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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. For an angler fishing isn't just the summer months, it goes through, April to October, if your really hard core November (good muskie and smallmouth bass fishing in those months). For recreational boating I see your point, but a fishing boat is more a tool to use to go fishing if that makes sense And to wait a year means the boat is a year older and depreciates even more. But the boat has only been on the lot for sale eight days, and posted on the internet five days...too soon to even think of giving up Not to mention a brand new version of this boat would likely cost $22,000, this boat the same boat much less than that, plus lots of extras (gee sound like a salesman now) RG
  2. Well speaking only for myself and my comments, not just in this thread, but in another one recently (http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=98889) the comment was made, (and yes, maybe I misread/misunderstood his intent in his post, I might have seen an underlying message where none existed) just as some helpful advice in seeing ladies. Yes I have met many great and good ladies where there has been great chemistry. And yes, I like the lady and hopefully she likes me. And I look forward to future encounters with these ladies because of it. I assume this has happened for other gentlemen too in this lifestyle. But on the off chance that the mutual liking of a gentleman and a lady and the resulting chemistry that can exist ends up getting confused with genuine feelings it can lead to at least one party at getting hurt (emotionally speaking that is) It was mentioned because as long as this lifestyle is kept in perspective, you can really enjoy the companionship a lady provides, and the chemistry that can exist between a lady and gentleman RG
  3. Well drugs and alcohol seem to be the undoing of many of the singers who died too young So a song about a drug Cocaine-Eric Clapton RG
  4. Happy Birthday Malika Enjoy your special day RG
  5. Maybe morbid, don't know. But seeing as Whitney Houston was listed, and she died too young, another singer, also died too young Amy Winehouse Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow RG
  6. If those aren't her pics, that is imho b&s The pictures are the bait, used to get a client. The switch, the real lady, not the lady in the photo, shows up RG
  7. I had a sleepover with a lady. But we knew each other (it was our fifth time together) we weren't strangers. I'm doing the preliminary planning for another sleepover with another lady. But again we know each other, and aren't strangers This isn't something where you just look for a lady, contact her, and have a sleepover. Besides being able to click/connect with one another, there is a required element of trust needed. Also being able to click for a one or two hour period of time in a conventional encounter is one thing, for 12-14 hours another One other thing, a sleepover is not about a 12-14 hour sex-a-thon. The lady may have certain requirements, maybe dinner out, or some other social activity outside the hotel, plus a requisite amount of sleeping LOL etc. It is much more social than sexual, that was my experience. You will depending on the lady have a sexual side to the sleepover, but that's not what a sleepover is completely about, it's about enjoying all aspects of a lady's companionship...if that makes sense. Also decide on how long the sleepover is going to be. Some it is 12-14 hours, others may offer longer hours, some may have weekends and full week escapes. And when you decide on a lady you would want to spend the night with you, plan the encounter and treat as a special occasion for both of you. My sleepover included a nice dinner out to a upscale restaurant, followed by coming back to the hotel. But you may want to go to a concert, a sporting event a movie etc. And encounters like this, you are the host and as a gentleman, all expenses you pay, no splitting the restaurant bill for example. You are taking the lady out. With the right lady (right lady being one you click with and she clicks with you) it can be very rewarding and memorable. RG
  8. I'm with you, what makes an encounter all the more enjoyable is the conversation over drinks, kissing and cuddling. I recently had a extended date (four hours) with a great lady. We spent more time in the living room than bedroom and it was all great. Looking forward to seeing this special lady again My earlier post in this thread was more directed because there have been some threads and posts where some guys seem to confuse where a lady likes a guy as the lady has bona fide true feelings for the guy. This lifestyle is wonderful, many good and great ladies out there. But keep your perspective, don't confuse like for love. If that makes sense RG
  9. That surprises me, the ladies I've met have been very happy to provide references. In fact the reference provider tells me, words to the effect, RG, you'll like her. All reference providers I've used want me to have a happy experience seeing ladies, not just them, but all ladies. But that's been my experience The ones who'd get annoyed or maybe petty jealousy, well fortunately I haven't experienced it. And a lady that possessive, for lack of a better word, well how would she feel if you commented to her about all the clients she has. One thing about this lifestyle, it is polyamorous, it isn't monogomous. But I'm getting sidetracked here. All ladies should realize providing references is good for all ladies. Yes the lady may provide a reference for you today for another lady (helps her safety) But next time around it may be another lady providing a reference for this lady who requests it, helping her safety. It should be considered a win-win by all RG
