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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Pretty much echoing what has been said already, reputation points are given by other CERB members as sort of a reinforcement/agreement with a post you made Some ladies don't partake in the boards, except for advertising, which could possibly explain high post count/low rep points. I know of one lady for example, an excellent SP btw, but has low post count/low rep points and been on CERB a year Some ladies prefer little or no board participation, for whatever reason. That doesn't mean they are a bad SP RG
  2. I like Tokan, another small town boy (although my small town is smaller than his small town I think LOL), for his positive contributions to CERB and playing the music thread games And for a music game player, and from one small town boy to another, here's an appropriate song...don't know how true though :-) RG
  3. Lake Scugog...also known as the bog Fished there a couple times, can't say it's my favourite lake RG
  4. My CERB Goddess Of The Day Today is Kylie Daniels. I first noticed Kylie through her posts on CERB, and looked up her CERB profile. From there, I checked out her website. And yes, while I did look at her photos, what really caught my attention on her website...she is learning to fly fish, and one gift she lists is a Bass Pro Shops gift card, a girl after my heart. So I contacted Kylie and I have an encounter scheduled with her at the end of August And she is a case in point, if she didn't have a CERB Profile, I never would have noticed her. Here is Kylie's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=54503 Here is something, as Kylie puts it, to arouse the senses OK, I'll post a second photo We haven't had our encounter yet Kylie, but I'm looking forward to meeting you at the end of August RG
  5. A website should have the basics, age (at least age range), don't call yourself 22 if your 30th birthday is a month away LOL, be honest about body type (while I'm not a fan of all the acronyms, but for example don't call yourself a spinner if you are bordering on a bbw) In short the client you want is the client who wants you, and the only way he'll know if he wants you is if your honest about who you are Photos are good, but as has been mentioned, don't photoshop or copy someone else's photos. It is understandable that some ladies don't show their face, or cover tattoos/piercings for privacy. Just say, if that is the case, you have tattoos/piercings In terms of writing, don't plagiarise some other lady's writings...quick way to make enemies not just of other ladies, but the guys won't trust you either And frankly in a website, unless it's regularly updated, it's really hard to get a feel of the lady's personality...a website can be scripted I now look more for ladies who participate on CERB, that gives me a real feel for what they are like as a person...went off CERB a couple times, made me wish I hadn't...lesson learned Some ramblings RG
  6. Maybe more appropriate for Remembrance Day, but I got the e-mail today, thought I'd share This is the first time I had ever heard TAPS played in full. Talented young lady and appropriate for Remembrance Day, and to honour all those who have served or are serving their country > > > > > > > > > > > > Many of us have not heard Taps played in its entirety. This clip will fill that gap in our experiences. > > > > > > > > The original version of Taps was called The Last Post. It was written by Daniel Butterfield in 1801 and was rather lengthy and formal. So, in 1862 it was shortened to 24 notes and was re-named Taps. > > > > This original solo, trumpet rendition of Taps is performed to perfection by 13 year old Melissa Venema, a Dutch Girl. She is accompanied by the orchestra of Andre Rieu who is also Dutch. http://www.flixxy.com/trumpet-solo-melissa-venema.htm
  7. Been looking forward to today to getting the boat out. Well I got all three batteries installed (1 12 volt for the outboard 2 12 volts for the trolling motor) only to find the marina had pulled the jumper cable (a wire connecting the positive terminal of one 12 volt battery to the negative terminal of the other 12 volt battery) to make it 24 volts. So off I hop in my truck to the marina, about a 30 minute drive, to get a cable. Takes them about 20 minutes to make me a jumper cable, but at least, good for them, no charge, they replaced it for free. On the way back I stop in at Canadian Tire pick up a few odds and ends, and look in Marks Work Warehouse, buy nothing. Get back home, tighten the screws down on my trolling motor, and connect the jumper cable...everything seems a-ok...except one thing. Some a$$hole :-( is parked right in front of my boat in my spot (likely not a tenant, someone that thinks apartment parking is public parking) Well I can't go out fishing today...but that person can't go anywhere now either, because my truck is now parked in front of him/her. Well hopefully tomorrow is a good day weather wise RG
  8. Here's a hug Sophia, and sorry that family of all people trying to screw you over not once but twice. And good for you, at least your mother has a car now. You should just disown your cousin, she doesn't deserve your compassion RG
  9. It's the May long weekend. It started out with an great encounter with a wonderful lady (recommendation to come this week) last night. Shortly going to put the batteries in the boat, tighten down the trolling motor and get it running, and hopefully go out fishing this weekend RG
  10. My CERB Goddess of the Day today is a lady of international renown, who as of yet I have to meet. (but I'm waiting for the time when our paths cross, alas the downside of being a touring gentleman) She needs no introduction, and has already been mentioned in this thread, and that is none other than Victoria Jolie. Beautiful, sexy, and thinks outside the box in her marketing packages (for example her idea of a fishing/hunting package). Here is Victoria's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=17627 Some recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=V&t=6879 although the biggest recommendation comes from another lady I highly respect, who said I would like her And two pictures of her...the first one, well being the fisherman I am, you can see why I like this one. Until this picture, I never thought of hip waders as sexy, but Victoria makes it work And a second, more recent photo I'm just waiting for the day when our paths cross Victoria, I really do want to meet you. But until then, you'll be my CERB Goddess of the Day RG
