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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Sounds like a strange highlight, but I have a viral infection, which should take a few more weeks more to run it's course. Two days ago I thought I had pneumonia. Yeah, infection sucks, but pneumonia would be worse RG
  2. Cash is king, and is all I'll use for my encounters. I only used email money transfer once just recently when I had to cancel on a touring lady due to illness. But she received the donation in full. And email money transfer was the only way for me to pay her. Irrespective that it wasn't my fault that I became ill, the lady shouldn't lose out on her donation, it's also not her fault that she lost out on an encounter, just life happens. RG
  3. Happy Birthday Star99 Hope you enjoyed your special day RG
  4. Thought I had the flu, now it's looking more and more like pneumonia (never felt so tired and winded in my life)...and the real downer, I had to cancel my encounter with a great lady this past weekend RG
  5. Happy Birthday MrGreen Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Participaction is good, for both the fella's and the ladies too I know a lot of what makes me want to see a particular lady is through her posts...gives me an idea of her personality, and whether we'd click More to the point, thus far, the only bad encounters I've had are with ladies who aren't on CERB, when I stayed with CERB, all encounters have been great. And that is due in part, imho, that I take the time to read the ladies' posts, and get a feel of whether we'd connect or not RG
  7. Well the injury was to my pride in this one. Back in my high school days there was this girl I liked. She had a part time job at a restaurant as a waitress, and as luck would have it, she waited on our table (whole family there for dinner, and I had a job, so I was going to treat for dinner, tip and all, just to impress her...ahhh teenage hormones) Anyhow I was cutting my food with my knife and fork, but my eyes on her. I didn't notice the plate sliding to the edge of the table and then off the table, on my lap...what a f**kin mess. Well I was embarrassed, and just wanted to get the hell outta there...and no, she wasn't impressed, and we never did go out Does that count as a dumb self injury RG :-)
  8. Amherstview, just outside of Kingston Ontario RG
  9. This was my fifth encounter with Lonna, a sleepover with her. She showed up on time, as usual, to my hotel room, with a smile on her face. We greeted with a hug and kiss and I let her in. We sat down, got caught up on current events in our respective lives. The conversation was short lived, as we had dinner reservations to meet. We got to the restaurant, where our conversation continued over dinner and drinks. The dinner was excellant, but I attribute that more to the great company I had (although the food was pretty good too) Dinner was finished off with cappacinos (real ones, not the Timmies style ones LOL) and we drove back to the hotel. We returned to the hotel room, and sat down on the couch to continue the conversation. It is something to note here, when you see a lady on a regular basis, it becomes more a friends with benefits relationship than simple SP/Client relationship. You both become comfortable enough with one another to share things in your respective lives, if that makes sense. And you value the ladies' company as much as other important people in your life We carried on the encounter with the benefits side of the friendship, but details of that are a private matter, between Lonna and myself Lonna suggested we then cuddle and watch tv, but said she likes to shower before bedtime. I asked if she'd like her back washed? She said yes, and I joined her in the shower and washed her back. She reached for the shampoo, and I said I'll wash your hair. So I happily washed her hair, and then conditioned it (she stressed the importance of conditioning). We got out of the shower, and I wrapped the towel around her and dried her off. We returned to the bedroom, she got in her pyjamas, and we crawled into bed, for kissing, cuddling time and watching tv. Finally we went to sleep The next morning I was pleasantly awakened with the beautiful Lonna next to me. We packed up, and after checking out, we had coffee and breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Then we had to go our seperate ways (till next time) and we parted with a hug and kiss. Lonna is most definitely a GFE, and it is now more like a Friends With Benefits relationship. This was two firsts for me. My first overnight with a woman since breaking up with my girlfriend some five years ago. And my first overnight since embarking on this lifestyle. Thank you Lonna for being there for these two firsts. As always, my encounters with you aren't just memorable, they are memories too. I am looking forward to the next time we see each other. And to any gentlemen who wish to see a great lady, contact Lonna, she is one terrific lady. And as is the case with any ladies you see, treat her like a lady, with respect and courtesy.