  10. I know, (mind you I don't use agencies) I use an independent lady for a reference when going through verification. Even should the day come that I see a lady from an agency I still would use an independent lady for a reference, with her prior permission of course. That lady knows you, and can attest to your character and behaviour as a client. An agency, and I emphasize it's my speculation here, well it's not the lady herself giving you the reference, it's the agency owner. And his/her criteria for a good client may not be the same as an independent lady RG
  11. Irony kinda amuses me too...but gotta think about my finances, retirement down the road (5 years)...and boats will always be available, short term pain long term gain. Sometimes credit scares me though. My insurance cheque from the damage to my previous boat (a write off) took a few days to clear at the bank. So I used my credit card to buy the boat (yikes a card with that big a limit, glad I got rid of it and changed to one with a much lower limit), and very quickly paid that off once the cheque cleared. That's why I am now, for the most part a cash only guy, so I don't get sucked into a debt hole. If I don't have the money, I don't buy...it's also why I plan ahead, both in this lifestyle, new vehicle (5 years down the road and pay in cash) etc RG Additional Comments: Damn :-( the guy's financing didn't come through. Marina told me bank refused him, the financing available through the marina wouldn't cover the full amount (and I wasn't dropping my asking price). Guess the guy tried to get two loans from two finance companies, each loan for half the price of the boat, but it didn't work out for him Still on the lot for sale at the marina. Anyone want to buy a boat RG
  12. Well lets not pick on the Catholics, lets just lose our religion Losing My Religion-REM RG
  13. Yup, when life was at it's worst, they looked at the bright side of life LOL And things weren't to good for these guys, but a very positive morale lifting march Col Bogey March from Bridge On The River Kwai RG
  14. From the Circle of Life to Monty Python's Meaning of Life Every Sperm Is Sacred RG
  15. Yes it was tough, really tough. But as my financial guy told me, it's just a thing, you can always buy a boat later. The best part is no more line of credit payments, that debt gone. Still waiting to find out if the potential buyer got a loan, hopefully hear something tomorrow or Friday RG
  16. The chemistry can be genuine. She might genuinely like you and you her. But don't confuse like with love, or think you are that one special guy. She is getting a donation to make you feel special. And that isn't cold or cynical, that's what this lifestyle is, paid companionship. At the end of the day, this is her job, her livelihood, to pay bills, rent and put food on the table. Keep everything in perspective, you can have a great time, and she can too RG
  17. Thanks for introducing yourself MzBehave Welcome to CERB You might want to look at this section http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=207 RG
  18. Where did I tell other SP's to never come to Moncton. Actually I made a suggestion since you were looking for solutions, based on personal experience. When I cancelled on a touring lady due to illness, I didn't leave her high and dry, she received the full donation via email money transfer. Maybe if a guy is going to cancel an encounter in on a lady in Moncton, think of compensating her so her trip isn't done at a loss. Remember, the ladies are the ones dealing with the no shows and the related expenses it incurs for them. Numerous posts and threads from different ladies have attested to this,(this thread and http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=49878) this isn't a isolated case, this seems systemic to Moncton. What needs to be done is make Moncton an attractive city for the ladies to tour too. In other words make it a place where the ladies will make a profit, not end up in the hole and the trip costs them. The systemic no shows make it a non-profitable city. You might want to re-read what I wrote RG
  19. Something else to consider about boards, and not just escort boards, the board evolves and people change. I know I'm on a couple of fishing boards. One has seemed to evolve in one direction, and me, either I'm stagnant LOL or I've changed...hopefully the latter. So I haven't been on it in quite a while. Haven't quit, but haven't logged on. It's not a case of if the board did this I would be back, just people, individually and collectively change over time. And sometimes it happens that for some it is time to move on, and change direction RG
  20. I'm going to cheat againLOL Gerry Rafferty-Baker Street RG
  21. I am not at all opposed to discussion, not at all. But an individual's personal decision, do we need to discuss it. WIT, Spud and some others were kind enough to let us know they were leaving, and in fact they both gave general reasons without getting into specific details. How many leave without letting us know, maybe just to avoid the discussions that follow. And their reasons are personal to them. No matter how much we might like to know the member's real reason and discuss the matter, it doesn't change the end fact, their decision was their decision for just personal reasons. Their loss does affect CERB. But the reasons for their loss, that's personal. All the discussion in the world won't change that That's all I'm trying to say RG
