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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Yes, the encounter is very intimate and personal. But what you are getting besides the intimacy and very personal encounter is the no strings, no drama, no complications for the donation. If you truly consider the lady a friend, or more, why would you try to shortchange a friend by having free dinner dates, and so on. The lady is doing this for her livelihood. I have made, what I consider, some friends with benefits, for lack of a better term in this lifestyle. But that doesn't mean I get free dates...no. And no, I'm not looking for a free date, to me that would be one of the most disrespectful things I could ask from a lady. What it does mean is the lady and I have got to know one another, through repeated encounters, and are more relaxed and comfortable, enjoying talking about personal matters in our respective lives for example. And the ladies I have met are every bit as important to me in my life as are other people (family, friends) in my life, it's just that I have to compartmentalize this aspect of my life. But at the end of the day all ladies I see would always receive their full donation. And all boundaries respected, including the fact that at it's core, irrespective of the intimate interpersonal aspect of this lifestyle, this is the lady's livelihood, and I'm not going to shortchange any lady of her income RG
  2. I know I find my encounters are my once a month escape from the stresses of the real world. For the time the lady and I are together, that's my focus. No complications, no strings, no drama, we just have a mutually beneficial time together. If we click, connect, have a chemistry, whatever term you like she will be a lady I'll see again. Yes, after an encounter I feel regenerated. Why I didn't start this lifestyle sooner I don't know RG
  3. No prescription, just a supplement you get from stores like GNC or Popeyes http://www.gnc.com/home/index.jsp http://www.popeyescanada.com/ BTW not endorsing any store here. I just had to check with my doctor to make sure it doesn't have negative interactions with my prescriptions The only side effect I noticed, is the one I was looking for RG
  4. Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario I was very close to Dixon Road Saturday night...nuff said RG
  5. I agree Nathalie. It is very special, and those ladies that have honoured me by sharing aspects of their lives, and me sharing aspects of my life with them I truly do cherish. I value the connections I have made with ladies in this lifestyle as much as other important people in my life A quick additional thought. One has to be open to the idea that connections can be made, and it takes time to establish that level of trust. RG
  6. I've been mulling over whether to start a thread on this or not. On one hand it is somewhat personal, but this has had a major, positive change on the quality of my life, and maybe it can help someone else To start off with, I have a medical condition requiring prescription drugs. One of the drugs was discontinued and replaced with another drug. The side effect of this new drug, well erections were hit and miss, mostly miss And it's not an understatement to say that if I don't these prescriptions, it is almost a life and death decision, and no, I'm not being melodramatic ED drugs (viagra etc) I can't take. I was originally told by my doctor it's because of my prescription, but later, he told me that because of a history of strokes in my family, ED drugs can't be prescribed. I basically resigned myself to living with erections hit and miss But awhile back Soleil posted about l-arginine. And thank you so much Soleil. I did some research, went to my doctor, he checked, no interactions with my prescription and recently I got the ok to use it. What l-arginine does is help circulation amongst other things, including to the penis. And it doesn't have all the negative side effects as viagra My specific case may not be the same as someone else's, but if someone on CERB has a ED problem, and the usual drugs can't be used, check into l-arginine. And ladies, if you have a client in the same predicament, let him know. I know it has improved the quality of my life. L-Arginine can be purchased in stores selling supplements, like GNC. If this helps but one person, the post is worthwhile. It has certainly improved the quality of my life, more than one can imagine RG
