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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Personaly I see no difference in wearing leather, or fur. I have a leather jacket, a couple pair of leather shoes, and I have fur (badger) hat (which is nice to wear for ice fishing) I am also a animal lover, and over the course of quite a few years I have saved four cats, the latest one being adopted as a feral kitten, given a good home instead of being put back out in the colony...only problem, I have to put up with him LOL Without knowing the intracacies of trapping, at least in Ontario, like hunting and fishing, it is governed by regulations including proper training and licensing of trappers, limits on what can be trapped and probably certain seasons to trap. I do think there is an element of furry animals being seen as soft and cuddly, and thus getting sympathy But other animal/life species not looking so soft and cuddly don't get the same sympathy. For example, killing of alligators, and using their skin used to make alligator leather jackets, or boots. But gators aren't cute and cuddly so not the same concern shown. What if the furry animal was a rat, any concern then? And who is to say furry animals aren't also used for food As long as animals are harvested in a legal, ethical and humane fashion I have no issues be it a fur bearing animal or non fur bearing animal A rambling from someone who doesn't trap or hunt...but I do fish, and occasionaly keep one or two for the frying pan RG
  2. I know when I book an encounter with a lady I haven't met before, and requires verification, I provide personal information (name, phone, email, board handle) via email. I then pm the lady to verify it was me indeed who emailed her and it confirms my board handle. But even with ladies who have no such verification requirements, I still follow up email with a pm to confirm board handle If she requires a reference, I let her know I will provide one, but I wish to contact the lady I'm using as a reference first. If she is ok with providing me a reference (and she knows the lady I am planning on seeing) then I provide her name and contact information to the lady I am planning on seeing It is up to the lady to check all verification information provided, but from my end I do what I can to be as open and above board And it is creepy, someone trying to impersonate you. If guys like that spent as much effort being a gentleman and developing a positive reputation for themselves, instead of being impersonators, hiding behind someone else's earned positive reputation, we wouldn't even need this thread. Hopefully it hasn't happened to me, but I now do wonder if it has A rambling RG
  3. Something else about some, and I emphasize some reviews. They seem more written by a guy wanting to brag to other guys...sort of a review board version of locker room talk. I still prefer to go primarily with board postings by the lady, as well as her website, and any emails. To me the lady I would like to see (based on posts/website) is a better person to communicate with via email and find out if we will click, than reading reviews from people I don't know. The only time recommendations really matter to me are when they come from people who's opinions I know, trust and respect...and in this lifestyle that is from other ladies. When they tell me a certain lady I would like, that reinforces my interest in meeting her As for the encounter itself, letting it unfold naturally is to me better than have a script and expectations in mind...after all, this is your first date. And if you both click, and see each other regularly, each encounter still unfolds naturally, but it is pleasantly surprising how these natural unfolding encounters evolve with repeat visits A early morning rambling RG
  4. As I write, there is a fire burning down a house in the street next to the apartment building I live in All sorts of people (non tenants) drove into the apartment parking lot (small lot btw), and parked in the middle of the lot blocking anyone from getting in or out, so they can get out and view of the fire. A bunch of the tenants, myself included had to move our vehicles, in case the flames spread, and burned our vehicles. Told one kid he better move his car or my truck was going to move it for him And they brought their cameras to take pictures of the tragedy. And on their cell phones calling friends over to watch the fire with them. Listening to them, this was their entertainment, no conception it was a families' home, and belongings. For that matter, don't even know if there are any fatalities Just kinda irks me RG
  5. Something to add. Sex between inmates is prohibited, but you know what, sex between inmates happens all the time. Just because prison rules don't allow something doesn't mean it won't happen And there are many rules governing inmate conduct in prison, most made up by people who have never worked a day in their life in a prison, or for that matter even set foot inside a prison, and they don't know the realities of prison life RG
  6. "Y"-that deserves another Yoko Ono-Yang Yang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWU67u3yW7s RG
  7. Well as a somewhat heavy guy (although I've lost a few pounds, and still losing) I'm aware (and she likely is too) about my weight on the her. With the lady on top, there are no concerns in that regard And yes, there is the benefit of seeing the lady as well I think once I lose more pounds, I'll be comfortable with missionary, but right now, it is probably best that the lady is on top RG
  8. Nazareth-This Flight Tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_809EZ6bIA RG
  9. Damned "Y" Why a "Y" I say Yoko Ono-Why This sounds best with the speakers muted RG
  10. Funny you should say that Chanel. I was raised, amongst other things, to hold the door, some give you strange looks, but by in large, it's a smile and thank you I get. And I hold the door just because that was the way I was raised, not in expectation of a thank you. But it is nice to get a thank you RG
  11. Olivia Newton John-Physical Not only is she good looking, but as the video shows, it's the overweight guys (like me) that have a shot LOL RG
  12. Helping a person, giving advice etc, should be done because you want to do it, and do it for it's own sake There should be no expectation of something in return. Yes, it would be nice to get a thank you, I agree. But you should do the proverbial good deed for it's own sake, not because you expect something in return, be it a thank you, or more An afternoon rambling RG
  13. The issue of masturbation isn't so black and white in prisons. Many of our finer penal establishments house very deviant sex offenders. If an inmate as discretely as can be masturbates, no problem. But there are inmates, who, when waiting for a officer (usually female) to do a count, will sit in plain view masturbating. Some even go out to yard, or canteen, or other areas where usually female staff are, take their sweatpants off and begin to masturbate. And their criminal history includes offences such as indecent exposure. This sort of behaviour is not condoned, and aside from disciplinary action, an offender may be flagged, if deemed appropriate, for appropriate sex offender treatment. Keep in mind, an offender masturbating in front of officers or staff, is a far cry different than adults (be they civilian or inmate) privately masturbating for sexual relief. BTW I'm not relaying hypothetical what if's, but true what have, and does happen Thrown into the mix for discussion RG
  14. And seeing that makes me think of Kung Fu... Carl Douglas Kung Fu Fighting A stretch I know RG
  15. Well that song is more about growing up Here's another song, this one about staying "Forever Young" RG
  16. Etobicoke, Ontario...only picked because it begins with an "E" RG
  17. Kris Kristofferson-Me And Bobby McGee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbtzLm4DLuo RG
  18. I know when meeting a lady for the first time I am optimistic that it will be a good, or great encounter. And my initial email and follow up email(s) are more telling a bit about myself, and providing verification information, plus getting a time/date for an encounter As for the encounter itself, I personally like it to unfold naturally, no scripts. And the sexual side of the encounter is but a part of the date, I enjoy the, initial meeting, conversation over drinks, all aspects of the encounter. This social side of the encounter is important, I like to schedule dates of two to three hours,...believe me, I don't have that much stamina LOL The ladies I remember (and there are a few) and have fond memories of the encounter, well it was more we clicked, and had good chemistry that made the encounters memorable. In short they are ladies I like, and respect A quick rambling, hope it makes sense RG
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