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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Gabriella Laurence pm'd me today to let me know that some members on CERB have contacted her wondering if we are indeed married. Most on here can tell it is a joke. I mean seriously, how can we be married when we haven't even met, not to mention one day the marriage is on, the next day a divorce and so on. Clearly it is friendly on-line joking Gabriella is a on-line friend, and we banter back and forth, both through pm's, and on posts. But we are not married Why am I posting this. When some people start making enquiries like this, even in pm's, it may have a fallout effect of starting rumours which could damage the lady's business. Gabriella is an independent SP. I have nothing to do with her business or how she runs it...well except for one thing, this fall, all things being equal, I will get to meet Gabriella as a client. And as a sidebar, just like every other gentleman that has seen her, I still had to go through her verification process too, no special exceptions were made for me Gabriella and I are on line friends, and the friendly bantering will continue. Don't read more into it than that...we really aren't married. And Gabriella is from all recommendations, a wonderful companion
  2. Well some additional information. First, over the past 7-8 years his (then c/l) now wife, became more focused at least to outsiders, on the Will etc than on a loving relationship, at least from my (and some others) vantage point. As for being in for a relationship for a long time...true, but maybe as he got older he may have been too scared to leave and she saw the monetary benefits to staying. Also, this wonderful marriage, his kids weren't even invited to the wedding (a small affair), her's were. His kids didn't even know about it till after the wedding, when they got a wedding picture. As for him and her. Both were in very well paying jobs, have a good pension, life insurance etc. His kids written out so she and her kids get more. And when his kids written out, it also meant his one son, who has a child, also written out. He wrote his own grandson out. And her kids are in the same age range, and have jobs. They aren't hard up money wise. RG
  3. I know in this lifestyle there is an aspect in some cases of May/December, older gentlemen seeing younger ladies. But it is an encounter, mutual respect, no strings...not a established relationship/marriage But what is your take on May/December romances? From some personal experience (someone I know, not me) I can't say I'm a fan. A person I know left his wife after 24 years of marriage (he was 55 years old at the time, she was 56) to move in with a lady who was 31 years old. Sounds from a guy's perspective, great. Well now he is 84 years old and in poor health. She demanded he marry her, that they not just live C/L. And in his Will, well now she and her children are beneficiaries, his kids written out (btw they didn't disown him or nothing like that, but they were written out so she and her kids could be written in) And why did he do this, because of failing health, he needs someone to take care of him, and scared she'd leave him if he didn't change his Will I don't know if this is the case with all May/December romances. But there is a time when age differences do matter. For example a 15 year old dating a 25 year old. But a 30 year old dating a 40 year old, well not such a big difference, nor 70 year old with a 80 year old. But a 30 year old with a 50 year old, not a big deal, but when it becomes a 80 year old to a 60 year old, that age difference is bigger. Just wondering what other's think RG
  4. Leo Sayer-You Make Me Feel Like Dancing RG
  5. Thank you for the thread Sophia. All us gentlemen appreciate the sentiments and being acknowledged, even though we certainly didn't expect it. A very pleasant surprise. Likewise, I'd like to acknowledge all the ladies, and yes ladies (well Goddesses) on CERB. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't even be here Finally a thank you to Mod, Council and CERB. If not for them and this board, this would just be another dime a dozen escort site. Not a community where threads like this, CERB Goddess of the Day, and other positive threads acknowledging all of us in a positive way. This is clearly a community of ladies and gentlemen A rambling RG
  6. Tony Orlando and Dawn-Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree RG
  7. A couple World War II movies, not underrated, but from awhile back Where Eagles Dare 1968 It starred Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood taking on the whole German Army The Guns Of Navarone 1961 Starring Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn and David Niven out to blow up some big German guns RG
  8. Well two ladies who are currently not with us, but I'm looking forward to their return to CERB, I'll nominate as my CERB Goddesses of the Day The first is Alexandra Sky. A CERB contributor, came up with positive threads such as the "I Like/Positivity Thread" Enjoyed reading her posts, and looking forward to her return to CERB A photo of the lovely Alexandra What some gentlemen think of Alexandra http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=63135 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=A&t=40830 The second lady (just mentioned) who is also not with us, but I'm looking forward to her return to CERB too, is Isabella Gia. A lady who has a heart of gold. How many ladies like, as a gift, to receive a contribution to a food bank, something that helps others. Here is a photo of the lovely Isabella And what some gentlemen think of Isabella http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=I&t=22900 In spite of their time out, both ladies' positive contributions to CERB can't be overlooked, and I for one will welcome them back when they are out of the penalty box :-) RG
