making the appointment for the encounter should ask if he should be shaved or not. It's not up to the lady make all enquiries to cover every eventuality for an encounter IMHO And a lady may perform oral on an unshaven man because she is a professional. She may not like having hair in her mouth, but as a professional she provides the service. But not liking oral on an unshaven man doesn't imho make the lady less professional. As I stated, the one lady, very much a professional, not to mention a great lady and SP, always, always, thanks me for shaving. Don't know if she refuses to do oral on unshaven men (knowing her the way I do, can't imagine it) but she appreciates a shaven man That's the end of my ramblings on the subject RG
  8. First, not starting a argument. But I'm not equating hygiene and cleanliness with whether you are shaved or not. I want to be clear here. Unshaved does not mean unclean. But one lady in fact goes out of her way, each and every encounter, specifically to thank me for shaving. She appreciates that I've shaved. And she is very much a professional SP, and one of my favourite lady's. Also, I could only imagine what it would be like to, for example, do bls, and have hairy balls in your mouth. Not an issue of hygiene, but I can't imagine that to be pleasant for a lady. Finally, next to kissing and hugging, for me at least, the most intimate physical/sexual activity that is done is oral sex. It is the one activity where the one partner gives pleasure solely so the other partner receives pleasure. The very least I can do is shave the area to make the activity enjoyable for the lady when she is giving me pleasure. And of all intimate activities that can take place in an encounter, next to kissing and hugging, oral sex is for me the most intimate. And I would, and have forgone other activities, to enjoy the pleasure and intimacy of giving and receiving this, to me, this most intimate activity. And I'd at least like to make sure that the lady providing me with this intimacy does so without a jungle facing her Another morning rambling RG
  9. No disagreement about hair from the cleanliness/hygienic standpoint. But my experience has been most ladies like guys genital area clean shaven. Some may like a jungle LOL but most seem to like the area bare. By not shaving yourself it may make certain activities (bj,bls) completely unpleasant for the lady, and they either don't do them or do them but hate doing them. So for me, it is more about being a good partner. It's even gotten to be such a habit that I shave before every encounter, even if I know no oral is part of the date RG
  10. And for clarification of my post in Carmen's case, she doesn't offer 15 minute or 30 minute, her minimum time is one hour, and all it would take is a prospective client to read her website. So it is insulting for guys to ask her about 15 minute sessions There is nothing wrong with ladies who offer 15 or 30 minute sessions, or clients who prefer this type of encounter. But asking a lady who doesn't offer it and what she does offer is in her website, that is insulting RG
  11. Well it has been run many times with no issues, once with issues (unfortunately) Personally I thought all the members here have learned from last year and we could move forward and return the Valued Members and SP Awards to the purpose intended, something positive. From reading the threads, guess I was wrong, still bringing up the past RG
  12. Frankly in this case to call and ask for a fifteen, hell even thirty minute appointment I can see it being insulting, and not something a gentleman would do. Just a quick two or three minute read of of Carmen's website before thinking of asking the question and you would see she doesn't offer that type of encounter. Anyone who has experience being involved in this lifestyle as a client knows you read the lady's website before asking questions. Those asking didn't even show enough courtesy to take the time to read Carmen's webpage, but they expect her to reduce her time for them. Carmen, here's a quick thought though, say you will offer a fifteen minute encounter, but it's the same price as seeing you for one hour And fifteen minutes, hell that's not enough time to get into the door, take your coat off and sit down on the couch and have an enjoyable conversation and get to know one another But on the plus side, well for me at least :-) this thread just made me aware of another lady, a lady I'd like to meet. Although I have encounters scheduled right through to January (yup, I really am planned/committed that far ahead) Carmen, you are on my list of ladies I'd like to get to meet (don't know if that's good or bad news for you LOL) Anyhow, hang in there Carmen, some of us can't envision doing a fifteen minute encounter, hell for me one hour is too short RG
  13. Congratulations Emily on your 3000 contributions Looking forward to reading your next 3000 contributions RG
  14. And what do you do with popcorn Eat It-Weird Al Yankovic RG
  15. Whats not to like about Meg. A great on-board presence of positivity here. Not to mention she was the second great lady I met since embarking on this lifestyle And she was the lady I celebrated (to the day) my one year anniversary of seeing ladies Yup, what's not to like about Meg RG
  16. This link from nair, click on the bottle of nair cream, click on print instructions Under warnings, not to use on genital areas. BTW you don't need to print off the instructions you can read them on screen LOL http://www.naircare.ca/products/nair-men-cream/ I only remember because when I first enquired about genital shaving I asked about depilatories and was advised not to use. I assume nair's warning about their product likely applies to other products on the market Posted so no ones genitals are going to be suffering RG
  17. Well if you are in a Wild World you'd fit in if you are Born To Be Wild-Stepphenwolf RG
  18. Well I shave down there prior to an encounter. I'm sure for the ladies it would be unpleasant to, lets say, face a mouthful of jungle LOL One lady I see always goes out of her way to thank me for shaving down there when we meet I do find it much cooler in the summertime especially to shave. And personal preference only, I do prefer shaved, or neatly trimmed ladies. Finally, be careful, very careful when shaving. Once prior to an encounter I nicked myself (papercut size nick really small, too small for even a bandaid LOL) at the base of my penis. I still saw the lady but advised her of what happened. Even with a condom fs was out, oral ill advised...but there can be lots of fun with hands. Point making first be very careful. Second, if you do cut yourself, even the most teeny weeny cut tell the lady, it's part of safe sex and being a responsible partner RG
  19. Keep in mind there is, maybe not legally, but in reality, a big difference between a lady who discretely operates her business as an incall. Seeing perhaps one, or two clients a day at her home/condo or hotel isn't going to raise eyebrows. That versus a brothel, or a lady having a steady stream of clients morning to night, that will raise eyebrows, and likely draw LE attention Also, if a lady operates her incall discretely, how is LE going to determine whether she is in fact a SP seeing clients, or a woman meeting her boyfriend, something which is legal (yes, ladies are entitled to have relationships/social life too) Actually how is LE even going to know. The effort LE would need to take to determine that would be costly (warrants, wiretaps etc) and not worth their effort. Their concern, in reality is more street level prostitution, and concerns about things like human trafficking. Now if really concerned, stick to outcalls at your hotel. That is legal. But also keep in mind to be discrete. See maybe one lady a day. Don't draw attention to your stay. One lady seeing you no eyebrows raised. But if you have a steady stream all day long of ladies seeing you, well that could raise eyebrows, and possibly a call to LE, and you charged with keeping a common bawdy house. BTW I'm not 100 percent sure on the law on this, but I do believe this is the case. But as has been mentioned earlier, stay away from massage parlours and incalls run by asian (well any) agencies. They are very likely on LE radar and there is a risk to being raided Some ramblings RG
  20. Sent my semi semi semi final confirmation email to a lady I have yet to meet, and I'm seeing later this month. Not only did she confirm everything is a go with us :-) she was very flattering and complimentary in her email about how I looked after details for our upcoming encounter RG
  21. I like Jhena, my fellow game player and music thread player, not to mention her positive contributions to CERB. Always read what she writes RG
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