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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. The Ding Dong Song and No Sex For Ben Kenobi RG :-)
  2. Think I'm getting the gist of your thread now. My disconnectedness comes more from a compartmentalization of my life so to speak. There are family/friends (including my fishing buddies), then work where I feel in the minority due to a generational gap (some people starting at work weren't even born when I started working there) and especially my CERB/Lifestyle. Even though I'm not embarrassed/ashamed by partaking in this lifestyle, it is not accepted in "mainstream" society. It means keeping this part of my life a secret, where I am known by my board handles and only privately between a lady and gentleman is my real name know, if verification required. The techno aspect of society, well I've tried to keep pace, based on my personal needs for the technology, so I feel no disconnect there Does that rambling make more sense? RG :-)
  3. My cat let me sleep in this morning LOL, got to sleep in till 8am RG :-)
  4. Megan (Megan's Touch) She's an independent MA in Ottawa I was lucky when she did a tour to Kingston a year ago...if I lived closer I'd be getting more massages RG
  5. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band-Fishin' In The Dark RG
  6. And I don't disagree, you have the right to cancel...keeping in mind the lady is entitled to a cancellation fee I should add one thing, guys who end up becoming chronic cancellers will find themselves gaining a reputation...and not the good kind Me, I won't cancel, because I won't know what the lady is like untill I meet her, and the encounter unfolds RG
  7. I like Alexandra, her kindness, her positivity (like this thread) make CERB a positive community Not to mention her contributions in her posts, when she posts something, I read it One of the ladies that makes CERB a great place to be RG
  8. Well I'll throw another two cents worth in here. The OP's question was Most of MA have photos, descriptions, and etc. However, it is normal that when you go and meet her at the fist time, you find she is not the type you like. So what we can do? Now I take it from reading that, and maybe I'm reading his post wrong, but it sounds like upon initial meeting the ladies looks are not what he likes...and the judgement of type/likes is based upon looks alone. Well an encounter is at least for me, more than looks, and more than "the menu" (which if that is important to you, well you'll never know if you cancel out), but most important, is if you click, have chemistry if you will. I guess what I'm in a round about way of saying, you really won't know if the lady is your type unless you give the encounter a chance. And going into an encounter with one foot out the door so to speak to me isn't giving the encounter or the lady a chance. And one other thing, the four bad encounters, well three of the four ladies were, (by what would be general criteria that is used to judge attractiveness, hope that is worded right) beautiful, yet they were not from my experience, good encounters, actually horrible is the word that comes to mind. As they say, beauty is only skin deep, but true beauty, well it transcends just looks, and all the ladies that I had good encounters with, well they are all beautiful But yes, you do have the right to cancel, keeping in mind giving the lady proper compensation Me, like I said in an earlier post, I'm a cock eyed optimist, I'll never pay a cancellation fee, because I go into every encounter looking forward to how it will unfold. But that's me RG
  9. Good advice Katherine I've never gone wrong with a lady from CERB My bad encounters have been with non CERB ladies RG
  10. Eagles-Take It To The Limit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv8AVi44NIc RG
  11. Cletus T Judd-My Cellmate Thinks I'm Sexy http://www.artistdirect.com/video/my-cellmate-thinks-i-m-sexy/22641 RG
  12. Earth Wind and Fire-After The Love Has Gone RG
  13. Keep in mind we've really had it pretty easy winter wise this year, although I agree, snow, freezing rain, sleet, all suck But I love my four wheel drive pick up on days like yesterday and today RG
  14. Atlanta Rhythm Section-So Into You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpPdLb69-qk RG
  15. Couple things come to mind as to why you might not get a reply First, maybe the lady prefers email (or phone call or text) to private message...always use her preferred method of contact Second are your messages polite and respectful, or rude and vulger. If the latter, you won't get a reply. Third, are you in any way negotiating or attempting to negotiate on her donation or services, if so, that can result in no replies Just a few ideas that come to mind RG
  16. I had to mute my speakers for that one...kinda felt nauseous afterwards LOL Here's one you'd like though I'm sure Eagles-Hotel California http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1971g_eagles-hotel-california_music RG
  17. Apologies for this one Wham-Wake Me Up Before You Go Go RG I'm sorry
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