  9. Yup...also remember hearing that line that they had to walk uphill both ways to and from school...not to mention it was a twenty mile trek and always waist deep in snow...even in the summer Why did they build a school twenty miles from where everyone lived and where in Canada was it winter year round RG
  10. I do the same as Nicolette, I have an automatic food dispenser for my cat I also have a automatic water dispenser along the same lines This is what it looks like RG
  11. My CERB Goddess Of The Day today is a lady who has achieved Goddesshood today, and that is Georgiana Sweet. Just recently she has joined CERB, but made an impact, with her posts, and contributing to a positive community. We have only met through posts and pm's, but I am looking forward to meeting her in the future. Georgiana's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=65585 A Photo or two And again Georgiana, congratulations on achieving Goddesshood today, well deserved RG
  12. Congratulations Georgiana on achieving Goddesshood and achieving it so fast Well done and well deserved RG
  13. And to throw my two cents worth in here, adding to Samantha's and Angela's comments, for your safety, have a verification process as part of your screening measure. What I have provided to ladies I see, is my full real name, board handle, cell phone number, email address, confirmation of board handle by a pm and a reference from a lady I have seen. Gentlemen understand that until you two meet you are both strangers, and for all the hype about a man's privacy, really the ladies run a much higher risk safety wise than a man does There are many ladies on this board who I am sure would be happy to advise you about screening methods/verification. My experience, when providing this information to a lady, it went a long way to establishing a trusting relationship before we even met, and got our encounter started on a positive note For anyone evasive about being screened, remember, no amount of money is worth your safety (and maybe life) One more thing, not clear from your post, but so you know outcalls are going to the gentleman's place, be it his hotel or residence, incalls the gentleman comes to your place be it your apartment or hotel This guy's point of view RG
  14. This madness leads you to another sort of house...a funny farm And a silly song too RG
  15. My CERB Goddess of the Day is another lady I have yet to meet, and only communicated with on CERB. And that is Penelope Davis Not only has she contributed to CERB with her positive posts. She has shared with us personal details in her life...and she has found (as many have found) that CERB is a very supportive caring community Penelope's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=35208 What Some Gentlemen Think Of Penelope http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=P&t=33948 And a picture or two RG
  16. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your comments. They are very much appreciated. A special thanks to WIT for noticing my post count and starting this thread But as high as the post count is, I wouldn't have got here without the music games, word game and the odd joke or two...seriously :-) Again, thank you. And I am glad to be part of this CERB Community RG
  17. Irrespective of whether she is with a boyfriend or not, it's best to keep that sort of comment to yourself Maybe she is wearing clothes to show off her body. Maybe she doesn't know how much her clothes show off her body. Maybe her husband/boyfriend is somewhat controlling, and likes his wife/gf to dress in very sexy revealing clothes, it's more for him than her I know of one case, when at work, a lady was wearing white slacks, and you could see her panties through them. She didn't know, and when someone pointed it out to her (actually quietly and respectfully to let her know) she was embarrassed and allowed to go home and came back the next day (and from then on) dressed more conservatively. (btw where I work dressing somewhat not too revealing is very important). Complimenting a lady, when she is a stranger, well probably best to keep compliments to yourself. Saying "you have a great ass", or maybe "you have nice breasts" are likely not seen as complimentary. Also if one carries this to it's logical conclusion, if you find a woman attractive, wanting to go to bed with her can be somewhat flattering...but if you walked up to a lady and said "I want to f**k you" she'll likely not only find it offensive, she'll slap you across the face too. Save compliments for the ladies you know, they are the ones that will appreciate and remember it. And you'll know the boundaries when talking to those ladies A long winded rambling RG
  18. Two weeks back in March. Had major viral infection and couldn't touch coffee, my stomach couldn't handle it, amongst other things (oh, I was a coffaholic LOL) and going through caffeine withdrawl. About the only two benefits of that infection, first, lost 10 pounds, second, once the withdrawl was over, I just drink decaf now RG
  19. Have a Very Happy Birthday Angela Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  20. My CERB Goddess Of The Day is Sophia Varoushka. A lady from down east who contributes upbeat posts to CERB, helping to make it the positive board it is. When she posts something I read it. And her latest thread, much along the same lines as CERB's Goddess of the Day Thread is her thread, Ode To The Gentlemen Of CERB, allowing members to post something positive about the gentlemen of CERB...definitely contributes to positiveness on CERB Sophia's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=38592 What some gentlemen have said about Sophia http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=56823 And a picture or two RG
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