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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. And privacy is a sacred trust. May sound like a rigid pronunciation to some but most on here both ladies and gentlemen have lives outside this lifestyle. Should it ever be disclosed because of a cavalier attitude towards privacy (either accidentally or intentionally) it could have devastating consequences, such as marriages breaking up, maybe loss of career (some jobs may have morals clauses), estrangement from family and those are just a few I can think of off the top of my head. And I say this as someone who is single, unattached, and pretty much if I was outed would suffer compared to most, little if any harm. RG
  2. And you can be daytime friends and nightime lovers Kenny Rogers Daytime Friends and Nightime Lovers RG
  3. I have received on three different occasions a lady's real name Two of the ladies gave it to me actually for very valid reasons. One, honestly I don't know why she gave me her real name. It served no real purpose, except maybe she thought that was being nice...don't know And no, I'm not naming the ladies, not by their provider name or real name. But there are some cases where there may exist valid reasons for a lady to provide her real name. But the gentleman does not repeat that name to anyone for any reason, it is private between the lady and gentleman RG
  4. I was speaking more for myself in that comment. If I am seeing a lady for an encounter, be it for the first time or for a repeat, I want to spend time with her beyond the bedroom. I can't envision myself driving anywhere from 2 1/2 hours to 4 hours (I live in smalltown Ontario,) to see a lady for a quick 30 minutes. Mind you I couldn't see the purpose of driving across town if I lived in a big city for a 30 minute date. But I emphasize, that's me. Nothing wrong with 30 minute encounters, but it's not what I'm looking for. I want to spend time catching up, conversation and socializing, to me that is part of the intimacy and escape. For me just a 30 minute date I just couldn't see me doing it. Hope that makes a bit more sense RG
  5. Always show discretion. For me, I'm not ashamed of the ladies I see and most time have no problems (within the confines of an encounter) being seen in public with them (ie going out to dinner) There are certain cities that's just not possible, I might run into family or friends of family. By the same token, and in the case of one lady, part of our encounter was dinner out. So I asked and she agreed that making our date ,instead of her home city was more appropriate in another city, just so she wouldn't risk a chance run into someone she knows. But I would not want to be outed because of a accidental run in with a companion, even if the outing was unintentional. Yes I'm single unattached, but I may be with family members, some who may understand, but one or two who are judgmental. Boils down to common sense and common courtesy. If you walk by a lady in public you have seen maybe a subtle nod or wink only she'd notice, and the same by the lady to the gentleman. Or if not possible, maybe next time you are on CERB, a pm saying hi, and you weren't being rude Finally privacy is sacrosanct. The ladies as part of verification require you to provide personal information to them. Which they protect, they don't, at least so far, in my experience, blab your name around. Ladies deserve the same respect of their privacy. And as a footnote to privacy, it may be talked about loosely as a concept here, but where I work (federal government), and in many other organizations, breaches of privacy are considered very serious, resulting in suspensions and up to a loss of your job. There is no official professional code of conduct for this lifestyle, and gentlemen and ladies alike need to remember how important and sacred a trust privacy is, and that includes discretion, if that makes sense RG
  6. Sometimes I think that, but what my financial guy said makes sense. I'm past the part where it hurts to let the boat go, I've come to acceptance, now if someone would just buy the boat...it's a real good boat btw RG
  7. Instead of lover man, there is this little known group LOL called Loverboy One of their hits Turn Me Loose RG
  8. Didn't turn out too good for the Admiral...but he seemed raring to go till he realized he wouldn't go again, but he died with a smile on his face, and she certainly gave Bond a workout too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN5y7xE2sCM&feature=fvwrel RG
  9. Thanks for pointing out my mistake LOL...which I fixed...but after you let me know :-) But how about a song from a Canadian singer who's been everywhere Stompin' Tom Connors-I've Been Everywhere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqiff0WFWvs RG
  10. Bought some milk today. Tried opening the carton, but for some reason the carton didn't want to open where it says Open Here Opened the other side, no problem But, you guessed it, it was bad, almost made me sick And the best before date, August 21 RG Additional Comments: To Cometman I didn't take the milk back, store closed by the time I found out, and I didn't want that sour milk crawling all over my fridge all night longLOL But I did go to the store today, with my receipt (still had it) and let them know. Apparently a bad batch came in (like isn't there quality control) No problem, my choice, money back or another quart of milk free. Store pretty good about fixing up mistake. And they assured me the lot that did come in that was sour completely removed from shelves RG
  11. I would add to what you said Peachy that a client looking for a GFE has to be willing to compensate the lady for her time and want to spend time with her, and for more than sex. And it takes time to have that relaxed friendly service, a thirty minute encounter isn't enough time. But it requires both the client as much as the lady to want to spend the time having conversation, catching up and so on. And for me at least, at least, the time spent getting to know one another, well, sexual intimacy is far more enjoyable with a lady you have got to know, rather than an anonymous one you see to relieve your urges. That's my opinion only RG
  12. Well this one's a stretch but our singer is Johnny Cash, so that's a good thing Our previous song was by a singer first name Billie This song is about a Billy, well Billy Joe Don't Take Your Guns To Town-Johnny Cash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xd7ebysI9g&feature=fvst RG