  11. Happy Birthday Tiffany Enjoy your special day RG
  12. That has vexed me too Meg...and I have made the 3 1/2-4 hour drive (depending whereabouts and if I hit rush hour in Ottawa I'm going) on more than one occasion (as you know :-)) no complaints...yet Kanata to Orleans, is a major trek Some people don't know how good they have it RG
  13. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany It was the castle that the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was filmed And I was there when I was a kid RG
  14. Congratulations NJ Well done and well deserved RG
  15. My CERB Goddess of the Day today is a lady I have only met through posts and pm's, but one day would like to meet in person.....and that is the beautiful Soleil Always a positive contributor to CERB, she's the one reason I can think of to visit Winterpeg Soleil's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=26702 This is what some guys have to say about her http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=15487 RG
  16. Atlantic City, NJ, USA Went there, wasn't impressed, but then I don't gamble RG
  17. Since 5 is spelled five the next band begins with "E" Eagles-Heartache Tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db542C4id5A RG
  18. This might help with the auto dialer, https://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/index-eng If that doesn't work, she can talk to her cell phone provider and ask them if there are any options But your friend, like Annessa said, should document everything, and if needs be, go to the police...stalking is illegal, and if it escalates, can become violent. Good luck RG
  19. Going to cheat a little Norman Greenbaum-Spirit In The Sky RG
  20. We'll live on the edge, it counts as a "N" :-) Nickelback-Sharp Dressed Man RG
  21. Chilliwack-Whatcha Gonna Do (When I'm Gone) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frhkavhoFjs RG
  22. [url]http://www.ottawacitizen.com/News/Ottawa/Swindling%20former%20Ottawa%20call%20girl%20granted%20day%20parole/6625758/story.html[/url] OTTAWA â?? A former Ottawa call girl, who bilked a disabled man out of more than $850,000, has been granted day parole after serving 16 months of her four-year prison sentence. Darquise Lâ??Ecuyer, 32, will live in an Ottawa halfway house and work as a secretary at her husbandâ??s construction firm, according to documents obtained from the parole board. Lâ??Ecuyer â?? she used to go by the name Johnson â?? will be on day parole for six months. She then becomes eligible for full parole. In written reasons, a parole board panel said it had a difficult time coming to a decision in the case given Lâ??Ecuyerâ??s â??history of deceit and manipulation.â? But the board said it was influenced by two native elders who spoke in support of Lâ??Ecuyer during the hearing. Lâ??Ecuyer embraced her Métis heritage while in prison. She withdrew from conventional psychological counselling in favour of an aboriginal program, which she said offered more insight into her history and behaviour. Lâ??Ecuyer has said she was abused as a child and has struggled with depression. â??It is their (the eldersâ??) collective view that the trauma that you claim to have experienced is real and that it has affected your ability to make proper decisions,â? the parole board panel noted. â??They believe that your remorse is genuine and that they believe you will not repeat such criminal behaviour in the future.â? The board expressed reservations about Lâ??Ecuyerâ??s credibility, but concluded she did not present an undue risk to the community on day parole. Doug Macklem, the Ottawa computer systems analyst victimized by Lâ??Ecuyer, attended last monthâ??s parole hearing and submitted a victim impact statement. In an interview, Macklem said the case highlights whatâ??s wrong with the justice systemâ??s approach to white collar crime. â??They donâ??t treat it seriously,â? he said, â??even though this is going to be a lifelong financial and emotional struggle for me.â? Macklem said Lâ??Ecuyer essentially took $850,000 from him in return for 16 months in prison: â??Thatâ??s a pretty good salary,â? he said, â??even for a professional athlete.â? At the parole hearing, Macklem asked the board to order Lâ??Ecuyer to honour the restitution order imposed by the judge as part of her sentence. The board, however, said it is unable to attach such a condition to an inmateâ??s release. Macklem said he has little faith that Lâ??Ecuyer will live up to the pledge she made to pay him 20 per cent of her wages. â??Iâ??m not sure I believed half of what she said,â? said Macklem, who uses a wheelchair because of his cerebral palsy. â??She says whatever she needs to in order to get the result sheâ??s looking for.â? In 2006, Macklem invested heavily in two fictitious Caribbean tourist villas based on his belief that he was building a future with Lâ??Ecuyer, whom he had first hired as an escort. In December 2006, after draining Macklem of his savings, Lâ??Ecuyer faked her own death and went to live in Jamaica with Nolan Johnson, to whom she was married. Lâ??Ecuyer was arrested after returning to Canada in June 2007. She was convicted last January of fraud and extortion. Macklem spent his inheritance, liquidated his RRSP account and mortgaged his family home during the fraud. When taxes and civil court costs are added to what Lâ??Ecuyer swindled from him, Macklem said, he lost more than $1.4 million Read more: [url]http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Swindling+former+Ottawa+call+girl+granted+parole/6625758/story.html#ixzz1v41HeYTp[/url]
  23. My CERB Goddess of the Day is none other than my beautiful wife Gabriella Laurence. We have yet to meet in person. But I have enjoyed our friendly bantering back and forth, and always enjoy reading her contributions to CERB RG Here is Gabriella's profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=46192
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