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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. "God only made so many perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair" RG :-)
  2. Billy Joe Royal-Down In The Boondocks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVPJvk4t6SQ RG
  3. The only safe sex is no sex, or masturbation (make sure you are wearing a condom and latex gloves though LOL) Reality is that everything in life carries a risk like Nicolette said. To live a 100% risk free life is in my opinion not living a life at all...yes take precautions to reduce risk. But a 100% risk free life (including safe sex), well that would really, if you carry it to extremes, mean living like the Boy In The Plastic Bubble, and having that bubble in a bomb shelter with no other people around...safe yes, but not much of a life You are responsible for your own sexual health including testing. Now the only time a lady would get contacted by me in regards to STI/STD's is if I should test positive. I would, for the ladies I see sake, contact them to let them know so they can see their doctor. If you don't know who you've seen, that can be a problem. For me, I know the ladies I've seen and have their contact info since embarking on this lifestyle two years ago. Fortunately I haven't had to make such a contact. A long winded rambling RG
  4. I'm bald with chest hair...marry me And why does this scene come to mind A Seinfeld episode for just about everything RG :-)
  5. Stealers Wheel-Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  6. On one hand BCB, you are correct, it is apples and oranges. But here's another (and I've seen it) Customer (client) going through the check out at a grocery store. The check out girl is being held up from doing her job while the all mighty phone call is taking place. It doesn't just happen in the SP/Client relationship, it happens all over the place. And in my opinion, disregarding a live person in front of you for a faceless one over a cell phone is rude...you can always take the call later Oh, and one more thing, when a client takes a call during an encounter, I can see how it can spoil the mood, the rhythm and flow of the encounter. That said, how many bad reviews have been written blaming the SP when it may very well have been all the interruptions by the client because of a cell phone. Phonus interuptis can spoil the mood you know. I lied, one more thing. Seeing ladies is about an intimate interpersonal escape. That escape is somewhat gone if the phone is on...so once the lady arrives, it's turned off And a thought. Everyone is wired to their phones nowadays. From teenagers on up. But I don't recall big long line-ups at payphones when I was growing up. Why this need to be that wired in 24/7 365 days a year RG
  7. Wash your mouth with warm water and salt If using a commercial mouthwash, stay away from those with alcohol. Besides being a no no for a non drinker like me, I've been told they have a tendency to dry out your mouth whereas a non alcoholic mouthwash doesn't do so RG
  8. Schedule an encounter with Emily when she comes through, you'll be extremely glad you did RG
  9. I find the older I get, the more set in my ways I've gotten. Makes it hard to give up my independence to share my life with someone else. At home, I'm master of the remote control LOL RG
  10. Congratulations Angela on 7000 Posts Looking forward to reading your next 7000 RG
  11. For what it's worth. Check the profiles/websites of some of the ladies (SP's and MA's) on CERB, who have had good professional photographs done. Then contact the ladies, ask them who did their photos, who they felt safe and comfortable with and make a decision from there Likely there are guys with a Pentax or Nikon would be willing to knock on your door and take a picture or two of you. You want to see a professional photographer who does quality model type photography. My two cents worth RG
  12. It was Andy of Mayberry (aka Andy Griffith Show) I remember (yes you know your old) him for A sidebar, the young folks on here may not know, but Ron Howard, now the big time Hollywood director/producer played Opie, Andy's son on Andy of Mayberry Good entertainment, even now in re-runs RIP Andy RG
  13. Well to paraphrase Emily, I can assure you, when I am seeing a lady the last thing on my mind is the phone...my focus and attention is on the lady I am meeting and who has agreed to spend her time with me. So my phone is off RG
  14. I like Mr Nice 2 because he is....well nice. And being nice is a good thing, it contributes to a positive CERB community RG
  15. The only time I question rates is not to negotiate, but to confirm the rate. I've booked an encounter where a certain rate is set, but due to life happens circumstances (sometimes mine, sometimes the lady's), the date of the encounter has been changed, and her rate at the time of the new date changed. I just want to confirm the right rate for our encounter, that is all But I never negotiate, the lady's rate is the lady's rate RG
  16. After Malika kindly provided us the Reader's Digest abridged version LOL of the book in another thread, I can't see reading it now Malika's abridged version in this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=95699&highlight=shades+grey RG
  17. By saying I avoid using credit, that is in reference to partaking in this lifestyle. Every encounter is paid for by disposable income (I make enough so each month I can afford this lifestyle...in cash) after my monthly bills are paid. I don't pay for encounters by going to my line of credit or credit card. The gas for my truck is paid in cash. Hotels, paid in cash (yes I reserve rooms using credit card, but on check in pay for the room in cash) As for being noticed, I'm single so not an issue for me. The closest to being noticed is the bank, knowing where I sent money once on an email money transfer, because the lady's email (an inocuous email btw) shows up. I don't need a credit card payment or an extra payment on my line of credit to come up the next month. If I don't have the cash, I don't see a lady that month...good practice (at least for me) or this lifestyle could very easily get out of control RG
  18. Most ladies don't have a problem providing references. And it's more than just comraderie. It is the ladies helping each other with each other's safety/security. The lady providing a reference today for another lady may need another lady providing a reference for her another day And if you look on many ladies' websites, there is a blue ribbon icon with reference provider. The ladies are happy to provide references to deserving gentlemen, it is in the end for their benefit. RG
  19. A lady's rates are a lady's rates. And the lady is being compensated for her time and companionship. Just because you are paying a lady doesn't mean you own her for the time you are seeing her. This is supposed to be a mutually beneficial encounter, from what is described there is no benefit for a lady to see this guy, no matter how much she is paid. So the poor guy has to take a a cab (said sarcastically btw) why is that your concern? Has a shared cell phone? Good god man, buy a cheap pay as you go throwaway cellphone. This is a lifestyle for those who can afford it, not for those who live by nickel and diming everyone and anyone The only mistake you made Aubrey, and said respectfully, is letting the communication carry on as long as you did But as Mighty Finn suggests, put him on the bad date list. At least other ladies will be forewarned about him Sorry you had to deal with this jerk RG
  20. I believe in love. But whether love lasts forever or for a short period of time is another question. I still hold the belief that love/marriage should last till death do us part (death due to normal natural causes of course LOL) Guess that comes from the era I grew up in. But love is an emotion. A relationship requires much more than just an emotion, you are sharing in every which way shape and form your life with another person Whether divorce is due to people finding it easier to to split than to work on their marriage I don't know. And frankly generalizations are hard since each and every relationship is unique. From a guy who as it turns out, is happy he is single and never got married RG
  21. Probably some guys trying to start a email conversation with a lady they want to see, but find it hard to do so...their way of breaking the ice. Or some guys just get off emailing escorts just in the hopes of getting an email back...kinda pathetic actually RG
  22. My experience and practice is when contacting a new lady who requires a reference, provide all other verification information (name, phone, email, board handle confirmed via pm) I let her know a reference is forthcoming but I wish to contact the lady first (IMHO seems a bit rude if a lady is contacted out of the blue by another lady to provide a reference for a guy, without being asked if it's ok first) and ask for her permission to use her as a reference I would think it's up to the lady who requires a reference to contact the reference provider, a reference provider shouldn't be obliged to contact the lady. Now if you have no one who can provide a reference for you, there are some on line verification sites (date check is one I believe) that you can join. My advice is be as forthcoming and open as possible with the lady. Starting off your encounter before you even meet by compling with verification requirements leads to a trusting SP/Client relationship and a good if not great encounter when you do meet My morning rambling RG
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