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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well not a tiger, but a lion The Nylons-The Lion Sleeps Tonight RG
  2. Congratulation Nicolette on 4000 posts Looking forward to the next 4000 RG
  3. Just voted again,39.8% You can vote once a day, today last day RG
  4. Agreed Gabriella. There are ladies I like and hopefully vice versa. But I certainly remember the boundaries so as to not get emotionally drawn in. And one way, and this isn't being cold or cynically, to keep your liking of a lady to not cross emotional boundaries is remember, she wouldn't see you no matter how charming and handsome you are as a man, except if you had her donation. This is a professional relationship, it's the intimacy that can confuse it for some. Another way to put it, I entered this lifestyle knowing it is paid companionship, not real dating, which if treated as such, is no strings drama free fun. This isn't LavaLife or eHarmony LOL And there are providers who wouldn't milk a client for all he has sensing he has feelings for her, and deal with the matter professionally and appropriately. Then there are some less scrupulious providers (one comes to mind right now) who would exploit a man for all she can get, and move on. Those are the ladies in this lifestyle for a quick buck, but certainly not all ladies are like that and I hope I'm not painting everyone with the same brush, not my intent. But thats why I said she may milk you, only because there are some, not all, that might And personally, there are ladies I like, and that is the limits of my emotional involvement. Because more emotions than that leads to at least one person getting emotionally hurt, probably the guy, although a guy may, emphasis may get possessive which can cause hurt for the lady. And to me, the no strings drama free fun if done right has another benefit, no one should be hurt. And don't focus on just one lady. Me, I've got encounters scheduled right through to January now, 7 ladies total, and of all of them, only two are repeats. Part of the fun is meeting new ladies and although not a worry for me (at 51 years old my emotional head is on pretty straight LOL) seeing other ladies helps makes sure you don't focus on just one lady if that make sense Remember the intimacy the lady provides is fun and pleasurable, but don't equate it with love, it is no strings attached fun,a momentary escape and indulgance, not a relationship or lifetime committment Hope that morning rambling makes sense RG
  5. Well seeing as this thread is re-emerging again, I'll chime in again. First, if you really want to see great ladies then drive to the city they are in. If the city they are in is St. John drive (or take a bus etc) to see them. I'm all too familar with driving up to 3 1/2-4 hours to see a lady, along with my hotel costs etc so saying it's too far, well if I was in NB I'd sure find a way to get to St Johns to see great ladies. Second, remember the lady has expenses (flight, hotel, meals incidentials etc) to come to a city. If you book an encounter she is coming to the city based on committments made by gentlemen to see her. And she isn't doing it to meet the man of her dreams, she is doing this to have an encounter with a paying client, because this is her livelihood. Sitting around in a hotel room without paying clients coming in isn't just making no money, she is in fact going in the hole. Her profit/loss statement from a business point of view is straight loss. Why should any lady operate at a loss? Now life happens, to everyone...but it sounds like life happens all the time to the guys in Moncton. And this is based on what various ladies have said, it appears systemic not isolated. Now life has happened to me too. I had to cancell at the last minute due to illness an encounter I had planned with a great lady. My illness, and not an excuse, I was really sick, prevented me from travelling and having the encounter. Why should the lady be at a loss business wise because of me. It wasn't her fault I was sick. So I paid her in full for the encounter (I had the money already set aside for the encounter) via email money transfer. I wasn't out any money. That money was budgeted for the encounter. I cancelled the encounter, not the lady. She should be compensated so from a business point of view her trip, even though I was a no show for my alloted time, is a profit, not a loss. And I didn't consider paying the money a loss, I considered it the right thing to do I assume guys when they schedule an encounter have budgeted the money for it. If you are a no show pay her. Your failure to show, no matter how valid a reason, shouldn't be at the lady's expense Maybe if the ladies weren't out of pocket coming to certain cities, they'd come back. And perhaps the next time life happens to you, you will make sure the lady isn't at a business loss because of it, you will compensate her for your failure to show BTW not directed at any specific person, but something guys might want to consider RG
  6. It was tough because that picture Christine did was pretty good Just kidding, vote cast for Natalie Good luck RG
  7. Actually Angela and Cat were with me on the last voyage of the boat before it went up to the marina to be sold Seriously, it was a hard decision, but done on advice of my financial planner. But once the decision made to sell, I want it sold. I'll miss the boat, but I won't miss the monthly payments on my line of credit. Just hoping the guy gets financing to buy the boat...keeping my fingers crossed RG
  8. Here is an interesting comparison of the two http://www.drrossdc.com/Arginine%20vs%20Viagra.htm I think one thing to stress about l-argenine is that it is to be taken on a daily basis according to the instructions on the bottle, not just before sex. It has really improved the quality of my life. It may not work for everyone but I'm happy to say it works for me RG
  9. Just checked my voicemail on my cellphone. Marina said there was a potential buyer for my boat, willing to pay asking price. If he can get financing (please bank, be nice to him) my boat is sold. And with the amount I'm asking, not only is my line of credit paid off, I've got a little extra playmoney for myself, maybe get an extra encounter and meet a new lady Oh, please sell boat, please RG
