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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Maybe, and here's a thought, don't publicly have a loyalty program per se. Instead, those clients who come back on a repeat basis, maybe as a surprise on one of those repeat visits. Treated as a gift to the repeat client, unexpected, but very much appreciated. What that could be is a surprise extra hour of companionship for example. I know a couple ladies that only because we got to know one another did things with me that were very intimate and personal....things not part of a menu, things that would not even be appreciated as something special if mentioned here (and I won't, discretion) but if you knew the lady, well then you would know how special what she did is. Doing it that way would be a token of appreciation from you to those clients who see you for you, not because of any loyalty program you have. That token of appreciation, not expected but your clients would appreciate it Anyhow, that's a quick morning rambling RG
  2. First here is a thread along the same lines http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=57415 All I can say, for myself I do not expect any discounts for seeing a lady on a repeat basis. Such a program wouldn't decide for me whether a lady will be one I see again or not. For me, seeing a lady again is more dependent on our chemistry, how we click if you will. A lady I see again, well it seems the tips and gifts from me get bigger. And that's just a token of appreciation on my part for the great and pleasant escape the lady provides for me. About the only thing I can say about repeat encounters, in large part it becomes less SP/Client relationship, and more like friends getting together. And there may be more intimate aspects (intimacy in the broadest sense of the word, not just sexual) of seeing a lady on a repeat basis. It may sound trite, but when the relationship, for lack of a better word, evolves to more like a friends getting together, that is the sort of loyalty program money can't buy. And that is because it is priceless and can't be part of a program But I'm only speaking for myself. And those ladies who made our encounters more like friends getting together than a simple SP/Client relationship, that in and of itself was the best loyalty program ever. A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  3. Question 1:-- If you knew a woman who was pregnant, Who had 8 kids already, Three who were deaf, Two who were blind, One mentally retarded, And she had syphilis, Would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one. -- Question 2:-- It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts.. Here are the facts about the three candidates. -- Candidate A:-- Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes And drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. -- Candidate B:-- He was kicked out of office twice, Sleeps until noon, Used opium in college And drinks a quart of whiskey every evening. -- Candidate C:-- He is a decorated war hero, He's a vegetarian, Doesn't smoke, Drinks an occasional beer And never committed adultery. Which of these candidates would be our choice? Decide first ... No peeking, and then scroll down for the response. Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolph Hitler. And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question: If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven. Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone. Remember: Amateurs ... Built the ark. Professionals ... Built the Titanic
  4. To jrose By adding to an existing recommendation thread, that means posting your own recommendation in an existing recommendation thread, for the city you saw the lady in. If no recommendation threads have been started for the lady in that city, then your recommendation will be the first post of that thread, and other guys recommendations get added to that thread. That is so if you want to look up a certain lady in a certain city, you just need to go to the recommendation threads for that city, look up the lady, and in one thread, all recommendations are there. Definitely do not start a new recommendation thread in a city on a lady if one already exists. But most definitely do start one if there isn't one already started RG
  5. Always get pre-date jitters, butterflies in my stomach before an encounter And the ten minutes before the set time, my hearts just pounding, in anticipation of the knock on the door. So far when going to answer the door I haven't fallen from being too weak in the knees LOL That feeling I get every encounter. The day I don't get that feeling, well it's the day either people are speaking a eulogy for me, because I'm dead and it's my funeral, or the paramedics are trying to save me because I'm close to death That feeling, if I don't get it, well, whats the point then. Wouldn't trade it for the world RG
  6. Happy Birthday Cometman Enjoy your special day RG
  7. Keep posting, but expect me to do the same. And don't paint my posts as having something personal against Moncton, or any city or anyone. I'm entitled to my opinion, whether it applies to Moncton or Vancouver or anywhere in between. And my posts aren't personal attacks RG
  8. First, I have nothing personal invested in Moncton. I don't go there. But I do know (and like and respect) ladies who's tours to Moncton turned out not so good (from a business sense) for them. And I would actually like to see Moncton on a lady's touring list, because it means she is in a city which is good for her business. But seeing ladies get stood up time and time again in one city, well frankly it offends me as a gentleman to see ladies treated with such disrespect. And the ladies don't out any of the clients that stood them up on this board. They do name the city that's all. So if you like, if your stood up by a lady, name the city that the SP was in that was a no show, just don't name the lady. As for comparing you being cancelled on by a lady to a touring lady getting stood up, well lets compare. You show up for an encounter, get stood up, disappointing yes. But I'll bet you walk away with your money still in your wallet don't you. Call me when a no show lady also gets your money for the donation, then you have a valid comparison to make. A touring lady on the other hand. Guesstimate here, but to do a tour to a city, lets say $500-$600 for plane tickets. Hotel, about $150.00 a night. Meals and incidentals maybe another $100-$150. And she invests