  10. Don't worry BRM, wasn't bashing or critical. But sometimes these threads might veer off into a moral debate. And, at least in my opinion, arguments on fidelity, monogamy, etc shouldn't be brought up here, only because everyone here to the "outside mainstream" world is guilty of, for lack of a better word, sinning. When it comes to discussions of fidelity/monogamy etc, CERB really should be a judgement free zone RG
  11. I should intersperse a thought here, really no one on this board should be critical or judgemental of anyone's (not saying anyone is) choice insofar as seeing people outside their marriage/relationship. I'm sure there are a great many married guys on CERB, and there are some ladies who are SP's/MA's who are married but their husbands might not know their livelihood We are all here for valid reasons, and it's not up to us to judge someone else's reason for being here As I see it anyway RG
  12. Athens, Greece...that was (really) the only trip to Greece I have ever taken RG
  13. Don't worry, not spreading it with this post...once I found out deleted the emails, including the link This shouldn't affect anyone here (touch wood), I use a different email for this lifestyle, not hotmail. But I assume that there are people who use hotmail, and this may be going through hotmail RG
  14. Well I'll throw in my thoughts on the subject, with the caveat that I am single, and not looking for a relationship. I find the ladies I see in this lifestyle enrich my life, why would I change? I will also add that when I was dating, I was monogamous, not because that is right, but because it is the right choice for me I will also add that the two women I was capital S Serious about (one a fiance, one was leading to a common law relationship) well cheating came into the picture, not me, them. And the consequences of their cheating, well my fiance became pregnant with another man's baby, but thought we could still get married, and the other woman couldn't understand that she couldn't see me and the other guy at the same time. I think it is dangerous to impose one's own personal beliefs regarding fidelity on others. No one knows another person's relationship, that is a private matter between husband and wife, or boyfriend/girlfriend. And monogamy is but one form of relationships, there are polyamorous relationships. And if in a relationship, and the wife for sake of argument refuses to have sex. She has a right to no more sex, but does she have the right to deprive her husband of sex. One thing about seeing escorts while married, the emotional connection isn't as great a risk as if the husband has an affair with a woman, which can lead to strings, and the possibility of the marriage breaking up Some quick ramblings RG
  15. Maybe should be posted in tech corner but this section gets more traffic A spam or virus email was sent to me by someone I know on my address book Turns out they really didn't send it, somehow it attached to their address book and forwarded on a spam email to everyone in the address book So if you get any emails from people in your address book and it says Click Here To See Attached Photos don't open the attachment just delete the email Dumb me, when I got it the sender I know so I opened it, been a mess of emails sent back to me RG
  16. O, O first place that comes to mind, Orleans Ontario, where I have had a few great encounters, and hope to have a few more :-) RG
  17. Lakehurst New Jersey It's claim to fame, the Hindenburg went up in flames here RG
  18. If Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care, why is there a song about it. How can there be a civil war, its a contradiction in terms Why does your doctor leave the exam room when you get undressed? Why is there a light in the fridge but not the freezer RG
  19. http://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3492500
  20. Condolences Jenni My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care RG
  21. I like Lee for his positive contributions and sense of humour, although I'm sure at least one lady is going to punish him for the jokes he makes using their names :-) RG
  22. It's the lady that makes the outfit, not the outfit that makes the lady. And a dress and high heels, or jeans and a hoodie, or sweats, or shorts and a tee-shirt, etc etc etc, it's all good But maybe now we know why the wolf was a little randy over red riding hood...she filled out the hood nicely RG
  23. Something to keep in mind is that whether fishing or hunting, both parties need to have proper licences (ie Outdoors Cards, Fishing Licences, Hunting Licences, tags if hunting for animal they are hunting for, Pleasure Craft Operator Card if operating a boat etc) Now if I was the lucky gent to partake in this sort of encounter, boat and pleasure craft operator card already looked after, and I'd treat for the Outdoors Card and fishing licence And if those things forgotten, being stuck in a cabin with Victoria, doesn't sound too bad to me RG
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