  10. Years ago I really swore...like a sailor. What I did is I had a vacation coming up. So I set aside a jar, and everytime I swore, in went a dollar (pocket change) Well by the time I was ready to go on vacation I had over $400.00 for my vacation just from donations to the swearing jar. Not only did I get a little benefit for my holidays, I realized how bad my swearing became, and I cleaned up my language RG
  11. Yes his loss will be felt. He certainly was a major cornerstone of the CERB community But as he said, he thought about it for a long time and this was the right decision for him. As much as we don't want him to go, we should respect his decision Only wish him the very best, and yes, he will be missed Good Luck WIT RG
  12. Yes, she may milk you for all she can. It is income for her after all. Conversely she may want the encounters to end because she doesn't want a client trying to pursue her romanticaly. That could lead to a guy possibly being possessive and controlling. Also she may retire or move, or you may move. Keep your encounters in focus, or it can be a dangerous slippery slope. There are ladies I like and may even consider within the confines of this lifestyle friends, but I never forget for one minute that every encounter I have with a lady, whether a lady I've met for the first time or for repeated times comes with a pricetag, that envelope filled with with her donation Yes, enjoy the companionship a lady provides. The lady may like you, really like you, but as a client who pays her. But don't focus on one lady or you may get too drawn in emotionally Myself, I can afford to see one lady a month, that's what my disposable income allows. If I should use credit, good god I don't know how many I'd see a month...that's why I stay disciplined. If I maxed out all credit (credit card, line of credit, cashing in RRSPs) my god I could be in heaven, until my money runs out and I'm looking at bankrupcy. And the ladies, they'll just move on and forget me. They liked me, but only with money. But I digress. I don't just focus on one or two ladies, I see quite a few (not bragging). Besides the fun of meeting new ladies, it is also a emotional safety net to make sure I don't get hooked on just one lady. And the only four letter word starting with L and ending in E that I can use to describe my feelings for most of the ladies I see is LIKE And recognize this is companionship is for money. This isn't cold calculating and cynical, it's just the way this lifestyle is More ramblings for whatever it's worth RG
  13. I'll confess at work I'm more prone to swear, it's that sort of work environment (some ladies here know where I work)...not an excuse, but it is true. However in the outside world, especially since I've been on leave, I've hardly ushered a word But I must say, there is one lady I see, and during the course of our encounter she gets a smile on her face, and in a sweet sexy voice asks "would you like to fuck me" It's talking dirty in a very feminine sexy way I'm looking forward to seeing her again too, a few months away now Don't know if that contributes to the thread but what the heck...see, no swearing LOL RG
  14. You are right When I was in the Canadian Forces as part of training we fired live rocket launchers at tanks (the tanks were dead decommissioned tanks LOL) And I was born in Europe (Austria to be exact) RG
  15. Well it applies equally to seeing SP's and MA's. To be blunt, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Yes it's great there is a type you've always wanted, but as I discovered there have been many ladies I've always wanted to meet (and have) You say you aren't in love but if you become too focused on one lady, you may develop strong emotional attachments that the lady won't recipricate. There are ladies I like and have repeated with (or will repeat with). But I personally like the polyamorous aspect of this lifestyle. For the most part I have good or great encounters, but I do look forward to the next encounter with another lady, hopefully it will be good or great. Good or great encounters aside, I treat them just as that, an encounter which is a couple hours escape. And the good and great ladies have the ability to make you feel special for the time you paid for but remember it is only because you paid for that time, it's not because they have true feelings for you...it's not a harsh or cold hearted assessment of this lifestyle, it's just the way it is. And there is a benefit of the paying no strings. And as much as I enjoy my encounters with ladies, I don't just focus on one lady, I look forward to another escape with another lady. In short, if for no other reason than just your emotions sake (although seeing many ladies is fun too) play the field. Just wouldn't like to hear of someone falling in love and getting hurt That is if I read your post right Good luck RG
  16. And what happens when Walking In The Rain Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head-Burt Bacharach RG
  17. I was born in Europe I have shot a rocket launcher at a tank I have been to Israel Two are true RG
  18. Going with the band's name, and a fun version of the video Tom Jones-What's New Pussycat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IraMJEXRWfw RG
  19. I think I speak for the CERB community in saying you are a valued and respected member, and you will be missed if you go If you do go, you certainly will be welcomed back if you later change your mind Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best Take care and Good Luck RG
  20. Congratulations Cat on your milestone Looking forward to your next 1500 posts RG
  21. And according to Dean Martin "Everybody Loves Somebody" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxVdjw0Gm8I RG
  22. Well we'll go from Flight of the Bumblebee to a real strange flight Nightflight to Venus-Boney M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syQkX6Kk_vs RG
  23. Was it the Orange Blossom Special RG
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