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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Although I don't live in Ottawa, I work for the federal public service, in a government department once thought untouchable...and even we are seeing people getting notices. CERB does give the impression of Ottawa being focal to this lifestyle compared to other cities...but that is because, IMHO, there are probably more active CERBite's (speaking boardwise that is) from Ottawa than elsewhere I do agree many beautiful ladies from Ottawa, but I have travelled back home from many encounters with a smile on my face and a fond memory from Toronto, Kingston and yes, Ottawa A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  2. No. When I see a lady it is my once a month escape. I prefer if I can afford to see two ladies on the same day, either have one encounter for an extra extended period of time with one lady, or have two encounters on seperate days. That way each encounter feels, at least to me, like each lady is special, not just another lady to see...hope that makes sense If you met a SP (or SP met a client), and after numerous encounters, you got to know one another and both fell in love (your both single and unattached) and got married, would you tell family/friends how you really met RG
  3. I do believe you have the best of intentions. And there is, no rational reason for it, pressure on guys to lose their virginity as soon as possible (at least back in my day there was)...like it's some flaw. Yes, reassure him that there really is no pressure, it should be done when the time is right for him But really, this isn't something you should set up. Your friend should, if he wishes to see a SP, arrange that himself. You could point him in the direction of CERB, and he should create his own profile on here. He can look at the ladies' profile, and see if there is a lady that interests him. But he should most definitely do this himself, and tell the lady he is going to meet that he is a virgin, so she knows ahead of time. One thing, if my experience losing my virginity is any example, my memory of my time with the girl (we were both teenagers) is fond. And it was unplanned out of the blue. Don't know if that is the case with everyone, but it's a fond memory for me And your friend, if he enrolls on CERB he will get a wealth of information and advice from the community RG
  4. Well for me I maintain this lifestyle to on average one encounter per month. I budget for the lady's donation, gift, tip, not to mention travel and hotel using monthly disposable income. I avoid using credit in any way shape or form, even to the point gas for my travel is paid for in cash. That way if I don't have the disposable income, I can't get in trouble having more encounters a month than I can afford RG
  5. Well I don't think in all cases when a guy cancels it is malicious, sometimes life happens. But when a lady sets aside a block of time for you, and you are a no show that is time that can't be used to see another client. For a lady, that loss of an encounter is loss of income (remember, this is for the ladies, their livelihood). In the case of touring ladies it is compounded by the fact she spent money on travel (airfare, hotel, etc), which she did based on the premise that she would see clients. I know for me, I have had to cancel at the last minute a scheduled encounter (came down with a major viral infection) with a touring lady. I paid the lady for the encounter even though I didn't show...why should she be out travel fees and lost income because I was a last minute no show. As for the money, it was already set aside for her so providing it not an issue In another case, it was not a cancellation, but a postponement of a couple weeks, on my part. I increased the time of our encounter from three hours (we usually see each other for three hours) to four hours, as a little thank you for the inconvenience. A rambling RG
  6. I would find a lady that interests you (from her posts/emails/pm's/website) Set up an encounter with her. If after the encounter she is a lady you'd like to repeat with, then ask about being a regular. My experience, in most cases ladies that interest me to see, I have or will repeat with...but there has been the odd case (5 to be exact) where what was written better than the actual meeting...it's the YMMV factor I guess Hope that helps RG
  7. First the lady's rate is the lady's rate. How she sets her rate is up to her and her alone As for lowering her rate, my observation is the old adage, you get what you pay for Don't know if that is an answer to your question or not RG
  8. Just a quick comment and question. Should we be naming the names of hotels on the board? Might be more discrete to keep it in pm's and e-mails RG
