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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I remember too Sophia, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe if it's treated like it's supposed to be, as something positive, instead of spiraling into something negative we can have it again. And I'm sure we all learned something from last year. And the awards, just a way for members to acknowledge one another for their contributions...doesn't bestow any special powers LOL But lets keep our fingers crossed, I'm sure we can all participate in this positively this time RG
  2. Seeing as the calendar has turned and we are now in August, is there any word or plans on Valued Member and SP Awards. It seems to me we had the nominations late August last year and votes early September. This is where we can nominate and vote on CERB members who make a contribution to this community. RG
  3. I had it worse. One time I was flying Winnipeg to Ottawa. My dad's wife's daughter was traveling with me (she was my age, not a kid). Looking at the ticket and the boarding time. Told her we have to go (we were in the main terminal, not in the boarding lounge...hadn't even gone through security yet). Oh no she says, they always page you before they start to board I said they don't. Well long and short of it is, she kept looking in the gift shops (why do women like to shop so much), no page came, we went to the boarding lounge late, and you guessed it, missed the flight. And no, couldn't have left her behind, oh god I would have been on the sh--t list with her mother and my dad for years. It gets worse, much worse...she just starts crying uncontrollably. Finally calmed her down, the airline was good (Air Canada), they exchanged the tickets free for a flight out the next day RG
  4. Wages haven't kept up. I'm in the federal government which is downsizing. I'm certainly paycheck to paycheck, not rich, a working joe. To have encounters I have some added expenses those in big cities don't. I live in smalltown Ontario and have to travel to a big city (Toronto or Ottawa) which runs me $80.00 to $120.00 in gas to travel too (although gas prices fluctuate, and seems quite often the price goes up) Since I have to travel to a big city, I need to get a hotel. It's not an exaggeration, before I even factor in the ladies' donation, I'm looking at around $200.00 to $300.00 in incidental fees to embark on this lifestyle And when I get down about work, the economy, the news whatever, what keeps me up and smiling is this lifestyle, my monthly encounter, my monthly escape, most of the time a monthly memorable escape with a wonderful lady. And in the lull between encounters, I look forward to future upcoming encounters, and contacting ladies to see when they will be available and planning and scheduling new encounters with them. If you really want to see a certain lady, you will find a way. You might have to save up for a few months. And not to sound cold, but this lifestyle is a luxury and indulgence. You have to prioritize your budget, that's for sure. But I know I partake in this lifestyle on a regular monthly basis, and to boot, with disposable income, every encounter is cash only for me. No bills coming in the next month. Some long winded ramblings RG
  5. Could be worse OD, you could have been stopped by the cops and given a speeding ticket...so look at it as a highlight of the day, you broke all speed records and didn't get a ticket RG
  6. roamingguy


    Got an email tonight (from my civilian email, so no worries here) from someone I know and trust on my address book. I opened it, but not the link, and once opened, it goes to all your contacts in your address book The title of the email, and it would come (well seem to come) from someone you know is titled Private Message You see an email with that title, delete it, it is a virus My anti virus from my ISP is crap, didn't catch it. Tomorrow to Wal Mart to buy a good anti virus RG
  7. The joker can also be found in a deck of cards. What else can be found in a deck of cards....the queen of hearts Juice Newton-Queen Of Hearts RG
  8. Lee. It is very much OK if you stick around. The humour and positivity you bring here would be missed. So stick around here, you can taunt me all you want. And pursue your dreams too. We all wish you nothing but the best RG
  9. Here is a thread discussing that very matter And I only posted the link because Samantha felt it important enough to be shared with the CERB community http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=66258 If it is more a case of a nuisance type person, she can block his email address. My one email has a feature that not only can emails get blocked, there is a bounce back feature so the sender knows his emails aren't being accepted. And she shouldn't engage in any communication email or phone Maybe she can block his phone number, if not put his number in her contact list so when he phones, she knows it's him and doesn't answer If the guy is not a nuisance, but a stalker CALL THE POLICE RG
  10. The Joker, The Joker!!!! wasn't he the arch rival of Batman RG
  11. Well there is Supertramp, then there are Gypsies Tramps and Thieves Cher-Gypsies Tramps and Thieves RG
  12. I like Mr.Nice2 because he is....well nice, and a positive contributer to CERB RG
  13. And I completely understand where you are coming from Aubrey. As long as everyone keeps this lifestyle in context, and understands it is paid companionship, you can like the ladies you see and the ladies can like the gentlemen they see. But everyone needs to completely understand this lifestyle, the appropriate boundaries, and not confuse the intimacy with love. But it is hard to articulate, isn't it. RG
  14. Well highlights of the day. Is it me or does it kinda seem, like a brighter fun and more positive atmosphere today on CERB, and that's a good thing RG
  15. I like Gabriella because as the henpecked husband she told me to post this....just kidding I like Gabriella for her contributions and both the on-board and private bantering we have back and forth RG Important Message-Gabriella and I are not really husband and wife (we haven't even had the chance for consummation yet), we are just having some fun on the board :-)