this money on the business belief that she will get a return on her investment. The ladies are quite eloquent in their posts, but I'll say it bluntly, they are likely pissed at spending around $750 to $900 a day to be stood up. That's money they are in the hole for. Not to mention the allotted time for an encounter could have been spent in another city with a paying client, which would be a return on her investment. And all because a guy didn't keep his word on committing to a encounter. And a person is only as good as his word Frankly this isn't about taking the ladies' side versus the guy's side, this is about objectively viewing what has been posted, and seeing who is right. And as for me posting about Moncton, the thread keeps coming up. I don't initiate the threads or the posts, but as a member of the CERB community I'll voice my opinion. If you don't like my posts, frankly, don't read them, doesn't bother me one way or the other. But I'm entitled to my opinion and will articulate it. And you could have avoided seeing my post altogether by avoiding reading the Moncton thread and posting your own comments on it RG
  9. That sucks Amelia. And especially after some Moncton guys have gone to the trouble of posting very recently how unfair it is for them to not see touring ladies in Moncton because they are great clients, and they are getting lumped in with the rest...or words to that effect You guys just had another chance, and again, you blew it. And you wonder why Moncton is not on a lady's touring list. How many chances do you guys need. What is it about Moncton that the guys don't keep appointments? My morning ramble before I head off to work RG
  10. Home for me is my apartment, which is fixed up the way I like it. I like coming home, approaching my door at the end of the day, and I can hear my cat come running to the door, and greeting me. Here I'm the master of the remote control. And nothing better than up early in the morning, de-caf brewing, checking emails, a couple fishing websites and CERB. And knowing I'm secure doing so, because I'm at home, the only one else around is my cat RG
  11. I know exactly where you are coming from. When I first started in this lifestyle I found it hard to write a recommendation on what was to me a private intimate time together. It wasn't finding words, it was talking about what to me was private. I was just raised that intimate time together was a private matter, not something to be talked about. Now not telling you what to do, you have to do what is comfortable for you. But a short recommendation to the effect "saw this lady, arrived on time, her photos accurate, had a good time with her and will repeat" Doesn't get into the intimate details. Like I said, not telling you what to do, but maybe a recommendation along those lines might fit in your comfort zone, and it might be helpful for the lady For whatever it's worth RG :-)
  12. First I let my recommendations stand on their own. In other words if there are things I have not brought up in the recommendation, I'm not bringing them up through pm. Some matters between a gentleman and lady, yes even in this lifestyle, are a private matter. I've had respectful questions asked because of recommendations I wrote, and was all too happy to answer. Why? Well first it could benefit the lady, in getting a new client. Second, a gentleman just might meet a great lady, and like me have a good or great encounter. Also, it is a public way to say in hopefully a flattering way, thank you to the lady for the great encounter you had with her. What lady doesn't like flattery, especially when it is deserved and shows the gentleman appreciated her companionship Answering pm's, does it take some time, sometimes. But if I wrote a recommendation that's because the encounter was good or great, and that is due in large part to the lady. And just on the off chance a recommendation may help her in her business, if for no other reason, well for a lady that gave me a memorable encounter, she's worth spending that bit of time answering any respectful questions. I have, on another board, after posting a recommendation which was tasteful (I got rep points for it here) got replies and pm's asking for the play by play. I declined, saying the lady prefers no graphic details, which I respect. Then I basically got nasty pm's directed at me for even daring to post the recommendation. I left that board As a side note to the play by play details. Sometimes they have to be greeted with skepticism. Middle age guys talking about how they were sexual dynamos with a twenty something SP, going on for hours and hours. I might have had that type of stamina in my teenage years to twenties, but middle aged guys, come on. You'd need to take a case full of viagara to keep going like that Who are they writing the recommendation for, the lady, to help her business, or the guys, and the reco is more akin to locker room talk, well bragging? I even recall a post from a lady on CERB quite awhile ago which said a recommendation on her didn't even come close to being what the real encounter was, even the description of the hotel room was wrong. Anyhow I digress But if a gentleman writes a recommendation on a lady, that means he had a good time with her. And at the end of the day, when another gentleman wants to see a lady, isn't that the most important question to consider "will I have a good time with this lady?" A rambling RG
  13. Congratulations Malika on 3000 posts Looking forward to reading your next 3000 contributions RG
  14. No , the clock as it is phrased, just means that is the allotted time you paid for to have an encounter, irrespective of it being a 30 minute session, a gfe, social time etc. The fact of the matter there is a time limit no matter what type of encounter you are seeking. When time is up, the encounter is over. And I've had many wonderful GFE's with ladies, nothing mechanical at all with them. But the encounter was over when time was up. And the time up doesn't mean the lady has a backed up client list, nor does it mean she hates what she is doing. It means she gets compensated (remember, this is her job, her livelihood) for her time. If you want time with a lady, no clock, get married. But this lifestyle, you pay, usually an hourly rate. Sorry, your post really makes no sense to me, sounds like you expect, and maybe I'm reading your post wrong, the time to run on and on irrespective of how much of a donation you paid. You pay for a certain set amount of time, that's all the time with the lady you should expect. And how will the lady know when the allotted time is up without a clock/watch. Or do you expect her to stay longer with you for free RG
