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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Sophia on 700 your post milestone. Enjoy what you have to say. Look forward to reading many more posts from you RG
  2. Christmas is past, we got to move forward...towards summer...which with the way the temps have been may be sooner than we think So a summer theme song Lovin' Spoonful-Summer In The City RG
  3. Forget the Knocking on Heaven's Door....Heaven Can Wait Really, Heaven Can Wait-We The Kings http://www.myspace.com/video/we-the-kings/we-the-kings-quot-heaven-can-wait-quot/101075422 RG
  4. I like Phaedrus, a positive contributor, likes music threads, and throws in a few sage pieces of wisdom every now and then RG
  5. Don't know why, but just thought of John Lennon's Imagine after seeing the previous posts RG
  6. Putting my face on...nothing feels better than right after shaving, and yes, I too have to shave my bald head, where little weeds LOL will grow if left unattended. And shaving the boys before a date Definitely, shower, got to be clean head to toe Brush my teeth, rinse with mouthwash. And clean my glasses RG
  7. You remember the days of taking OC Transpo as a kid done in lighter vein btw RG :-)
  8. There are other boards where negative reviews allowed, they aren't allowed here. CERB isn't like the other boards, nor does it want to be like the other boards. In this community both the ladies and gentlemen participate together equally, and the ladies are welcome, unlike other boards which seem to be more a boys club. On CERB, it's more a case of we are all opposite sides of the same coin, other boards, IMHO, at least from a few I've visited, it's more an us vs them mentality So IMHO, and probably lots of others here, the place for negative reviews is the other boards, and not on CERB RG
  9. Dixie Chicks-There's Your Trouble http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCpzgcH0QBE RG
  10. With an eclipse, don't you get darkness??? Like Darkness On The Edge Of Town http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCpzgcH0QBE RG
  11. Santana-Evil Ways http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgH4XHoKTnE&feature=related RG
  12. I'm posting about 25 minutes early, but Happy Birthday Skyy. Enjoy your special day RG
  13. Well me, there's almost nothing I won't eat But a couple of meals 1. start with a caesar salad, then thick tbone steak, piping hot baked potato with butter/sour cream, and served with asparagus with butter and lemon juice finished off with a homemade lemon merangue pie 2. start with a greek salad, then pork souvlaki with lots of tzatziki , rice, followed by espresso and baklava 3. sometimes something simple, mom's homemade potato salad, cole slaw, along with cold cuts (german and hungarian salami, assorted cheeses) for sandwiches-usually on pumpernickel followed by a banana split I picked a bad time to go on a diet...I'm getting really hungry RG
  14. From a guy's, well this guy's point of view, regarding giving information, or verification if you will When I was a wet behind the ears newbie, one of the misconceptions I had about this lifestyle, it was only an anonymous no strings attached sexual encounter. The ladies had no need for my personal information, my privacy was important Well a few encounters, and a lot of learning, through the posts and forums on CERB the reason for verification is perfectly valid...it's a tool the ladies use to help ensure their safety...they are after all, being alone with a man who is for all intent purposes, a stranger. Yes, a gentleman's privacy is important. But on the scale of things, a lady's safety and life IMHO outweigh a man's privacy And look at it from the ladies' viewpoint. You don't trust a lady with your personal information, but you expect her to blindly trust you with her safety and life As for the issue of breaching privacy, what would a lady hope to gain...really? Break up your marriage...why? Blackmail...unless your filthy rich, this is an activity using disposable income. Most of us aren't well enough off to have enough money to be blackmailed. And a lady makes far more by being a good SP than any possible money to be made by blackmail And if you have that much mistrust in a lady that you plan on seeing, that giving her your personal information makes you uncomfortable, maybe you should think about seeing someone you feel more comfortable with. What I've found, in initial email contact, when giving verification information, it's much like a big ice breaker. And when you finally meet, a lot of trust has already been established, leading to in my experience, great encounters But that's this guy's view RG
  15. I provide (if outcall to my hotel room) wine, and have water and juices on hand But they are for the first part of our encounter, the conversation over drinks and not given as a gift (although if the lady wants the rest of the bottle of wine she can take it, I don't drink) But when it comes to drink, always keep the bottle sealed up, and only opened in the lady's presence. RG
  16. I know what I have per month for disposable income to use for this lifestyle (factoring in travel, gift/tip, incidentals...and no use of credit) and can afford a once a month escape Now sometimes I have to make special financial planning for some encounters. For example, being in the government, we get paid normally 2 times a month...but there are 2 months/year where we get 3 payday/month I'm using one of those 3 payday months this months (and the additional corresponding disposable income) to pay for a sleepover. And for my first menage a trois(oh I hope) with two of my favourite ladies, I have to take two months off of seeing ladies to save the extra money needed...but it will be well worth it But really for me, budgeting money for this lifestyle isn't the issue, it's finding a free weekend to see the ladies...and planning my travel schedule RG
  17. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2012/02/02/toronto-internet-pornography.html
  18. Happy Birthday Toine Enjoy your special day RG
  19. Hillbillys...why do I think of this "song" And I used this video from the movie Deliverance to emphasize the hillbilly nature of the song Dueling Banjos Just please don't make me squeal like a pig LOL RG
  20. Well here's another take on nightflights Boney M-Nightflight To Venus RG
  21. Well for Warren, William Tell's older son, apples symbolize the worst day of the rest of his life LOL Sorry for the hijack Sophia, just a funny cartoon I remembered RG
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