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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Clap Your Hands...how about the plain old simple Clap Here's a little ditty about the clap..."The VD Song" RG
  2. Is it really, when you know the Star Wars storyline, any sicker than this Which reminds me of the hillbilly joke. If you divorce your wife is she still your sister RG
  3. You know X is worse than Y And this has got to be the worst crap noise passing for music I've ever heard X-Ecutioners-Rock the Bells RG
  4. Eagles Hotel California http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1971g_eagles-hotel-california_music RG
  5. There are so many more OD. I hear some songs, it's a flashback to younger days. Some more to add to the playlist http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4s0xr_bachman-turner-overdrive-takin-care_music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Ta0qCG8No http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY Thanks for the flashback and inspiration OD And while some of the disco (which does suck btw LOL) the younger CERBite's may not understand, it was, for a period in the '70s a musical genre us oldies did listen to in our youth As for a couple of the singers (Herb Alpert and Frank Sinatra), well when my dad was posted overseas in W. Germany, no tv (for 3 years) but lots of music, records my parents played...hence the flashback with them RG
  6. Just to intersperse a thought here, but I recall watching a while back a tv show about near death experiences, but some of the reasons for the accounts of near death experiences can be attributed to a lack of oxygen to the brain (ie it's more hallucination than a bona fide going to the afterlife) and judging from the book's title "Heroin Diaries" (which I haven't read btw) maybe the drug is influencing the assumption it's an afterlife experience And not arguing, just another perspective RG
  7. I'm on the fence about this too. One part of me thinks this can't be it, life is a journey, death is part of this part of the journey, but the journey continues in another dimension, whether you want to call it heaven/hell, or something else The other part of me says that the afterlife is a concept and carrot that organized religion uses to dangle to gain compliance to their doctrine. And for me, it is more important to live life for today, the here and now, because maybe this is it, we have but one life to live. And we should go through life being non judgemental and treating others as we would like to be treated So short answer, I don't know A quick philosophical rambling RG
  8. Well this singer certainly didn't have a one hit wonder. But Johnny Cash had a song about a hero The Ballad Of Ira Hayes and a song where the character's name is Billy, well Billy Joe Don't Take Your Guns To Town A stretch, maybe, but the songs are classics RG
  9. Hot Hot Hot...as hot as the heat of a Chicago night Paper Lace-The Night Chicago Died RG
  10. I've come to realise a couple more realizations with this thread on self observations Between my work life and this lifestyle I'm not judgemental about a person's sexual preference. What consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom, well behind closed doors is nobody's business As kittyluver posted, life is about the journey, not the destination...and I will add (I posted this awhile back btw) this includes encounters too...it's not about SOG's, it's about the entirety of the encounter This lifestyle is much more than about sex. You can enjoy the companionship of a lady in this lifestyle, with your clothes on, when your clothes come off, and afterwards, when the clothes come back on again. If you open yourself up to an encounter being much more than just sex, you will IMHO, have great encounters (hope that makes sense) RG
  11. And speaking of Buffalo, this band got it's start in Buffalo NY Goo Goo Dolls-Better Days (just picked the song for the h*ll of it) RG
  12. Loverboy-Turn Me Loose And I stuck someone with a "Y" :icon_evil: :rolleyes: :icon_evil: RG :-)
  13. Additional Comments: Thank you Katherine and Lana
  14. WIT gave you some good starting places on this board This board, nay community, offers information where both ladies and gentlemen can equally participate There are some threads just for fun, I'm thinking of the Joke section and a couple music threads in the General Discussion Area Take a read of the rules, and remember, keep this in the back of your mind the CERB motto "CERB is not a review board-It is a recommendation board so if you do not have anything nice to say...please don't say anything at all" But you will get from CERB what you give Welcome to the community RG
  15. Congratulations on your 4000 post milestone Old Dog Most of those posts, a laugh, something we all need Keep the laughs, er posts coming my friend RG
  16. Yup you got it right And thinking of -40 degrees and being frozen a desert it the place to be, especially one with an oasis Maria Muldaur-Midnight At The Oasis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6lJ7NWxDws RG
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