  15. Emily I'm so sorry for you having to go through this. And the "gentleman" obviously has no respect for you if he allows his private married life to cross over and impact the quality of your life. I've said before that privacy is sacrosanct, a sacred trust. It may sound rigid to some, but treating privacy in a cavalier matter, well it has consequences. And Emily has to suffer harassment now because of someone else's carelessness with her privacy. I don't have the concerns of a wife or SO being single, but I clear my browsing history, text messages etc. If I with no concerns do that, why do guys who have marriages not take the same precautions, if not for their marriage, for the privacy and protection of the ladies they see. Emily, having been privileged enough to be in your company and having gotten to know you, I know for a fact you don't deserve to be treated that way by anyone And it doesn't matter about winning or losing should LE become involved, it is frankly unneeded bullshit (pardon my language) for Emily to deal with because of this guy's carelessness. Emily, you are a wonderful companion, a class act and a lady, and should always be treated as such. It may not mean much, but here is a long distance hug from me Em. Take care and stay strong RG
  16. Here's an idea. Go to your email, type out the message you want to send, and the email saves it as a draft. (make sure you don't send it LOL) Work on it till you get it exactly the way you want. Then copy/paste into the private message. Maybe the email to pm won't have the formatting problems that word does Just a thought
  17. I'm not ashamed of the ladies I meet and if I had a good time with the lady and she doesn't mind, I will write a recommendation If, after the encounter is over, and it was a good encounter, if the lady drops me a line saying words to the effect that "if you had a good time I'd appreciate a recommendation", I have no problems with that. And I don't find that rude, sometimes you don't or won't know unless you ask. But when it's brought up during the course of an encounter, either straight out asked for, or hinted at, that is in my opinion in poor taste, and frankly I find it rude. And no, no recommendation will be forthcoming. A lady should be focused on providing a good encounter during the course of the date. Not on asking/hinting about a recommendation while the date is taking place. Makes a client, well this client feel uncomfortable. RG
  18. Second that, Mia is a sweetie, and well worth the wait RG
  19. I should add one thing, this is, at least from my vantage point, this is one of the few collective positive things that everyone on this board can partake in. I do believe (I least I really hope we have) we all learned from last year But let's not dwell on the past, let's move forward. I may be optimistic, but I think it goes hand in hand with the underlying CERB philosophy of if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all. RG
  20. I know in the beginning when I was a newbie, I found the idea of writing a recommendation uncomfortable. To me I was raised that private intimate time spent with your girlfriend was just that, private between you and her, not something to be discussed (well judging from some guys I knew bragging) in public. And when I came to this lifestyle I came to learn that most ladies like recommendations, it is helpful to them in their business. It also allows gentlemen to know of a great lady out there, one they might want to meet. And finally, to the lady herself, it is just a little way of publicly saying thank you for a great or good encounter If one takes a look at my early recommendations, the writing might appear awkward and uncomfortable, and that is because I was still somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of writing recommendations. Now I'm more comfortable with writing them, and hopefully my recommendations do justice to a lady I've met, while remaining tasteful and respectful. And at no times do I go into details, it's not needed, and that is to me, very much private and personal. And some ladies don't like recommendations. One lady I know doesn't, but allowed me, after first previewing it, to post my recommendation of our encounter. And to this end, all my recommendations first are emailed to the lady so she can say yay or nay, or if there is something she prefers excluded that can be edited out. But the lady doesn't tell me what to write, and all my recommendations are my true opinions of encounters I've had, not something a lady told me to write...if that makes sense. And I guess for me, one of the more flattering things for me was a recommendation I wrote on a lady, she thought was good enough to include on her review page on her website A few quick ramblings RG
  21. Honestly I don't know. But here is something that has to be remembered. For the gentlemen, this is an escape, an indulgence. For the ladies, this is their livelihood. And be they SP/MA/Dancer etc, as much as they are providing a very intimate service for gentlemen, it is to pay the bills, pay the rent, put food on the table etc etc etc. This lifestyle is not a dating site. Likely any lady in this lifestyle looking for a serious relationship isn't looking for it from one of her clients, that's her work life. She'd likely look, if in fact she is looking, outside of this lifestyle, and away from her work. Now never say never. But treat this lifestyle as it should be, an escape, a escape that you got because you paid the lady her donation. And be the best client you can be, a gentleman who treats the ladies with the utmost respect. But remember, you are her client, not her boyfriend or even prospective boyfriend. And if by a long shot a lady was interested in one of her clients, let her bring up subject and ask. Don't even broach the subject. It may make her feel very uncomfortable and not want to see you again Remember, keep this lifestyle in perspective and it can be enjoyable by all, read too much into this, and someone is going to get hurt My take on the matter RG
  22. Kinda a tough one but here goes nothing Seeing as I was given a opera...(well I think it was opera) to use I'll use, from Queen's 1975 album "A Night At The Opera" Bohemian Rhapsody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHbCE53s9hQ RG
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