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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Tweed, Ontario Apparently Elvis (yes the Elvis) has been sighted there LOL http://www.communitypress.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2175422&archive=true RG
  2. Arriving early at the lady's place not a good idea agreed, but arriving early, a few blocks away, is not going to arouse suspicion...case in point, I was 30 minutes early once, there was a shopping centre a few blocks away, I parked there, went inside the mall for a few minutes, showed up at the lady's place on time RG
  3. Agree with you Emerald. But as for gps, as etasman says, sometimes they are wrong. Just for a couple examples. Heading to the 401 from the 400. GPS told me to get in the right lane to the off ramp, exit and go on the 40. I'm in the right lane, guess where the off ramp to the 401 is, the left lane A second example heading to Ottawa on Hwy 7, just near the off ramp to the Queensway. Well the road has changed, construction. I'm still on the new portion of Hwy 7, but my gps shows me as way off Hwy 7, in a farmers field And yes, I had a current map and ran the updates on my computer GPS is good, but not infallable And for me, when booking with a lady, I try to err on the side of arriving too early, find a spot a few blocks away to park, and then when it's time, arrive and call...mind you that's when I do incalls. Most of my encounters are outcalls RG
  4. Well my cat has a habit of taking a pencil out of the cup (I use one as a pen/pencil holder) and carries it off in his mouth. He also likes the plastic pull tabs off milk cartons and plays with them like a cat toy Any of his "toys" and toys are anything he can carry in his mouth wind up in my bed...it's his toy cache At night in bed, he'll climb on and lie on my arm, and hiss at my hand...only at night though When I get home at the end of the day, my shoes seem to have moved around, wonder who did that And sometimes, he'll go in my sock drawer and socks all over the living room I think he was dropped on his head at a very young age, or it's some sort of inbred feral behaviour RG
  5. Actually it's not a review board, it's a recommendation board As for the question, it is really subjective, not objective, as what is best to one guy may not be the best to another guy RG
  6. Don't know if appropriate for this thread, or the "You Know Your Old Thread" but.......... All in fun RG
  7. I don't wear any. You don't know who has allergies to cologne, or perfume for that matter. And there are a lot of people who don't know how to wear it. If worn, it should be a subtle dab on the skin...but there are some and it smells (and yes, my eyes start tearing up, almost as bad as when I went through chemical warfare training in the military LOL) like they dumped a bottle head to toe on themselves A good old fashion shower head to toe with soap followed by mouthwash...aka good hygiene, that's what I use RG
  8. Shania Twain-Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under RG
  9. In this lifestyle there is a balance between your privacy versus the ladies safety and security. Really, on the balance of things, a cell phone is very minor. And as much as a lot of men may think their privacy is of paramount importance, it truly is the ladies that take much more risks, be it with their safety to no shows, well at least until they at least get to know, and like you. A lot of ladies mitigate that risk somewhat by requiring verification, which means in addition to providing a contact phone number and email, not to mention confirming board handle through pm, you provide your real, yes real name and a reference My experience, when you are open with a lady providing this amount of information, they don't abuse it...they are very appreciative that you provided it and it goes a long, long way to establishing trust, even before you meet in person. If you are reluctant to just provide a cell phone number, I can see it raising warning flags to the lady. If you have trust concerns about providing a lady just a cell phone number, maybe she isn't a lady you should see in the first place. And from the lady's perspective, if you don't trust her with any information, be it just a phone number right up to full verification information, why would you expect her to trust you to be alone with intimately? A morning rambling RG
  10. Cheating just a little, using the last name :-) Frank Sinatra Strangers In The Night RG
  11. I believe the number shows up. I know mine shows up on a call display...tested it by phoning my work number after hours, next morning it was on the call display. To block your number, at least back when I had a land line, you had to set it up on your phone manually. You could also block certain numbers from being able to call you. Instructions for it are in your phone book I would assume your cell phone number would show up unless specifically blocked. RG
