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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. How 'bout the theme from Band Of Brothers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5bsytSl8X0 RG
  2. I like Lee for being a simple guy with an offbeat sense of humour, even in spite of posting that photo (which doesn't even bear a close resemblance to me) in the FB thread RG
  3. What does having/not having a website have to do with anything. Some providers don't have them, or they get them after a certain time in this business. You don't get a track record automatically, it does take time. And track records work both ways, not just for the ladies, but for the gents too. As for the question, no it didn't and shouldn't be asked. You have no more right to ask a lady those questions than she does of you. Even if asked and answered, how do you know whether the answer is true or not. Really, suggest you read the link in my previous post,might be helpful. Actually this whole forum might be helpful in learning proper etiquette http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=207 RG
  4. The wolf is hungry because he ran into this she wolf Shakira She-Wolf RG
  5. Conversation also depends on context for example. If the question is prying, very inappropriate. But and especially when I first embarked on this lifestyle, some SP's asked me if I was married, had a girlfriend etc, why I was seeing escorts, and so on. It wasn't questions of a prying nature, it was the lady trying to help make conversation with a man she doesn't know. But I could get the vibe on why the questions were asked and felt comfortable answering. There are ladies I've seen on a regular basis and they actually know for example, where I work and I've been asked questions about my work. (btw to me my work is boring, been doing it 28 years, but I can see how it would be interesting from a civilians point of view so I answer. And no, not saying where I work here), other personal matters etc. It's not rude when asked, it's conversation with a lady I have gotten to know, and there is much more trust and openness between us. And the trust is reciprocated, ladies have talked about things which would be in the realm of private and personal, but felt safe enough to talk. And it's actually kinda nice. Having met some ladies I have repeated with, and we feel comfortable enough talking about more than the weather. It certainly isn't a conversation that would happen on a very first encounter. But now, that we both feel that safe and comfortable with each other, and having conversations of much more personal nature, to me at least, that is a large part of making encounters intimate...and that is even before going to the bedroom But it is something that evolves over time, don't expect it on a first encounter. But if you are lucky enough to develop that sort of connection with a lady (or lady with a gentleman) cherish it, it is something special, and makes all the more encounters you have with the lady just that much more magical Hope that rambling makes sense RG
  6. First as to the ladies' donation. If there is a lady you want to meet or see again, you will do whatever is required to see her. Just recently, and I'm a gentleman who sees ladies once a month, I decided not to have an encounter in June, and set aside June's budget plus July's budget to have an extra special extended encounter with a great lady in July. For some of us gentlemen we plan ahead just for those special encounters As to the slow times, here is a thread about slow times in this business It may help http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=33294&highlight=slow+times+business RG
  7. You beat me to it Em. I was thinking exactly the same thing. Probably he got no reply because she is iffy on him due to his rude question Perhaps SBF should take a look at this recent thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=97946 RG
  8. I personally have stayed away from agencies and kept my encounters with independents. In my newbie days I was thinking of seeing a lady from a agency, but honestly it was her looks that were the major factor in that, and she left the agency before I ever saw her. So I haven't used an agency. Aside from what others have said, I'll throw in my two cents. Part, actually a major part (much more so than looks or services) of what makes me interested in seeing a certain lady is, well for lack of a better word, her personality. A way to get an idea of a lady's personality before you actually meet is through her posts on CERB, emails, pm's. That is the best way for me to get a real three dimensional picture of who the lady is, if that makes sense. If you go with an agency, do you lose your CERB board presence here (does the agency speak for you and other agency ladies on CERB), not to mention does the agency handle all communications for you. If so, would you not only be portraying a two dimensional picture of who you are to potential clients. I hope that is making sense One other thing, for how long are you committed if you say yes to an agency. If it doesn't seem to be the right fit for you are you committed for a set period of time or can you just leave. And last, my comments and others aside, and yes I know you were asking for feedback. But at the end of the day you have to decide what is right for you, don't let anyone else tell you what to do. It's a decision you have to live with Whatever you decide, good luck RG
  9. Can't fly home if he has broken wings Mr. Mister-Take These Broken Wings RG
  10. You might also try as a quick fix just to get into the site, go into your email first, highlight your email address and copy/paste it to the site requiring it RG
  11. Well speaking of what life was like during the school aged years here's a reflective song about those years Brad Paisley-Letter To Me RG
  12. This just seems to be the right next song Paul Simon-Kodachrome RG
  13. Well the following touring ladies have come to Kingston, and I have seen and would (in some cases have) see(n) again (not necessarily in Kingston BTW) Emily Rushton Meg For Fun Angela Of Ottawa Alexandra Sky Lou From Montreal I would add if a lady does tour to Kingston (or any city), the way for them to come and keep coming back is not to cancel/no show. When a city is profitable for them (remember for the ladies this is their livelihood) they will return. If left sitting alone in their hotel room, the clients a no show, the ladies won't come back. BTW that's just a comment, not saying it's the case in Kingston RG
  14. Well it might make her happy but for Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock it seems pictures make them unhappy RG
  15. Well all this talk and songs about addiction and drugs is dragging me down We need something happy so how about Happy Days I know, but it's all I could come up with without another drug song RG
  16. Well here is a morose song about drugs, but maybe the reality of drug use lends itself to a morose song Johnny Cash-The Junkie's Prayer RG
