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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Apsley, Ontario BTW I've fished 3 of those lakes on that map (Stony, Chandos and Jack's Lake) RG
  2. Glad it turned out to be a great social. With all the positive feedback from all these socials, this December all things being equal, I'll be attending the Ottawa Christmas Social Again, glad the Halifax Social rocked RG
  3. Doobie Brothers-Takin' It To The Streets RG
  4. Supertramp-The Logical Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k3JVfxluFU RG
  5. My CERB Goddess Of The Day today is Dorinda Bloom. Another lady I have yet to meet but is on my to meet list. Beautiful and a contributor to this community. Here's what some gentlemen have to say about Dorinda http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=D&t=10304 A Photo Of The Lovely Dorinda oh ok, a second pic RG
  6. Although not one of your lurkers, Hello Nicolette :-) RG
  7. Congratulations to Boomer on your 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 posts Well done RG
  8. Well if you are really fearful of emotional attachments, then you are probably best to not repeat with a lady, or just have a couple encounters with a lady at the most. Emotional attachments don't just complicate your life, they can create problems for the lady, which isn't fair to her RG
  9. Shania Twain-Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under RG
  10. Dire Straits-Money For Nothing http://www.veoh.com/watch/e178381Gmta9Kdw?h1=Dire+Straits+-+Money+for+Nothing RG
  11. The few (fortunately very few) times I've had a bad encounter, it isn't so much for me the money. It's the loss of an encounter, an escape. I have to plan way ahead, book a hotel, travel anywhere from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2-4 hours for the escape. Schedule so I don't get voluntold by the family they have something planned (yup, even single, have family who call me away) I get one, maybe two free weekends a month. When it's a bad encounter, all that I think of is it's another month before I can see a lady again. This lady robbed me of a encounter (one case stole my money too :-( ) But my glass is much more than half full, and I'm glad my bad encounters have been few and far between RG
  12. As long as we are gentlemen, the ladies accept us for who we are, be it young, old, bald, short, tall, skinny, fat, well you get the idea How can we tell a lady she needs implants or not, nor really is it our place to say. What a lady chooses to do, or not to do to her body, that is her choice and she should do it (or not do it) because that is what she wants to do That's just a general comment. And to Cat, your photos show a beautiful woman, not to mention you interest me from your intelligent posts. I am looking forward to when we get to meet in person. To me you fit the mould of a beautiful woman. RG
  13. Going into my work email account, putting the Out Of Office assistant on, saying I won't be back to work till August 7, 2012 Yup, I'm now on vacation RG
  14. I find with some ladies who I have seen on a repeat basis the sharing of personal information has been two way. A couple ladies discussed personal matters, in one case more me being a sounding board, and in another seeking advice. As always, with me, treated with discretion, what was discussed, it is private between the lady and me. Meeting a lady for the first time or for a repeat encounter, I always have excited nervousness and butterflies...but in a good way. The day that excitement goes either I should give up this lifestyle, or I'm dead, and perhaps one (or more) of the ladies would like to give the eulogy LOL. That to me is all part of the building anticipation of an encounter A rambling RG
  15. Congratulations Kyra on your ascent to Goddesshood Well done and well deserved RG
  16. Freddy Fender-Wasted Days and Wasted Nights RG
  17. There are ladies that I've had good and great encounters with. Those ladies I see or will see again. And the repeat encounters become less like an SP/Client relationship, and more like friends seeing each other again. Those repeat encounters, well since she knows you and you her, there is imho more trust, intimacy and reconnecting going on. I do see new ladies as well. When there is a lady that I think I'd like to meet, I schedule an encounter with her. I look at her profile, website, postings, that gives me an idea of who she is, and whether we'd click or not Hopefully we have a great encounter, and she is a lady I would repeat with At no time do I look at this lifestyle to see as many ladies as possible, it's not a case of notches on my belt so to speak. I enjoy the company of ladies and appreciate the encounters I have with them As for getting too attached. I never lose sight of the fact that the ladies are paid professional companions. This isn't a dating site, and I'm not looking for a g/f or wife. I have made some friends, but even so they still are paid when I see them for encounters...why would I try to freeload so to speak from a friend? But this is a mutually beneficial lifestyle. The lady gets paid, which is income for her...her livelihood. I get intimate encounters with beautiful woman with no strings attached. And hopefully we both enjoy our time together Some late night ramblings RG
  18. Hope I'm playing this hand right, and only because I posted this song not all that long ago that I remembered it and used it again Carly Simon-You're So Vain RG
  19. What MOD said. A starting point, look in the recommendation section of the city you intend to see a lady at, which appears to be Winnipeg. And stick to CERB and Escorts Canada. RG
  20. I read the article on CBC. There is more to it than being overweight, and I personally think the man in question is using his obesity to garner sympathy He smokes marijuana daily, and has been violent. My guess, if the children are removed to be adopted (not foster care) and he is banned from contacting Children's Aid, there is much more to the story, and his weight isn't the reason for the children's removal Here's the story from CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2012/06/21/ottawa-obese-father-loses-custody-children.html RG
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