  22. A quick interjection of another thought, occurred to me while reading another thread. If a member chooses to leave, we might be left curious about why. But the members here are adult men and women who make adult personal decisions. If a member chooses to leave without sharing the reasons why to the board, it is an adult decision, respect it. Don't assume anything, that just leads to rumours and gossip, benefiting no one. And if he/she wanted to share with us, he/she would share with us Said before, to those who have left, all I, well we, wish them the best A quick interjection RG
  23. First Mr Nice2 glad you are not quitting. But maybe a break or a re-evaluation of why you are here is in order My reason for joining CERB. Well I've done the dating thing, but it didn't work out for me. The two women who were close to being "the ones", well turned out they weren't. Other women I dated, some broke up with me, and some I broke up with. But long story short, I'm was in my late 40's and not married in spite of actively dating, I finally gave up the effort But I liked the companionship of women. I heard about these women called escorts LOL. Maybe seeing them instead of dating was what I should do. Hit Google, do a search, found CERB (along with some other sites) Tried the sites including CERB, found I liked the positive atmosphere here, stayed with CERB, dumped the rest. Through CERB I learned the in's and out's of this lifestyle and in a little over two years have gone from a newbie to someone experienced in this lifestyle. I've also met many great and beautiful ladies, and enjoyed their companionship. Especially enjoyed the no strings aspect of the companionship. Knowing that if you like and enjoy a lady's company, you can always schedule another encounter and see her again. But if you didn't click, well you can part ways with no worries about a phone call(s) the next day. And knowing, at least for me, that's the extent of emotional commitment The most emotion I have with a lady is liking and respecting her, and hopefully at the most the same her for me. No risk of complicated emotional entanglements in this lifestyle, no risk of a lady being jealous if you see another lady. And the best, no risk of the hurt that comes from a break-up. For me, this has turned out to be the ideal lifestyle, much better than dating. And it filled a void in my life At this point in time, this lifestyle, and CERB are ideal for me. Do I see myself leaving. Right now, no. Do I see me stopping this lifestyle. For now, no. The future, well no one knows what the future holds. But for now, I'm staying on CERB and continuing to meet many great ladies, some I haven't met yet, and others who's companionship I really liked and would like to continue to see. This lifestyle suits my life, this board supports this lifestyle, if that makes sense As for those who have left. Everyone has their own reason for being here, and for leaving. They will be missed when they leave, but we only wish them the best. And the door is always open to them to come back if they so choose RG
  24. I too believe there is tweaking going on with the rep point system. I think I'm safe saying this. It is fun looking at your rep points, it is a statistical measure of how the CERB community thinks about you. But if they were gone, would the CERB community think any less of you because you don't have x number of points beside your name, or reached "Elite" or "God/Goddess" status etc. Personally those statistical criteria are really just that, numbers quantifying how you are thought of by the community. They don't afford special powers on you, we are all still bound by the same rules This isn't showing lack of gratitude here (only because I know where I stand, not said to brag), but I hope the rep point system doesn't become something divisive in the CERB community. Frankly if it needs tweaking, then tweak it. If it will be divisive, and needs to go, well I'll be one who'd TOFTC (take one for the community) happily...I'd rather see a happy CERB community with no rep points than a divisive one with them. At the end of the day, how you are thought of by the community has less to do with numbers/god/goddess status etc than with who you really are. And I know my reason for being on CERB wasn't to achieve a certain rep point status, it was, in the beginning, when I was a newbie, to learn about this lifestyle and conduct myself properly. Now, and yes I still continue to learn, but I give back to the community by providing information, advice etc. I also like to tell a joke and sing a song too LOL I'm not putting down the rep point system, please don't get me wrong If it can be tweaked great, but if it is going to be divisive and cause grief for Mod, the Council and the CERB community, well if it puts harmony in the community by going, I won't cry by TOFTC and losing my status. I always remember why I'm here. Finally, the Member's Choice awards are fun, again it's how you are thought of by the community. And just getting a nomination, it's a nice feeling to know you as a member of this community are thought of highly, worthy enough to be publicly noticed on the board. But last year it did become divisive. Maybe things have cooled off, and it can be done again. And hopefully if done, this can be kept fun, and not used negatively. If I recall last years nominations went out end of August, voting early September. So maybe if everyone played nice and used the Member's Choice awards for what it was intended for, fun,a little public pat on the back so to speak, and a positive community atmosphere maybe Mod might have it again. But it's up to all of us in the community to do that Wow, a long winded morning rambling RG
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