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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I'm going to disagree with you here. First, the issue of age and being a young person was brought up by you when you posted this thread I offered some advice (hopefully good) in answer to your question DukeSSK, Maverick and Rodehard also offered some advice. And five ladies replied, positively to you. (Peachy, Nicholette Vaughn, Meg For Fun, Angels Touch Massage and VIP Massage) I don't think any youth bashing was done. And as for the attitudes of young people, in all likelihood there have been encounters with young people who had a less than respectful attitude, it's unfortunate but it skews a person's perception My advice, be respectful, be up front with the lady about your age, and take it from there. A rambling RG
  2. My guess any adult willing to have sex with someone underage doesn't care about whether the girl was coerced or not. Frankly those customers need to be strung up by the balls, they are as bad the alleged suspects in this case. As for being under age and driving a car. If coercing under age girls into prostitution doesn't bother them, driving under age won't bother them in the least And as has been said before, we don't know all the facts, there are very likely details the police haven't released...both from an investigative standpoint, and from this case still needs to go to trial As for the suspects being 15 year old girls, would people's opinion be harsher towards them if they were 15 year old boys? As for them being minors, our prisons are filled with criminals who got their start as young offenders, and continued on in their criminal lifestyle when they became adults. It's hard to fathom for most of us, some people just like the criminal lifestyle, and no amount of programs, interventions by social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists changes that Now all of what I said comes with the caveat we don't know all the facts, nor have they been convicted in a court of law RG
  3. And another song about the phone, or more accurately, why didn't the guy phone her Reba McEntire-Why Haven't I Heard From You RG
  4. Sometimes ladies do get busy, they may be touring and so on. Me, I'd give it about a week (mind you I'm planning encounters a few months in advance, so a week doesn't seem long to me), then if you haven't heard anything, just send a friendly email to the lady to ask if she has a date that can work for both of you One other thing,seeing as you are new to this lifestyle,(and I don't know who you are planning on seeing) but if the lady has verification/screening requirements, don't panic. She isn't trying to invade your privacy LOL. But both you and the lady are in fact strangers meeting intimately for the first time. She uses verification as a screening method to ensure her safety, as well as to screen out guys who like to book appointments and not keep them So I strongly recommend that if requested by a lady, provide any verification information needed. And if the lady doesn't know already, tell her you are new to this lifestyle Hope that helps RG
  5. Break up country style Travis Tritt-Here's A Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares) RG
  6. Well there are magazines which we might be cover material for LOL Seriously, Phaedrus is right, we aren't the cover of Gentleman's Quarterly But we are gentlemen and treat the ladies with respect. That's what's important. The ladies are professional paid companions, and we their clients. As long as that is remembered, and that this isn't a dating site, you'll do fine RG
  7. I'm carry a little extra around the middle, no hair on top and I'm sure glad size doesn't matter LOL I'm always a gentleman, clean (sometimes a shower for two to make sure you are both clean can be fun), and treat the ladies with respect. That is what is important. Really it's the golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated RG
  8. Having lived in Ottawa the only thing, or place I would still go to see if it was still there, Nate's Deli, but alas it is gone But I have, and will continue to go to Ottawa, keeping in mind a 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive to see are Meg For Fun Angela Of Ottawa Mia Bella Isabella Gia Alexandra Sky And with anticipation I will be going to Ottawa to meet some ladies I haven't yet met My beautiful wife Gabriella Cleo Catra Cat And hopefully if they come to Ottawa...please please please Emma Alexandra Melissa Missy Mariposa Amelia Middleton Victoria Jolie That's who I come, or would come to Ottawa to see. May not be the OP's intent of this thread, but that's my answer RG :-)
  9. Enjoy A Free Beer...... (Apple IPad) If this does not make you a believer in APPLE iPad nothing will !!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy A Free Beer...... Just think, with one of these amazing gizmos, you never have to visit a bar or pub again. Just attach the tap and pour away.......... I DON'T HAVE A CLUE AS TO HOW THIS WAS DONE............but maybe think he had a tube down his sleeve going to a keg? http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=6a8Eimr-fm0
