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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well instead of going to hell, this is about what to do if going through hell If Your Going Through Hell-Rodney Atkins http://music.yahoo.com/videos/Rodney+Atkins/If+You're+Going+Through+Hell--33473081 RG
  2. Going to the Dark Side here Since it's the 60th anniversary the Queen celebrates today, well God Save The Queen The Sex Pistols-God Save The Queen I'm going to hell for this one aren't I RG
  3. I like Castle, well who couldn't like Castle A positive contributor to the CERB community, good posts, and a sense of humour...not to mention he doesn't mind if accidentally overlooked in the I Like/Positivity Thread :icon_rolleyes: LOL Thats why I like Castle :-) RG
  4. Simon and Garfunkel-Mrs. Robinson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvlTn5xnozE&feature=fvwrel RG
  5. Just a thought, and this applies to me, don't know about anyone else. I have given up on the dating game (just didn't work out for me), and seeing ladies in this lifestyle is what I do instead of dating...and you know what, this isn't as expensive as having a relationship (that free sex costs a lot more in the long run), and this is far more fulfilling. RG
  6. The more that get posted, the more from my past come to light My first stereo, well record player with detachable speakers, and this was my first record for it, back in 1973, Canada's own BTO And it was this song, that is my favorite, then and now Taking Care Of Business RG
  7. Another one from my youth, got it on CD now And the song that stands out for me, my favourite from the album Paradise By The Dashboard Light At the time, when I was 16 years old, didn't actually listen to the song and it's message in full, just liked the song...but now, well I bet a lot of marriages, unhappy marriages got their start in that way, or similar ways...with the little head doing the thinking Anyway, without further ado, Paradise By The Dashboard Lights RG
  8. Normally I would agree with you, but the OP is brand new to the board, and likely doesn't know all the sections of the CERB...I know I found CERB a bit overwhelming when I first joined.but now I know my way around a bit better RG
  9. This album, now I have the CD, came out in 1968. That was when my dad was posted overseas, I was a 7 year old tyke, we had no tv (well yes, tv, but nothing in English) so all we had were records to listen too This was one of them, and it imprinted on me...to this day, when I hear the songs off this album, it's a flashback to much earlier times Lots of good songs on the album, but the first song, well it's my favourite RG
  10. Thanks for that information, that I didn't know. But a question then. With that being the case, would a streetwalker (I believe that is what Julia Robert's character was) accept a one week encounter, posing as a girlfriend. And if so, wouldn't there be an expectation of behaving like a girlfriend, not just in public, but privately too...more akin to a GFE But I'm glad I started this lifestyle when I did. It sounds like a quick 30 minute just get in and get off would, at least for me, would be an empty and unfulfilling experience, one I wouldn't repeat, actually as it has turned out, one I haven't tried...but that's me RG
  11. Favourite album, that's too hard. But this one is one of my favourite albums, well now CD 1 ) Hotel California 2 ) New Kid In Town 3 ) Life In The Fast Lane 4 ) Wasted Time 5 ) Wasted Time (reprise) 6 ) Victim Of Love 7 ) Pretty Maids All In A Row 8 ) Try And Love Again 9 ) The Last Resort I have this disc, plus a few other Eagles CD's in my truck, especially enjoy listening too on long trips to Toronto or Ottawa Why do I like the Eagles, don't know, except remember them from my younger days, they still appeal to me RG
  12. I know I, as a general rule, write recommendations of good, or great encounters I've had with a lady. The only time I don't write a recommendation is when either the lady didn't provide a recommendation worthy encounter (four times) or a lady provided a good recommendation worthy encounter, but she does not want recommendations written. I do let the lady see the recommendation before it's posted, and give her yay or nay...and no, not editorial control, but if she doesn't llke the reco, she can say so, it won't be posted. As for measuring up, well for me, this isn't a case of the boys in the locker room comparing stories of their sexual exploits. When I write a recommendation it is me writing about the time I spent with a particular lady, and that I had a good or great time with her. I'm not worried about impressing other guys out there. I'm just writing to let other guys out there know about a lady I saw, and that if they saw her, they likely would enjoy spending time with her too. With the added benefit, it can help the lady's business. And really, this lifestyle, it isn't, at least for me, about impressing other guys. It is something I do for myself. And when I meet a lady I had a good or great time with, then I'll let others know, so they in turn can have a good or great encounter, and the lady's business, in some small way gets benefited too A rambling RG
