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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well not a boogie, but fun (ok that's a stretch) but another ranch Cadillac Ranch-Bruce Springsteen RG
  2. Well highlights of the day Yes, first day back to work, and first day of work this year, but after last week which was hectic, today was relatively quiet, got caught up on stuff It's a short work week, only three days to go Got a email from a wonderful lady this morning, starting plans for a upcoming and repeat encounter People wondering why I'm smiling so much, it's because on Saturday I have a encounter with another wonderful lady, really looking forward to seeing her again Life is good RG
  3. wouldn't there be someone there to scratch the itch
  4. Even if not don't you think it would be fun to look
  5. Well doesn't the thread need to go through something (I thought it was needles) :-)
  6. Doesn't the end of the thread go through the needle
  7. Well a lot of the ladies I see use verification They get (at least from me they do) happily from me Full Name Verifiable phone number A reference from another lady Email address Board Handle (confirmed through a pm) The ladies probably have more insights on this, but they may pm you And providing verification information to the ladies, well in my experience they use it responsibly, for their safety. They aren't using it to breach your privacy Always good to be safe RG
  8. And what happens in casinos?...gambling Kenny Rogers-The Gambler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q2mFiN7GIc RG
  9. Juice Newton-Queen Of Hearts http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1wl65_juice-newton-queen-of-hearts_music First song that came to mind when I saw your song Andy RG
  10. Wasn't Tiger unless golfing, off with a mistress, not with Calvin...unless...???
  11. Queen?...well how about "Cleopatra, Queen of Denial"-Pam Tillis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpvN8vNm22o I know, not just a stretch but kinda out in left field too, but what the hell RG
  12. Don't know if it's bloodflowers being counted but Flowers On The Wall-Eric Heatherly and for those who prefer the original Flowers On The Wall-Statler Brothers RG
  13. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=1311 RG
  14. Thanks everyone for the comments. They are very much appreciated A special thanks to Old Dog for starting this thread...thanks buddy for starting my 2012 on a pleasant and surprising note And it is nice that this came out when a few milestones were being acknowledged, and that I'm in very good company Congratulations to Berlin on 3000 posts and Cato on 4500 posts Congratulations to two new Goddesses, Emily Rushton and Isabella Gia (although they were always Goddesses to me) And a Big Happy Birthday to 42 CERBite's, who brought in the New Year by it being their special day Again, thanks to each and every one of you RG
  15. Well I thought with a title like Let's Work Together, I'd get a song about working...but with the band being called Canned Heat, well if you spend too much time in a hot can, you get hot blooded LOL so Foreigner-Hot Blooded RG
  16. There is another sci fi brothel, calling itself the Death Star and involves role playing...but the guy playing Darth Vader got just a little too smitten with one of the ladies :-) RG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK5CTd0OVLw
  17. And the lesson learned...stick with the ladies from CERB, nuff said RG
  18. Turn on-when I'm alone, on CERB, reading what turns Meg on :-) Turn on-when I'm with a lady who I've developed a level of trust with, and she lets me do a certain thing that turns her on, and she reciprocates by doing something she not normally offers Turn off-after seeing a lady, months in the planning, after the first hour, she asks if she can go outside for a cigarette, I say yes, she leaves, never to come back...live and learn RG
  19. Here's the link to the abbreviations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=1311 RG
  20. I like Old Dog, he started the thread on my 4500 post milestone It was nice seeing that when I logged on CERB yesterday morning, a pleasant surprise Thanks Buddy RG
  21. Well these singers from Nova Scotia, well the lead singer at least, when drafted was probably singing this song as he left Farewell To Nova Scotia-Irish Rovers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v3MAaQLSSI RG
  22. And speaking of a Scottish theme, well a certain Scottish actor is famed for a certain role...Sean Connery-James Bond So the James Bond theme RG
  23. Happy Birthday Loneskater Enjoy your special day RG
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