  10. Oh quit your whining Lee. Gotta put a transmission in my truck next week. And I've only been out once fishing :-( since getting the diagnosis...don't dare tow my boat right now And the bank, well since I got the money from my line of credit (I've been on a pay it down,pay it off plan, where the credit limit dwindles to the balance owed, sorta more like paying off a loan) to pay for the transmission, well they've been on me to get a loan to buy a new vehicle. Sounds great, and I've been tempted, but I'll drive my old truck, hopefully for another 5 years, and then, when I retire, buy a new truck with cash. Although this is my temptation...truck wise that is LOL RG
  11. My CERB Goddess Of The Day today is Katherine. A very beautiful, sexy, and fit lady who makes a positive contribution to CERB. When she writes a post, I read it. Hopefully our paths will cross so we can meet in person Katherine's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=29603 What some gentlemen think of Katherine http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=K&t=30844 A picture of Katherine ok, two RG
  12. How could I forget to mention. But should she ever have plans to come to Ontario and we can schedule it to make it work, I'd love to meet and be filled with anticipation of meeting Amelia Middleton She's a cutie, and is positive upbeat. RG
  13. Only time I'm a hot guy is in the middle of summer when the thermometer shows 35-40 degrees C, no air conditioning or fan...and the only kinky thing I might do is jump in a bathtub full of ice water to cool off LOL But even then, I'm a gentleman, awww alright, a 51 year old, bald headed, bit of a belly, eyeglass wearing gentleman, but gentleman nonetheless. A quick rambling RG
  14. Paul McCartney and Wings-With A Little Luck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OnQEfgdBZo RG
  15. I have been fortunate to meet Emily twice, and last March (2012) came down with major viral infection and had to cancel our third encounter. :-( But very shortly (a few weeks) get to reconnect with Emily :-) Another lady who is a wonderful companion is Lonna Lux. I have seen her five times (one of those a sleepover) A sweetheart, and time with her now is more like friends with benefits than SP/Client There are a couple ladies in Orleans that I've had the pleasure to meet Meg for Fun. A fun, down to earth sweetheart, who looks like a blonde Ann Margaret. I've had the pleasure of her company twice thus far Angela of Ottawa. Also a fun down to earth lady. During our encounter, since we are the same age, we were able to share some common experiences, having grown up in the same era. And we have become friends, she and I are going fishing this summer, and this fall reconnect. Anticipation I would be remiss if I didn't mention my beautiful wife Gabriella Laurence. We have a bantering, both on the board, as many have witnessed, and off board, which is between my wife and me. This December Gabriella and I will finally meet :-) and consummate our marriage. I am also looking forward to my upcoming encounter with Kylie Daniels. Any lady who's idea of a gift is a gift card to Bass Pro Shops is a lady this fisherman wants to meet...not to mention she is beautiful Victoria Jolie. A lady of international renown, beautiful, sexy, and I'm told by another lady who I highly respect that I would like her. As a travelling gentleman both her schedule and mine need to coincide so we can meet Cat A lady known for her insights and intelligent contributions to CERB. She too is fishing with me this summer and come this fall, we will meet Looking forward to meeting her, both fishing and for an encounter Emma Alexander. Looking forward to when Emma's touring schedule and my travel schedule work to bring her to Ottawa (or Toronto or Kingston) She seems like a nice down to earth very beautiful and sexy lady, one I'd like to meet Melissa "Missy" Mariposa. I thought I'd never have the chance to meet her, since she was part time in Nashville, part time in BC. But there may be a chance she might come to Ontario. Proactive guy that I am, I gave all verification information needed, to be pre-verified. Just some ladies I've met, and the anticipation was well worth it, and some ladies I haven't met...yet, and have anticipation of meeting them A real long winded rambling RG
  16. Not a hijack the thread here but Katherine makes a good point. It basically comes down to being respectful of others. If the cleaning staff will provide extra towels, soap, mouthwash, etc, which is no skin off their nose, they certainly don't mind either ladies or gentlemen at the hotel partaking in this lifestyle, and they aren't likely to report it to the front desk. But most important, imho, is leaving a good tip. Hotels especially cleaning staff probably hate sports teams or young adults in full tilt party mode more than anything But someone coming and going quietly, no attention to him/herself, the hotel has no need to be concerned A quick rambling RG
  17. Congratulations Victoria on reaching the thousand post mark Always find your posts insightful and a contribution. Looking forward to reading your next thousand posts RG
  18. Congratulations Jhena on your milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  19. http://autos.ca.msn.com/editors-picks/the-goofiest-and-most-outrageous-vanity-licence-plates#image=1
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