  13. Well back in my younger days, I saw Europe...was posted to West Germany with the Canadian Forces. And I've been to the United States, no desire. So travelling isn't on my bucket list I did want to take para training when with the Forces,but because of timing, it never happened. So I might try parachuting, not take it up as a full fledged hobby (unless hooked) but take the training to do a jump on my own More in line with my real hobby, fishing. I want to take a week (or two) and go either to Georgian Bay, St. Lawrence River (1000 Islands) or Ottawa River and go after and catch a 50 inch or longer, muskie...those bodies of water hold trophy muskie And still on fishing related bucket list. Hit Lake Simcoe in the fall, and go after trophy smallmouth bass...Lake Simcoe noted for being a trophy smallmouth fishery. A final fishing bucket list...going to the west coast, after salmon and halibut Now away from the fishing bucket list, one other thing I'd like to experience, at least once, a menage a trois...and hopefully this will cease to be a fantasy and come to reality this summer RG
  14. All I can say (and sorry, thread keeps popping up, and new things pop into my head) is this. When it comes to types, my type has turned out to be female, 25-50, blonde, brunette and redhead, from (and I apologize ahead of time for using the terms, but they seem to be used in common parlance) spinner to bbw. Really, IMHO, short of seeing something that indicates an issue of your personal safety, such as IV drug use, or guns, carry through with an encounter, you may find yourself leaving with a smile and a fond memory RG
  15. Well there are 364 days of the year for those of us that are happily single So Valentine's Day, nothing special to me, but for those happily in a relationship/marriage, well I hope they have a Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy the one day set aside each year for them :-) RG
  16. Yes, I recall that being the reason given for Julia Robert's character being advised to not kissed. Again, the fallacy, ladies in this profession are secretly looking for love/relationship, the white knight to take her away from the profession, and she will find this white knight to take her away from the profession in one of her clients, who is a partaker in the lifestyle RG
  17. Well for me, shaving my head...well the top of my head, still have hair on the sides was more a case of attacking nature head on, pardon the pun I had, I guess you call normal length hair, but with a bald spot in the back I could have tried rogaine, or let my hair grow real long and do a combover, or buy a chia pet and sprinkle the seeds on top of my head LOL. But instead I just embraced my upcoming balditity LOL and took clippers and razor to my head and cropped it off. The sides, cut to a brush cut...maybe I'll be courageous enough to go completely bald BTW to any ladies who I've met, any opinions on whether I should go completely bald, feedback and opinions appreciated RG
  18. Ottawa has great ladies, which is why I travel back. You won't go wrong with these ladies Meg For Fun Angela Of Ottawa Mia Bella Isabellia Gia BTW these are the Ottawa ladies I have seen. My not mentioning other Ottawa SP's is because I haven't seen other Ottawa SP's RG
  19. That movie also had a scene where Bruce Willis's character driving away in a car, the song Counting Flowers on the Wall playing Another movie, a war movie, had a sort of surrealistic song playing, while driving in a car The movie Three Kings-Chicago's If You Leave Me Now played while they were driving a car RG
  20. You lose your man card if you use concealer LOL But now I know why ladies are like this, covering their eyes and screaming when they walk by me LOL RG :-)
  21. Flying Burrito Brothers... well burritos has me thinking of Mexico and getting there...well flying is probably the best way But this song is not about brothers Edward Bear-You, Me And Mexico http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYxg1QQp2dg RG
  22. Well I haven't seen the movie in probably 17-18 years, but seeing as I partake in this lifestyle and going from memories of the movie a couple quick comments First, Julia Roberts character gets advice from her roommate...don't kiss the client. Now how real is that, for most encounters I've had, kissing is very much part of the encounter Second, when in his hotel room, he offers her champagne and strawberries. She comments words to the effect she is a sure thing, no need to try to seduce me. Well my experience, and I'm sure many other's, an encounter is much more than just sex...it is companionship and company...the GFE. The movie feeds into the wrong stereotype that an encounter is nothing more than sex for money The final comment...and what is in my opinion, the fatal flaw in the movie. Richard Gere needs a woman, a prostitute, for a period of time, a week I believe, while working out a business deal....to provide the appearance of having a girlfriend. So when he needs the services of a lady, that is acceptable. But at the end of the movie, he saves her (from a life of prostitution) by marrying her. It assumes ladies who are prostitutes don't want to be, and need saving (by the proverbial white knight on a horse) But the hypocrisy is that it's ok for a guy to utilize the services of a prostitute, with the added hypocrisy, it's ok for that client to "save" the prostitute, after utilizing her services. Is that making sense Like I said, I haven't seen it in quite a long time, but to me, it doesn't ring true to the lifestyle and ladies I've had the pleasure of meeting RG
  23. Well don't know about obsession, but I have to have my real morning cup of coffee, actually two, before I am awake...yes, I'm a coffaholic And as much as I love my family and like my friends, I'm always glad to be home and have quality alone time Finally, I like being on CERB, staying tuned with what's going on RG
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