  7. Romantic, at least in this lifestyle, is somewhat of a minefield. Yes, I would say there are ladies who create the romantic atmosphere, but atmosphere is but a part of being romantic. I say a minefield, only because both parties must remember this isn't a true committed romance, leading to a permanent relationship with one another. And you can enjoy the moment, but remember, it is a moment, not a capital R Relationship and not for a lifetime. Hope that comes out right But romantic in this lifestyle goes beyond atmosphere, and beyond the sexual. To me, romantic involves a level of trust. A comfort level develops between both parties to share personal aspects of their lives. And this sharing, it is private, something special between the two of you. That to me is intimacy. It happens when you connect/click with a lady. There are things shared with me, and things I've shared with special ladies, which are between us And no, nothing ever told to me in private gets shared. (well except for recommendations, but only after the lady approves) So in short, to me romantic is more than ambiance (low lighting, candles etc), and it is more than sexual, it is the intimacy created when two people trust one another to share aspects of their lives And that trust comes from getting to know one another, something I don't believe can happen on a first one hour encounter with a lady. But if you meet ladies you click with, and spend time with them on repeat encounters, it can happen, and it can be very special RG
  8. Well how about Rhett Atkins Driving My Life Away And what does that have to do with anything First it is a song from the movie Black Dog...and while not a wolf, dogs are in the same broad animal family Second, hypothetically speaking, would you offer your throat to a black dog with red roses And third, the movie Black Dog starred amongst others, Meat Loaf RG
  9. Lately I've been sending out emails and some of the recipients never got the email. This has happened recently about five-six times. If you are expecting an email from me, pm me. If I haven't heard back from you after sending and I re-send the mail, I'm not bugging you LOL, I just want to make sure you got my message RG
  10. It's not my cup of tea (or pee, or is that tea pee LOL) But on this board, really, should anything between consenting adults be stigmatized at all? This lifestyle in entirety carries stigma with it in the civilian world. Here even if a certain activity doesn't interest you, it shouldn't any stigma for someone else. At the end of the day this community should be a stigma free zone, there are enough "outsiders" stigmatizing us as is RG
  11. I'm Gabriella's husband and I don't get any discount. Nor do I expect one, from her or any lady I probably wouldn't be able to contribute the best pick up lines, I find being myself, open honest and upfront, works best, including verification information plus reference By the way, Gabriella and I really aren't married, those comments are just joking around RG
  12. Best of luck to you Spud. You will be missed here, but you have to do what is right for you I'm sure I'm safe saying you will always be welcomed back if you should choose to do so Good luck RG
  13. I'm young and good looking, that's not the line George Costanza has the line and it seems to work There's a Seinfeld episode for just about every eventuality in life RG :-)
  14. I'm boring I know, but the old standbys are what I give. Usually a gift card (Victoria's Secret, LaSenza, Chapters, Home Depot...what a lady would like) Their websites usually tell what interests they have And I give a tip too RG
  15. The ladies I see put a BIG SMILE on my face too Lee. I look forward to my once a month escape with a special lady. And the ladies I see are as important to me as are other people in my life. RG
  16. Well even though I can't attend :-( there are four draw prizes for the social. At least I'll be there in spirit. I'll give the prizes to you tomorrow Angela RG
  17. The highlight of my day and summer (even though not even half over), and I'm posting one day late because I was away from the computer yesterday was a great date with a wonderful and special lady. It was all I expected and much much more A recommendation to be posted in the next couple days, but it was a very memorable encounter, and a great memory too More to come on this RG
  18. Toronto Ontario Had a wonderful stay there yesterday RG
  19. Now it should be noted, when you see a lady for repeat encounters, you both get to know one another a bit better, sometimes a lot better. And questions that would be no-no's on a first date, well on second, third, fourth, fifth etc dates are acceptable. There are still boundaries, but the boundary has expanded. The lady sometimes feels safe sharing aspects of her personal life, and conversely, you as a gentleman feel just as safe sharing aspects of your personal life with the lady But, and said with emphasis, if you are ever so lucky to meet ladies who you click with and see on repeat basis, what is said behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors. What you two share privately is just that, private. And it adds a special kind of intimacy to the encounter, that you trust one another to share. That said, for newbies especially, and for first time encounters, follow Cat's guidelines and you can't go wrong. Some morning ramblings RG
  20. I'll use the "T" in Elliott And it's where I'll be heading in a couple hours Toronto, Ontario RG
  21. Napanee, Ontario, where I'm meeting two ladies and going fishing with them Monday morning RG
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