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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. When the ladies are looking for drivers, they are looking for professional drivers, not someone who just has a driver's licence and car. And unwanted soliciting via pm's and emails, that isn't professional. If you are a professional driver, advertise. If the ladies are interested in hiring you, they will. But just having a car and driver's licence, well just about everyone has a licence and vehicle, that doesn't make you professional And on a final note, the closest I could envision providing driving services, as such, is if I had an encounter with a lady at my hotel, and it's ended I would offer and be willing to drive the lady (only if she is comfortable enough with this) back to her place be it hotel or home and save the cost of a cab. I do emphasize it would be an offer, no pressure, and no strings attached Another rambling RG
  2. I like Tokan. He is a positive contributer to CERB, enjoy reading his posts. Not to mention finding out he's a fisherman too. RG
  3. I'm surprised to hear that Christy, especially the part about CERB's most well known gents (btw classy of you not naming them) Your rate is your rate, don't give in to some guy (not a gentleman btw) trying to nickle and dime you. That's plain ignorant Ah, if only you lived in Ontario, I know of at least one guy (he likes to fish) who wouldn't even contemplate asking for a lower rate. And a half hour, that's not even enough time to sit down and get to know one another Sorry you have to deal with this RG
  4. For those who want a cock shot, here's a picture of a cock for you Just a little, yes very little humour folks RG
  5. Just an idea, if there is a lady you'd like to meet who tours, pay her in advance, or maybe a 50% deposit via email money transfer, shows good faith on your part, and you might end up finding a lady you'd want to see again. And for repeat encounters, she knows you won't be a no show, but a good client. If a few reputable gentlemen (those who for one, aren't no shows) did that, the ladies likely would put cities on their tour list that aren't on them now. Just an idea RG
  6. Twice I've had to, well once a postponement, and once a cancellation, since embarking on this lifestyle. But they were a case of life happens, and it does, to everyone. But irrespective of the postponement/cancellation being a life happens situation, I did try to do the right thing. I rescheduled the one encounter, approx three weeks later, and made our encounter longer, instead of the usual three hour, it was a four hour encounter. In the case of the cancellation (ironicly it was in Ottawa) I did pay the lady in full for the encounter. She had set aside a certain time and date for our encounter (time that wasn't scheduled for some other paying client), I cancelled at the last minute, she still should be compensated...especially considering as a touring lady, she has extra expenses going to different cities What some guys don't seem to understand or appreciate is this is the ladies' livelihood As much as the ladies provide companionship, and hopefully enjoy our company, it isn't an indulgence or hobby to them. This pays their bills, their rent, car payment, food on the table etc etc etc. If you book an encounter with a lady, do it with the intent of following through with it. If you know more than likely you won't keep the appointment, don't book, it's as simple as that Another rambling RG
  7. Well I've said this before, but the only difference between "free" sex and paying for it, the free sex costs a lot more in the end. The lady at the proverbial bar may be expecting a relationship, wheras the guy is expecting a no strings one time sexual encounter, as an example. Although for me at least, seeing a lady in this lifestyle I find is much more than sex, it is the companionship in it's entirety And an encounter with a lady that doesn't need to be plied with drinks is much more attractive than one with a lady who might end up intoxicated from the drinks she's been bought. The benefit, well one of the benefits of this lifestyle, is the uncomplicated, no strings attached of seeing a lady. No worries of her calling you, wanting more dates, or a relationship. If you and the SP hit it off, you can see her again. Conversly if you, or her (or both) don't hit it off, you both move on, no harm, no foul, no strings attached But at the end of the day, this lifestyle is supposed to be mutually beneficial uncomplicated fun A rambling RG
  8. For the restaurant meeting protocols couple ideas. 1) Reserve the table in your name, get there ahead of time, tell them a lady is coming to join you. When the lady arrives she can say she is with the "Smith" or "Jones" (you get the idea) reservation. 2) Get there ahead of time. Text her where you are in the restaurant 3) Wear something very distinctive and unique, that stands out 4) Put a gift bag on the table, maybe with a "happy birthday" card so the table stands out Or a combination of the above Some quick ideas RG
  9. I should add something. Most (not all) ladies don't show photos of their faces for privacy reasons too. But you know something, part of the excitement and anticipation, at least for me, of the very first encounter, what does she look like. If everything appearance wise is known ahead of time, before the very first meeting, a lot of the mystery and excitement is gone, and that is part of what attracts me to this lifestyle A morning rambling RG
  10. Congratulations Nicolette On a similar note, have to go to my nephew's first communion this Sunday Tried on my slacks, too big, got to go out tonight and buy a new pair of slacks, smaller waist RG
  11. Personally I'm a tad uncomfortable with posting a photo. By in large the ladies I've seen have character and integrity. But I have run into a couple ladies, who through emails seemed respectable, but had very little if any character and integrity in person. I'd hate for them to have a photo of me...once let lose on an email, or the web, it's there to stay I do give the lady I'm to see a description of me, and as I've said before, I happily provide verification information. Now if a lady I've seen, and we have an established rapport asked for a picture, then I would consider it. Mind you why would any lady want a pic of my ugly mug LOL My two cents RG
  12. Michelle Pfeiffer Halle Berry Julie Newmar Lee Meriwether Eartha Kitt
  13. Congrats Dr.Love Looking forward to the next 1000 RG
  14. Keene, Ontario A little village, well maybe hamlet, well it's really small, outside of Peterborough RG Whoops...too slow posting so Aberdeen, USA
  15. Well not a post but a thread, began 07/10/2011 by Alexandra Sky and still going strong The I Like Positivity Thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=58683 We have members who like/respect one another, and are liked/respected by one another. RG
  16. Gananoque, Ontario Located on the St. Lawrence River, 1000 Islands area Claim to fame for me, it's the heart of muskie country Fished there once,trolling all day long, over the famed 40 Acre Shoal, no muskies there that day RG
  17. Las Vegas Because................................................ RG
  18. Lindsay, Ontario Close to a city I used to live in (Peterborough) but more important, to a fisherman like me, it's on Sturgeon Lake and the Scugog River, both havens for big bass...in fact I fished a big league tournament a few years back there, came in 6th place, and in the money too RG
  19. I'm going with the "A" from St Lucia Annapolis, Maryland RG
  20. First off, no lady, no matter what her rate, overcharges. She charges what she feels her time, services and companionship is worth. If a gentleman finds her rates too high for his wallet (best way to phrase it I guess) he should look for another lady. As for the rating site, never seen it, and frankly don't care to As for him saying he saw you which you claim he didn't, red flag right there, he's lying to you And from your post it appears he wants to haggle, red flag number two...you never haggle over a lady's donation Finally, he's no gentleman, a gentleman would be respecful A quick rambling RG
  21. Well this guy's baby (his word) in this song may not be a LA Woman but he likes it when they get behind closed doors...and I don't think he's singing about the band the Doors LOL Charlie Rich-Behind Closed Doors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN2rsc6Vnp4&feature=fvst RG
  22. You know who's likely to wear sunscreen...California Girls David Lee Roth-California Girls RG
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