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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Katherine on your 1000 post milestone. Enjoy reading your posts, look forward to reading many more RG
  2. As someone who is minimum 3 1/2-4 hours away from Ottawa, (depending where in Ottawa I go) and I do go up there, I know if I lived in Ottawa and there was a lady in Gatineau/Hull that I'd like to meet, I'd sure as hell be crossing that bridge. Living in Ottawa, close to Orleans, Kanata, not to mention crossing the bridge to Gatineau/Quebec, really, some of you guys don't know how good you really have it RG
  3. My experience based on seeing ladies since embarking on this lifestyle in July 2010 has less to do with the ladies' age than their attitude. Fortunately I've been very blessed with the ladies I have had encounters with, and the age range of the ladies I've seen has been 25 to 50 years old. I've been with some wonderful ladies in their 20's, 30's 40's and 50's I've had (no names, and none were CERB members btw) horrible encounters with ladies in their late 20's, 30's and 40's Encounters have to be based on a ymmv factor. And you can get a idea of the type of lady you'll meet if you read her posts/profile/website and any subsequent emails...that will determine much more what type of lady she is and whether you two will be a match rather than profiling on an older experience vs younger SP basis A late night rambling RG
  4. Not to interject, but I'm sure there are more than just those two type men How about young married guys vs older divorced/widowed/single guys I think for the ladies it is the person inside that counts...is he a gentleman or a jerk or in between, that's what matters RG
  5. As a gentlemen who partakes in this lifestyle, all I can say is if I questioned how legit is the Escorts Canada website, I would also have to question how legit is CERB. BTW I don't question how legit is CERB, of all the sites I've been on, this one has been good to me More echoing other's sentiments RG
  6. Supertramp-The Logical Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWKYkK1L7S0&feature=fvwrel RG
  7. Eagle Lake, Ontario Reputed to have great muskie fishing...when I retire maybe take a 3-4 day fishing trip up there RG
  8. Orleans-Dancin' In The Moonlight And the original version of the song,just for your listening pleasure :-) by King Harvest RG
  9. In this day and age as well, prospective employers and employers may check your Facebook accounts as a matter of routine "big brotherness" (if that's a word) This can affect both ladies and gentlemen. If our civilian world caught wind of this on-line, there could be ramnifications, such as losing your job, no career advancement, not getting hired for a job etc. I am not a facebook or other on-line social networking person. Been invited to join, always declined, just because of this sort of thing, and it's not me :-) Just a rambling from someone who read Orwell's 1984 RG
  10. Like Phaedrus, it's something I haven't given much thought to, until now I honestly can't say it is something I would look for in a lady. And I haven't seen a lady who was bald. But if a lady was bald, that doesn't mean I wouldn't see her. I know there are some ladies who have their hair cut short, sort of along the lines of Jamie Lee Curtis, and that cut can look good. I would say that if a lady, at least in this lifestyle is bald, she should let potential gentlemen know. That way when she has an encounter it is with a gentleman who wants to see her A rambling from a bald guy who wishes he had more hair LOL RG
  11. Atlanta Rhythm Section-Imaginary Lover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIc8krqspIc RG
  12. Congratulations Sophia on achieving your first 1000 posts Always enjoy reading what you write, and look forward to reading your next 1000 posts RG
  13. Happy Birthday Porthos Enjoy your special day RG
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