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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Lets see After a month and half in planning, lady shows up, says she is having her period, so no full service, but everything else is ok...well think about it, daty, don't think so Incall to another lady's place, and she wanted (well so did I) me showered first. Should have bottled body wash or pre-wrapped soaps to use, she had a bar of used soap...who knows who else used it RG
  2. Personally I prefer outcalls to my hotel, and I've gotten pretty good at picking good hotels. What I have learned, avoid motels (back in my rookie days embarking upon this lifestyle, but at least I learned) Incalls to houses are good, I know of two ladies in Orleans who host at their homes, and it's good I hate incalls to condos though, the one encounter I had at a condo, had to remember a four digit code to get in, had to know the ladies real name in case the security at the front desk asked me who I was seeing, not to mention floor and apt number...a lot to remember when your weak in the knees in anticipation of the date LOL When going to an incall, be discrete. Carrying bouquet of flowers past the main desk at a hotel can draw attention to you. Also hovering around the lobby, checking your watch, and your phone, tends to attract attention. Arrive on time and go straight to the elevator just like you belong there. Make sure any gift is concealed. Just some quick ramblings RG
  3. Being in Brockville your best bets for cities are Kingston and Ottawa. Here are a couple places to start your search http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=99 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=95 RG
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2012/03/06/f-operating-systems-apple-android.html
  5. Am I the only one who sees an irony in coming to CERB to ask is there another board. I hear some complain about CERB and it's policy of no negative reviews, but when you were creating your profile when you joined CERB, you must have read the rules. If the rules aren't to your liking, hit Google as suggested, find something more to your liking, or create your own board where you can make up your own rules RG
  6. For me it's about the companionship of which the sexual side is but one part of it. I enjoy all aspects of the encounter. And I don't see encounters as a zero sum game, that is, whatever I gain is at a ladies loss (irrespective of me being the client), it is mutually beneficial, and both the lady and gentleman should be able to have a positive encounter RG
  7. I don't hunt but do fish, even have a boat. Along the same lines of thinking as Prometheus, it is something to be done, IMHO with a lady that you have gotten to know, not a first date type of encounter. A boat no matter how roomy can be awfully small if the two of you don't click. But a lady and gentleman who know and like one another, a day fishing can be fun RG
  8. I agree with some sort of compensation, be it an email money transfer because you can't see her, or as I did when I had to cancell (postpone) a three hour encounter in December, with three days notice, I rescheduled the appointment for January, and made it a four hour encounter...the extra hour was more a compensation for cancelling. Most important, don't be a serial canceller RG
  9. Well speaking only for me Christy, casual is sexy, dressing up in dress and high heels is sexy, or lingerie, or etc etc etc Long and short of it, it's the lady that is sexy. RG
  10. Most of my encounters are outcalls, and as I have come to learn, ladies prefer to dress comfortably so they aren't attracting attention from the hotel staff But with that said, if a first encounter, I tell the lady to dress comfortably. With an incall, of which I do much fewer, I have requested a dress. But at the end of the day, I'm much more interested in seeing the lady, no matter what she is wearing. And jeans, tee shirt, sweat shirt, sweater, dress, whatever, it's all good. It's the lady who makes the outfit after all A rambling for whatever it's worth, from a guy who prefers wearing jeans and a sweat shirt himself RG
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuVPnW0s3Vo?hl=en&fs=1&autoplay=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBnvGS4u3F0?hl=en&fs=1&autoplay=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgCIKGIYJ1A?hl=en&fs=1&autoplay=1 RG :-)
  12. When I saw the "hooked" in the title, first thing coming to mind was fishing (OK, I need help LOL) Soooo......Brad Paisley-I'm Going To Miss Her RG
  13. Peter Frampton (OMG Can' Believe I'm posting this "singer" LOL) I'm In You RG
  14. Well he's not B. B. King, just the King, and singing about blue suede shoes Elvis Presley-Blue Suede Shoes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrjbwVhQOAw RG
  15. Why Does It Always Rain On Me...sounds like self pity to me So in the spirit of self pity Poor Poor Pitiful Me and for a change of pace, first version by Linda Ronstadt and the second version by Terri Clark RG
  16. Forgot about Vince...you'll love his nuts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9s-VkwSfNA&feature=related and when he plays with his Shticky too much he can use this to clean up the mess RG :-)
  17. Happy Birthday Spud Enjoy your special day RG
  18. I guess I was raised right. Always hold the door, especially for a lady. BTW chivalry, manners, politeness to me isn't just a male/female thing, it's how you should treat everyone. I've always given up my seat, whether on the bus (OC Transpo) or GO Train when a lady or elderly person came on board and no more seats There is a lady in the downstairs apartment, uses a walker, I'm one of a few that help and take her garbage out and carry her groceries in. Pregnant woman at the grocery store once, short of change (not much) to buy her groceries, slipped her a $10.00. To me not much money, but to her, a help Letting a vehicle into traffic. When a transport truck needs to make those wide turns, back up (if possible) to let him make it. And for those who don't know, when on a highway/freeway, if a transport truck passes you, once he is clear of your vehicle and safe to get back in your lane, flash your headlights a couple times...he has blind spots and will usually appreciate the gesture. But basically it comes down to treating others as you would like to be treated RG
  19. Gabriella When a lady requires verification information, yes, 100 percent agree with you, she then needs to be verify that information. After all that is what verification/screening is for. It isn't just to collect information for the hell of it. But as you, and many others know, not all ladies have such requirements. So if a guy calling himself (not me), for sake of argument, roamingguy, contacts a lady who has no verification/screening process, and behaves bad, it is the fault of the impersonator, it isn't the lady's fault, and not my fault. But my personal opinion is, for all ladies' safety and security, not to mention to eliminate or reduce guys posing as other guys, verification/screening should be employed (and that means used) be it providing information to the lady or using one of the acceptable screening sites (ie date check etc) RG
  20. I only disagree with one part of your statement, and that it is the lady's fault. It isn't your fault, and it isn't the lady's fault. It is the fault of the individual who is impersonating you, and blame lays square on his shoulders, not yours or the lady's. Your best proactive defence is comply with a lady's verification requirements if you want to see her. Likewise, it's understandable that ladies have screening/verification requirements, and a good screening process would eliminate that. I do agree that a quick pm to a potential client would be due diligence. But both you and the lady would be victims, the impersonator the perp so to speak. And I don't believe in blaming the victim RG
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