  13. And Dean Martin was a member of the Rat Pack Another member of the Rat Pack was this little known LOL singer And the song, well it is something you shouldn't say to a SP, and something she wouldn't want to hear Frank Sinatra-Something Stupid RG
  14. Well from a real western, Rio Bravo...Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson do a tune with the Duke watching RG
  15. Tired of their jive talking and tired of your jive has just got me so tired I'm So Tired-The Beatles RG
  16. Not a hijack here, but you may not be able to block a number on a cell phone. I know because some pesky insurance company keeps calling every day trying to sell life insurance. My cell phone company (I use a cell phone for home phone) says it's not possible to block numbers on a cell phone. I wanted the insurance company blocked But you can put the harasser's number in your contact list (if cell phone) so when you get a call his name comes up and you know not to answer the call Finally, years ago I was stalked by my ex-gf. At the time I used a landline (Bell). Bell, at my request, changed my number and made it unlisted, and surprising for Bell, no charge. Just for information RG
  17. It's called GFE (girlfriend experience) because you are seeing a companion who interacts with you the way ideally a girlfriend should. I don't think anyone would consider sex by the minute, or better put the 30 minute encounter a GFE, it is a service for one purpose, to relieve sexual urges. And there is a market for it or it wouldn't be offered. But a GFE is much different. And it involves much more than sex IMHO. Personally, and just me, but seeing a lady just for relief of sexual urges would be an empty experience, but seeing a lady who provides a GFE, well it is an escape and indulgence of a few hours, with special ladies. And that isn't an empty experience, but a experience which is memorable and a fond memory too And in my experience the GFE has turned out to be far superior to any experience I've had with any real girlfriend My ex-girlfriend(s) it's true never checked their watch. They would go off shopping, promise to be back in half hour, and two to three hours later they would be back. Yup, never checked their watch once, or cared (why do women like shopping so much LOL) But god forbid if I would ever do that to them, I'd never hear the end of it It's a GFE because the lady is the man's ideal version of what a girlfriend should be. It involves, not just sex, but all aspects of companionship, without the drama or strings attached like a relationship And it has for me lasted the entire time I've requested with a lady, never had an issue with clock watchers etc. But you do have to pay the lady's donation to get a GFE, and don't expect the clock to keep running My experiences have been positive, I like the GFE's I've experienced and will continue to experience in this lifestyle. And the connections I've made with ladies in this lifestyle are real and memorable. The ladies are much much much more than simple providers of sex, they are companions in the true sense of the word. And it's been far superior to any girlfriend/dating experience I had...which is why I don't date anymore And one more quick thought, at least for me, an encounter with a lady providing a GFE seems to work best if you treat her like you are her boyfriend...that for the few hours you've got together, you treat the lady like she is someone special, your girlfriend. And in my experience that has been easy, the ladies I meet are special and treated with all the respect due a girlfriend RG
  18. It would be nice if it turned out a new thread would be started about her...a recommendation thread that is. RG
  19. And talking about talking, even in your sleep sounds like a bunch of jive Jive Talking-Bee Gees RG
  20. Well I won't use Hotel California.... But this "romance" took place at a cheap motel Third Rate Romance-Sammy Kershaw RG
  21. All these songs about hearts are giving me a Heartache Tonight Eagles-Heartache Tonight RG
  22. I will add one more thing, and this has been said before in other threads the only way you will ever be 100 percent risk free from STD's/STI's is if your sex is masturbation (although a side effect from that, it is a lonely empty existence, we all need human companionship) When two (or more) individuals get together intimately there is a risk. You are responsible for your own sexual health, (although, speaking for myself, if I found I contracted a STI/STD, I would contact my partners, not to blame, but to warn so they can be treated) And finally, in my experience, the ladies I have met in this lifestyle are far more aware and practicing of safe sex practices than women, not only those I dated, but judging from a lot of "accidental" pregnancies, I saw and was aware of, (no not mine LOL) in civilian life. I point this out because just asking the question of a lady is not only rude, it feeds into a lot of the negative stereotypes of this lifestyle. (btw phrased this way since the original offensive question was directed towards a lady, in fact issues of safe sex practices etc are shared responsibility between lady and man.) Civilian conventional dating practices (read sex), if put under a magnifying glass would seems to fit more of the negative stereotypes that this lifestyle has than this lifestyle really has , if that is coming out right A quick rambling RG
  23. Well speaking for me, and only me...the ladies I see get a tip and gift, and I think you'll find if you ask the ladies I see regularly, the tip and gift seem to be bigger each encounter. And I don't need it to be their birthday to show my appreciation and gratitude. It's just a small tangible way for me to show a lady I like enough to see regularly how much I really appreciate the companionship she provides. This lifestyle may be at it's core a business, but those ladies I see, especially those on a regular basis provide for me human companionship and escape with no strings, except maybe friendship. There is a price put on it, the donation, but in some ways can you really put a price on it. What this lifestyle and the ladies I've met have done for me I can't really put into words So my tip and gift is just a little extra way to show my appreciation. A sentimental rambling RG
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