  16. This thread is probably going to sound like unorganized convoluted ramblings, if so sorry for that. We have had some notable members depart CERB for personal reasons and there have been threads come out as a result. First off, this isn't a bash at those threads. It is understandable that people reflect when there is a loss in the community. Yes, a loss in the community. But I decided to start a thread, hopefully positive. First, there are many escort boards, but how many have this sense of community. That the loss of some members is felt by all. It isn't just a case of leaving a board. But something should be kept in context, those members did leave of their own decision. And they can return any time they chose too. They also have respect and thought highly of the CERB community, because they chose to announce their departure, instead of just quietly closing their accounts. One more thing to remember, yes, some notables did depart. But personal life circumstances change (for everyone) and maybe they felt they had been here too long, who knows. But remember, not just those who left, and yes will be missed. Remember the many members still here still contributing to this community But while there has been reflections on the loss of members, maybe attributing it to other factors, we should keep in mind what a positive environment CERB is. I have been on some other _ERB and other escort boards, and left. Maybe CERB isn't perfect (hope Mod doesn't suspend for saying that LOL) but compared to the others, it is pretty close. It allows a forum for discussion while trying to keep a positive atmosphere. It is this positive atmosphere that allows the ladies and gentlemen to interact here equally. And the ladies feel safe here. CERB, it is more a case of we are all opposite sides of the same coin. My impression of the other boards, from my experience, it was more a hobbiest versus SP atmosphere, more a boys club. So yes, it is natural to reflect on the loss of some notable members. But that reflection also reinforces what a great community CERB is. That members are more than just profiles on a board, that their contributions are valued and what make CERB more than just a escort site, it makes it a community. And the losses while still felt, don't or shouldn't, for one second, diminish the sense of community here. I'm sure our departed ex-members would want the CERB community to continue on as it has been going Some ramblings
  17. Something worse than broken is being broke Here's a song about the life of a guy who has got to be broke Roger Miller-King Of The Road RG
  18. I like Old Dog for his contributions to CERB and sense of humour, not to mention being one of the cornerstones of this community RG
  19. Glad you said that. Next to kissing and a hug, oral, to me is far more intimate than other forms of physical/sexual acts. It is the one partner giving pleasure to the other partner. And that works both ways. It is a case of either being the giver or receiver. For a lady to give oral, she is focused on her partner receiving pleasure. For a man to give oral, he is focused on his partner receiving pleasure Of all the acts that can be provided, oral, is the second most intimate, after kissing and hugging. And a lower rate, no, and if ladies' prices were by services then that service should certainly rate a higher donation than some other services, not just due to the pleasure, but the intimacy as well. RG
  20. I agree with you in part Aubrey. No, falling in love with an SP is not intended to be part of the business. And if you keep your emotional head on straight you won't fall in love. But, and at least it's been my experience, you can "fall in like" with a lady LOL. In other words you can genuinely like a lady and she can genuinely like you. And I'm sure the ladies have some clients they like more than others, but that doesn't mean they love them. And many ladies, at least in my experience, offer much more than just sexual companionship. They offer companionship of which the sexual aspect is just part of the encounter. And not trying to sound glib here, but any two people (SP/Client) can have sex. But to have special connections, for lack of a better word, with a lady, her real personality and character have to come out. Sex is anatomy and services, to be blunt. But to genuinely click with someone, well, it's that intangible quality, personality if you will, that makes each of us unique that does that. And sex with someone you like, IMHO is much more enjoyable and special than anonymous sex for gratification only. And becomes even more enjoyable with ladies I've repeated with. But that's my opinion only. I see your point about lines could be confused. But as long as you keep your perspective and emotions in check, realizing that the lady is there because she is getting a donation, and the lady realizes that the guy, seeing as this is a poly amorous lifestyle, will likely see other ladies, you can genuinely like and respect (not love) each other. So there are ladies I genuinely like and they like me. But I know if I wasn't able to pay for their time, they wouldn't see me. I do keep my perspective on this lifestyle, it doesn't mean I can't like a lady, but I know she is at the end of the day a professional companion. I hope that rambling kinda makes sense RG
  21. Doors-Light My Fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrjOzKth9GE RG
  22. I am really really really uncomfortable with the idea of freebies and discounts, be they for birthdays or whatever. I have been given as a result of a draw prize (sort of cringe saying that) from the Ottawa CERB Christmas social a discount on a lady's rate. Haven't had the chance to see her yet, but soon I promise (lady knows who she is) However if anyone thinks RG (now talking about myself in third person) would even consider taking such a discount well they don't know me too well. It's the lady's rate in full...and in a case such as mine, well consider the difference between the discounted rate and regular rate as a tip And I've been seriously considering, well preliminary planning on sharing my birthday with a special lady. No, she isn't a birthday present to me. But she is someone I'd like to share my birthday with. I guess I'm saying it's her company that would make my birthday special. Some quick somewhat sentimental type ramblings RG
  23. Well seeing as I'm going to bed, instead of Motorcycle Irene to everyone, till tomorrow Goodnight Irene-Johnny Cash RG
  24. And when the flow of love stops, likely a break-up is about to come What's really bad is hearing about the break up through the grapevine Marvin Gaye-I Heard It Through The Grapevine RG
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