  12. It's not just a safety issue for the ladies, if you don't have a phone, how are they going to get a hold of you. Sometimes it'll be the case that they need to phone you Cell phone is no biggie, you can get as cheap or expensive as you like Here is are some cell phone options for you http://www.speakout7eleven.ca/ Wireless Wave has different cell phone options, including pay as you go http://www.wirelesswave.ca/ Walmart also has cell phones http://www.walmart.ca/en/cp/wireless/20135 Presidents Choice has cell phones too...try your local No Frills or Loblaws, they carry them http://www.pctelecom.ca/LCLOnline/ Don't let a thing like a cell phone deter you, cell phones are easy to get RG
  13. You know your old when If you wanted to watch a tv show about lawyers If you wanted to watch a tv show about doctors And for a police show RG
  14. I like Angela. She's a wonderful lady and friend, who's worth the 4 hour drive to meet. I enjoy reading her insightful and positive contributions to CERB, I'm looking forward to taking her out fishing this summer RG
  15. Eagles-The Long Run http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edKq2tQcC_c RG
  16. Nazareth-This Flight Tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_809EZ6bIA RG
  17. Dire Straits-Money For Nothing http://www.veoh.com/watch/e178381Gmta9Kdw?h1=Dire+Straits+-+Money+for+Nothing RG
  18. Can't believe I'm posting this...from a movie I saw as a kid But how do you find a cave When you..... Climb Every Mountain (from Sound Of Music) Apologies everyone LOL :-) RG
  19. A little house with three bedrooms, one bathroom and one car on the street. A mower that you had to push to make the grass look neat. In the kitchen on the wall we only had one phone, And no need for recording things, someone was always home. We only had a living room where we would congregate, unless it was at mealtime in the kitchen where we ate. We had no need for family rooms or extra rooms to dine. When meeting as a family those two rooms would work out fine. We only had one TV set and channels maybe two, But always there was one of them with something worth the view. For snacks we had potato chips that tasted like a chip. And if you wanted flavor there was Lipton's onion dip. Store-bought snacks were rare because my mother liked to cook and nothing can compare to snacks in Betty Crocker's book. Weekends were for family trips or staying home to play. We all did things together -- even go to church to pray. When we did our weekend trips depending on the weather, no one stayed at home because we liked to be together. Sometimes we would separate to do things on our own, but we knew where the others were without our own cell phone. Then there were the movies with your favorite movie star, and nothing can compare to watching movies in your car. Then there were the picnics at the peak of summer season, pack a lunch and find some trees and never need a reason. Get a baseball game together with all the friends you know, have real action playing ball -- and no game video. Remember when the doctor used to be the family friend, and didn't need insurance or a lawyer to defend? The way that he took care of you or what he had to do, because he took an oath and strived to do the best for you. Remember going to the store and shopping casually, and when you went to pay for it you used your own money? Nothing that you had to swipe or punch in some amount, and remember when the cashier person had to really count? The milkman used to go from door to door, And it was just a few cents more than going to the store. There was a time when mailed letters came right to your door, without a lot of junk mail ads sent out by every store. The mailman knew each house by name and knew where it was sent; there were not loads of mail addressed to "present occupant." There was a time when just one glance was all that it would take, and you would know the kind of car, the model and the make. They didn't look like turtles trying to squeeze out every mile; they were streamlined, white walls, fins and really had some style. One time the music that you played whenever you would jive, was from a vinyl, big-holed record called a forty-five. The record player had a post to keep them all in line and then the records would drop down and play one at a time. Oh sure, we had our problems then, just like we do today and always we were striving, trying for a better way. Oh, the simple life we lived still seems like so much fun, how can you explain a game, just kick the can and run? And why would boys put baseball cards between bicycle spokes and for a nickel, red machines had little bottled Cokes? This life seemed so much easier and slower in some ways. I love the new technology but I sure do miss those days. So time moves on and so do we and nothing stays the same, but I sure love to reminisce and walk down memory lane. With all today's technology we grant that it's a plus! But it's fun to look way back and say, Hey Look, guys and gals, THAT WAS US!
  20. Congratulations Penelope. My brother and sister-in -law had a premature baby, given six months to live That was 8 years ago, when I go to visit or he comes to visit me, always greeted with a big smile and Hi Uncle RG (well my real name)...yes, doctors are fallible, they can get it wrong Scary yes, but a blessing too Thoughts and prayers are with you RG
  21. I like Gena, a fellow music enthusiast and game player in the "Variation of the Favourite Song" thread RG
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