  17. On Saturday night I had my third encounter, nay, more like a date, with Emily, when she came on tour to Toronto July 13-14 2012. And it was a four hour outcall to my hotel. Emily and I have hit it off in the past, and I thought an extended date with Em would be great. Great is an understatement. Without details, I can say Saturday night's date was the highlight of my summer, and summer isn't even over yet. I spent the afternoon in my hotel room, getting ready, watching the clock, my anticipation and excitement building, watching, waiting, getting ready and then, on time came the knock on the door. I opened the door and there was Emily, looking as young and beautiful as ever. I let her in and we greeted each other with a hug and kiss, oh ok, kisses. Now in complete honesty I have to say Emily's photos are not accurate. Emily is even more beautiful in person than her photos show. We went over to the couch, where I had a nibbler tray set up of cheese, crackers and some other munchies. I then went to the kitchen and got us each a drink. We got caught up on old times. I told her some things going on with me, and she told me things going on with her. Emily has a very colourful life I must say. I didn't know this but Emily is on the dating scene. But Em doesn't use dating sites to find a boyfriend, no. She uses Wal Mart. If you hear shopping carts crashing in a Wal Mart near you, and see an angry married lady yelling about a beautiful redhead trying to steal her husband, well chances are Emily is in town. I had to put my drink down while being Emily told me of her escapades at Wal Mart for fear my drink would spew out through my nose. She had other stories to tell, worthy of posting in the humor section on CERB, but I won't tell them, too many stories, not enough time. But more than once I had to put my drink down. You might have gathered Emily has a sense of humor. Well she does and then some. Not to mention being down to earth. She was even forgiving of me. I confessed I took one of her photos off her website and used it for wallpaper on my computer. And I sent copies of the photo to some friends who would appreciate the picture. She said it's an awesome picture, I have to agree. I'm not telling what photo it is, but Emily has my permission to divulge which photo I used off her website, so you'll have to ask her. Well as time went on we went to the bedroom to continue catching up. The snack platter was left in the living room, although I don't know why, Emily can eat crackers in my bed any time. We undressed one another and.....oh if I haven't mentioned it before, Emily is beautiful. Oh forgot what I was going to write with that memory fresh in my head. However the details of our catching up are private between Emily and me. After we finished catching up, we both were just lying in bed, Emily in my arms, and we were caressing one another. Doing what could be listed as a menu item (not that Emily has a menu), and I'll coin the term KCC (kissing, cuddling, conversation) We kissed/cuddled/conversed for awhile but unfortunately, as always, the time ended.....ended all too soon, and Emily had to catch a flight out. I drove her back to her hotel in my infamous pick-up truck and we kissed good-bye, leaving me not just with a memorable encounter, but a wonderful memory too If you are looking for a lady who provides a GFE and lets the encounter unfold naturally, contact Emily. If you are a visual gentleman, and you like her photos, give her a call, she is much more beautiful in person (some things a camera just doesn't catch) If you like ladies who are down to earth and have a sense of humour, give Emily a call, she is the proverbial girl next door (although sadly never next door to any place I lived). And for the gentlemen, we are very lucky. She has a busy schedule traveling from one end of Canada to another, living out of suitcases and hotel rooms so we get the pleasure of her companionship. Emily is a wonderful companion, a class act and most of all a lady, and should be treated as such. An encounter with her isn't just memorable, it is a fond memory too. And to Emily, thank you again for a wonderful date Saturday night. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
  18. And when the misunderstanding is gone you can see clearly Johnny Nash-I Can See Clearly Now RG
  19. 16 1/2 foot long, 82 inch beam aluminum fishing boat 2001 75hp Merc outboard, new powerhead in 2009 80 pound thrust 24 volt minn kota trolling motor 3 fishing seats plus 1 pro pole fishing seat 2 depth finders, 1 at console 1 at bow 48 inch livewell with removable baitwell cw trailer But I think the costs to deliver it would cost more than the boat But it is a great fishing boat RG
  20. I must say I was born into a non-smoking household. I was told my father smoked, but quit, and that was before I was born. My mother never smoked. Is that a factor why I never smoked, possibly. And I'm not saying everyone is going to get sick smoking (inhaling) their first cigarette, but from the green faces on us guinea pigs in Health class that day, we all did LOL RG
  21. George Strait-All My Ex's Live In Texas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Eg5uyrpuno RG
  22. And Peter Gabriel was part of this band, Genesis Genesis-Misunderstanding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IgslbyjqpI RG
  23. Well my price isn't locked in stone, if someone had an offer that was reasonable I'd certainly consider it. But the guy who made the offer because of no financing wanted a fifty percent cut in price. And my price is actually what the marina suggested, my original asking price was going to be a bit higher Keeping my fingers crossed RG
  24. I've often wondered the same thing about smoking. Many many many years ago, while still a puppy in high school LOL our teacher in Health class wanted to try an experiment. First, at that time (don't know about today) kids were allowed to smoke at school, there was a designated outdoors smoking area for kids. Now at that time, the only concern about smoking was the risk of cancer. In Health class, our teacher asked all non-smokers to raise their hands. Me, being one of them did. He asked if we would smoke a cigarette, all of it, inhaling it, not just blowing the smoke out. But first, take your resting heart rate. So took my pulse, wrote down my heart rate (as did the other guinea pigs LOL) Lit up and smoked an entire cigarette. Well the side effects from that first cigarette, first heart rate through the roof, which was explained as oxygen deprivation from your blood. About 10 to 15 minutes later, dizzy, sick to my stomach, and basically a all round lousy afternoon. I asked some friends who did smoke why they did. They said it takes smoking a few cigarettes before you don't get that sick feeling. Well why would I do that to myself go through feeling ill just so in the future that activity won't make me feel ill. Not smoking made me feel fine, I didn't need to start an activity which in the early days would make you feel sick just so in the future you wouldn't feel sick...to me that was just plain dumb. Not to mention the health concerns about smoking. If I was ever tempted to smoke, that experiment stopped me right there. Smoking was dumb IMHO Irony is, if that was done today, the teacher would likely be fired. But that experiment saved me, and probably some others from ever starting to smoke. But as to why to smoke, damned if I know RG
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