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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Sara. Always get a smile from your posts. Looking forward to 1500 more RG
  2. Well I've been known while out fishing on an extremely hot day to take a break, and take a plunge in the lake to cool off I also drink lots of water, more than normal in the summer months RG
  3. Also let the MP/SP know in your email/pm's that you are younger and how old you are. Some ladies may be ok with younger guys, some may not be If the lady doesn't want to see you because of your age, don't take it personally, it is just one of her boundaries, respect it, and continue to look for a lady to see RG
  4. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers-I Won't Back Down RG
  5. Genesis-Misunderstanding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmFRvpwVSwo RG
  6. Er... why should they worry about this? Hotels have rules about multiple-occupancy in rooms, and I see no reason why they should provide soap and towels for more people than they allow. And they can't (officially) cater to a SP seeing multiple clients without being prosecuted... at least, not yet Sure, we all break the rules, but when we do it's up to us to work around the limitations involved. I'm finding that some hotels have notes in them for customers staying a few days to hang their towels up. If they wish to have a clean towel throw the dirty ones in the bathtub so housekeeping knows. They also say that beds will be remade but with the same sheets. It's not all hotels, but some do it Oh, this is a different situation all together. Yes it is important to keep products stocked. It's good to have some understanding to escorts who are new to the business or new to hotels. All I can say is I'm understanding. If I was any more flexible they'd call me gumby LOL But this lady was and is an experienced SP, she should have known better. But for a lady new to this lifestyle, well we were all newbies at one time. An afternoon rambling RG
  7. As a gentleman who has to travel from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2-4 hours to see ladies I perfectly understand the need to compensate the ladies...not only for the ladies' travel time, but gas is expensive. I have to factor the gas costs into my monthly budget of seeing ladies So for any guys wanting a lady to see them in their small town, keep in mind the additional costs needed for such an encounter, and compensate the lady accordingly, it's not a cost that should be borne by her RG
  8. Why are you looking to female escorts for advice, wouldn't it be advantageous to seek out male escorts for their advice Some of the advice you seek is something both SP's and Clients learn as they go Keeping it a secret from family. We all learn how to be discrete in this lifestyle but it depends on your personal circumstances How to handle certain events. Again, one of those things you learn as you go (events can happen to both SP and client)...I may be wrong but there is no playbook saying if scenario x happens this is what you do, if scenario y happens this is what you do etc etc etc My crash course on hotels for you (as a client) Hotels expect to have customers come to stay overnight, or multi nights...that is what they are in business for. Don't have a revolving door hotel room, one client after another, and be discrete and quiet, don't give hotel management a reason to check your room I completely understand Cat's sentiments, this is not just their livelihood, it is for lack of a better word their trade, one that was hard learned. Handing over trade secrets (and every lady has some practices unique to her own business in all likelihood) Really as Sara says hang out a ad. You'll likely make mistakes, that's how the ladies learned, but you'll know whether at the end of the day whether being a male escort is for you RG
  9. Peachy This incall was her condo, not a hotel, and she wasn't new to the business, she was an experienced SP. If she was new and it was a hotel I wouldn't be harsh, but an experienced SP in her own condo, she should stock it up right But your point is taken RG
  10. My CERB Goddess Of The Day today is a lady from Ottawa who makes intelligent positive and insightful contributions to CERB. She has been mentioned before, and as of yet, is another lady I haven't met. And that is Kimberly-Shea. Her CERB Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=16906 And a Pic OK, two RG
  11. Congratulations Pete on your milestone, and for your contributions to CERB RG
  12. Welcome Maria to this wonderful community, where both the ladies and gentlemen can participate equally. There is no us versus them here. CERB is a positive board. Both ladies and gentlemen, we are opposite sides of the same coin Again Maria, welcome to CERB, and I'm sure I am safe saying we are happy you joined us RG
  13. Sheena Easton-Morning Train This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huNejF17gzg and this version LOL RG
  14. My CERB Goddess Of The Day today is also another lady I haven't met...yet, and that is Emma Alexandra. One of the ladies I first noticed when I joined CERB, and definitely someone I want to meet. Her posts are insightful, positive and a contribution to this community Here is Emma's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=5891 What Some Gentlemen Think About Emma http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=4156 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=4910 And a pic oh, ok, a second pic RG
  15. To echo Boomer's thoughts, I think there is a limited market for social dating. Most clients are looking for conventional encounters. That said, that doesn't mean you can't include social dating in you repertoire of services you provide As for what would I be willing to pay, first I believe the lady should set her rates, not the clients. And second, when I see a lady I am paying her for her time. So for me, and speaking only for me, I would say your hourly rate stays the same. Your services for a social date aren't less than for an encounter, they are just different. My two cents worth RG
  16. Congratulations Shortcake on your ascent to Goddesshood. Well done and well deserved RG
  17. Should have added to my earlier post, and like tokan said, taking a lady out to a concert/hockey game/movie etc etc etc, that is a social outing I would do, with a lady I have gotten to know...it's not IMHO something to do on a first encounter. But a social outing should avoid the gentlemen's family/friends, well they should in my case at least LOL RG
  18. Very good of you to post this thread MN2. Anyone that volunteers to organize an event like this, or other major events has my respect for the time and effort required to carry off the event It's one of those thankless jobs, if all goes well, it'll seem effortless and no one really knows how much effort it took to make it go well. If it flops, everyone becomes a Monday morning quarterback RG
  19. Like Porthos, I personally wouldn't see a SP (fairer to say can't envision seeing a SP) for this type of encounter. And that is because any such events for me would involve my family or friends who know my situation (single and unattached) For me, it would lead to too many questions. But I'm sure there are gentlemen who would like that type of encounter Now seeing an SP (and have) for a sleepover, dinner out, breakfast out I certainly can see. The sleepover was with a lady I had an established "relationship" with, not something I'd do on a first date with a lady. A quick rambling RG
  20. Just wanted to use this as an "intermission" LOL to thank Meg (yes, one of my Goddesses) for this thread. I can't speak for anyone else, but aside from this thread allowing us to honour the Goddesses that grace this wonderful CERB community, some Goddesses have caught my eye so to speak. Goddesses that I otherwise wouldn't have known about. So thank you Meg for this thread allowing us to honour all the Goddesses out there. And to those Goddesses I have noticed through this thread, and will contact at a future date for an encounter, my apologies. You'll be meeting a overweight (but not as bad as before), bald middle aged man, not someone off the cover of Gentleman's Quarterly LOL :-) Again though, in all seriousness, thank you Meg, a wonderful and positive thread RG
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