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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Skinny Lips Jones if using my CERB handle (Roam Ing Guy) Big Hips Thompkins if my real name As Elton John would say, I guess that's why they call it the blues LOL RG
  2. I like Lee, his humour puts a smile on my face, his posts uplifting and positive...Lee is a positive contributer to the CERB community And yes, I like Castle too :-) RG :-)
  3. I don't disagree with you. My take on unions is based on my experience in being a member of two unions, and I consider unions equally trustworthy as management (I work in the Federal Public Service) As for striking, yes, it is after a majority vote by the membership, but every time a vote for strike takes place, the way the vote takes place is a) take no action b) take all action up to and including a strike And to boot, when I was in the first union, our group was designated, meaning we couldn't strike ourselves, but we were represented by the same union representing clerks, drivers, secretary's etc, who weren't designated. They were the minority in our government department, they voted not to go on stike, but the majority of designated people voted to stike knowing full well they themselves wouldn't have to walk a picket line, their vote was done on the backs of others so to speak And for every strike and picket line, even being designated didn't mean delays getting to work. So you got docked pay for being late, but you were told by both management and the union don't cross the picket line till you are allowed through...in a three week period back in the 90's lost close to a $1000.00, and no gains whatsoever But my point about a strike being a joke is that whatever money in a new contract made by stiking, you in fact lost, and maybe then some, through lost income while on the picket line RG
  4. That godforsaken "Y" again LOL Yardbirds-Heart Full Of Soul Well at least it beats Young Jeezy RG
  5. Here's another song about a guy labelled coward Kenny Rogers-Coward Of The County RG
  6. Nancy Sinatra-These Boots Are Made For Walking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRkovnss7sg RG
  7. Striking, that's got to be another joke. Union goes out on strike, and after a few weeks or months on the picket line, they may get part of the raise they demanded...maybe even the entire raise they want. But it cost them, for the time on strike they got no salary, short of the minimal money provided by the union, which union members paid for to begin with through union dues. Any raise won is offset by the money lost while striking, meanwhile management, they don't pay anything to the workers while they are on strike RG
  8. "X" is as bad as "Y" But here goes XTC-Making Plans For Nigel RG
  9. I couldn't agree more. I'm in a union, a union that backstabs it's own members to benefit other members (yes I have a non fatal stab wound in my back LOL by my "brothers and sisters" in the union) And the union has it's own favourites that they fight for, at the expense of other members. And they fight for favourite members even when it flies in the face of the collective agreement provision, the provision the union fought for. And members of the executive at the local in large part joined because they wanted to get out of doing their jobs, and at the Regional and National level, they are full time, but when they were working they were f*ck ups and in a couple cases close to being fired (justifiably fired btw) A union is just an organization that does what it does for money and profit nothing more, and is as trustworthy as the management they say we should fear RG
  10. Supertramp-The Logical Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k3JVfxluFU RG Ooppppps there was some funny postin's so Nirvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit RG
  11. Lyin' around all day Well maybe the Lazy Song is appropriate but what comes to mind Margaritaville-Jimmy Buffet RG
  12. Upper right hand corner, click on the wrench (customize and control Google Chrome)-its beside the star Drop down menu comes up Click on Tools Click on Clear Browsing Data RG
  13. I kinda feel bad, didn't mean to leave you out buddy, was just in the midst of posting my "I Like" reply when you posted your "I like" reply No snub intended But here's a group hug for you And I do like you Castle, honestly, I do And I like WIT for his covering all the bases in his "I like" reply For WIT here is this little acknowledgement And I like WIT for his sage advice and wisdom and being the Grand Puba of the Gods RG :-)
  14. Well aren't hippos and rhinos animals from the jungle? The Beach Boys sang about jungle animals in this little song In The Jungle The Mighty Jungle (the Lion Sleeps Tonight) (the lion being another jungle animal) RG
  15. Tried on a pair of pants today...ones I couldn't get into Jan 1 2012...a little snug, but I can get into them...some progress being made So tonight for a celebratory snack...carrot sticks, cauliflower, broccoli and a bottle of water :-) RG
  16. I like Angela, not only a great SP, she's a friend, and my CERB PM Pen Pal ....and this summer, my fishing partner RG
  17. I found for me, in my early formative years LOL entering into this lifestyle that writing a recommendation was hard to do. It wasn't for a lack of meeting great ladies. It was because growing up, I was raised that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. Not a prudish view, it was more a case that you don't talk about your sexual encounters with other people. Your sexual encounters were between you and your girlfriend. And not for bragging about in the locker room to your friends, at your girlfriends expense. And lets face it, back in the day, guys that did talk, it was a case of them bragging I had to learn that as part of this lifestyle, most ladies do in fact welcome recommendations. I found it hard at first to write them, but as I wrote more, I got more comfortable with writing them. I still don't do a play by play review, but when a recommendation is warranted (and thankfully, most of my encounters are recommendation worthy :-)) I do write them. Hopefully they convey that I enjoyed my time with the lady, and another gentleman would enjoy meeting the lady too A quick rambling RG
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