  9. Being single, no kids, sure...but under the circumstances you suggest, no Would you, provide a reference to a prospective employer to an SP (who is retiring from escorting), if the SP was a SP you have got to know very well (multiple encounters, over the course of a few years, someone you feel safe calling a friend). BTW You know she has the qualifications for the job and to the very best of your knowledge would be good at the job RG
  10. Having to go to the bank today to get money from my line of credit to pay for the tranny. Well trying to be philosophical, buying a new truck would be 60 months of $500.00/month payments, this, 6 months and the money is repaid to my line of credit And I keep going with my game plan, with money going to my "new truck fund" in five years when I retire I can buy a new truck for cash, no payments RG
  11. Well going to a brothel isn't my cup of tea anyway. But if I knew it was wired to videotape encounters and stream them on the net, I sure as hell wouldn't step foot in that brothel, even if they "promised" not to videotape me. To me encounters are private between the lady and gentleman, not something for the world to see My two cents RG
  12. There are inconsiderate people in the world Angela. And they are probably the same guys who complain if a lady is five minutes late for an encounter When guys don't show up for a scheduled encounter they should realize that is money out of a ladies' pocket, and show some consideration RG
  13. Well while talking lakes how about Eagle Lake (Northern Ontario) RG
  14. Yes If the offices in your workplace weren't secure, and a 50-50 chance of being walked in on, would you still have a lunchtime quickie RG
  15. Well in certain cities (two to be exact) I have to be extra careful when seeing ladies. I don't see ladies out in public places. Kingston is one of those cities. Have family there, and friends of family members there. Not embarrassed or ashamed of living this lifestyle, but should I disclose it, I want to do it because I chose to, not because family/friends of family saw me, and started phoning asking who's the young lady RG is seeing? I recently saw a lady in Kingston at her hotel, and she suggested going downstairs to the hotel bar for a drink or two. I agreed but in the back of my mind I kept wondering if I would run into someone I know. Fortunately it is a very small bar, and didn't run into anyone. But I suppose it qualifies as potentially the biggest blunder I made RG
  16. I'd guess first and foremost, the type of clients a lady prefers are gentlemen. A younger man who is a gentleman would be preferred over someone older who is a jerk. That's this guy's guess RG
  17. There is a little bar upper right hand corner. Underneath it says reputation for this post. Go to a post (not your own LOL) that you think is worthy of rep points, click on the bar, a pop up screen comes up, you can if you like put a comment in. The other way to give rep points is to nominate a post RG
  18. Well got told what the tranny job is going to cost. Garage estimate was $1700.00 but they couldn't get a hold of a rebuilt or used tranny Took it to a tranny shop, looking closer to $3200.00 OUCH!!!!! But I should have my truck by Tuesday RG
  19. No need to apologize Meg. I used to send a thank you everytime I got a rep point or nomination. Then some CERBite's, in a friendly way, said no need to say thank you. One member and myself even had a little pact made up...no more thank you's LOL. And I slowly got out of the habit of saying thanks. BUT TO ALL CERBite's OUT THERE WHO HAVE GIVEN ME, OR MAY IN THE FUTURE GIVE ME A REP POINT/NOMINATION, HERE IS A BIG THANK YOU :-) RG :-)
  20. Visiting mom for holiday weekend (starting now) First order of business...her internet is down, fix it. Run through the diagnostics on the computer, up comes "contact online support"...duh, can't get on the internet, how the hell am I going to get online support. Figured it out on my own, and can post as you can see RG
  21. roamingguy


    To Smithwick. A good first recommendation on your first encounter with a great lady. Glad your encounter was memorable. Emily is a real sweetheart and gem RG
  22. Well it's hard to say because in my "civilian" dating life I would see women closer to my age. But I'm not looking for ladies for their "skill set" as you put it. I'm looking to see ladies who are companions, who I can have a conversation with, and hopefully we connect, click, have a chemistry. I've met ladies that I've clicked with, who are from their mid twenties to fifty. And I've met some ladies who I haven't clicked with, all of them from early thirties to mid forties But those observations aside, it really is dependent on the individual lady on whether she is a good companion, and I don't think age is the deciding factor, maturity is. Don't know if that is the answer your looking for, but a rambling RG
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