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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. This guy is still waiting for his big break Sorry, couldn't resist RG :-)
  2. I think I see one worn by the Black Knight, but seeing as he got his ass, and a lot more kicked in the fight, he isn't much of a super hero RG
  3. Well just posted in the thread Sex Basic Human Right, but it seems a good quote for this thread considering what this board is about 'There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation' Pierre Elliott Trudeau RG
  4. A famous quote from Pierre Elliott Trudeau comes to mind 'There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation' http://archives.cbc.ca/politics/rights_freedoms/topics/538/ We now return you back to regular programming LOL RG
  5. Don't know about Super Hero, but the cape works on her (or is it a towel...oh hell who cares), don't you think RG :-)
  6. My favourite leftovers turkey sandwiches (on pumpernickel bread, lots of mayo) My homemade turkey noodle soup. And I make enough to put some in the freezer Alas, this year since I was at the brother's house for Christmas dinner, got no leftovers, so no sandwiches, no soup RG
  7. I like Alexandra. She's a caring and thoughtful person, and one of the ladies who is a positive influence on the CERB community. I look forward to what she has to say RG
  8. Along the same lines of thinking as Malika, I would say sex between consenting adults is a basic human right But no one's need or right for sex should interfere with another person's right to say no, or a child's right not to have their innocence taken from them But the human right or need to have sex, along with basic human intimacy and companionship should allow, without stigma, other avenues of sexual contact beyond dating/relationships/marriage. If sex is a basic human right, then professional sex workers (who freely as adults enter into the profession) should be allowed to practice legally. They provide that basic human right to a lot of us, without the strings of dating/relationship/marriage, not to mention it's a hell of a lot cheaper too :-) A rambling RG
  9. Be grateful, my Frames and lenses (progressives) cost me $600.00 Even with my health insurance benefits through work, my balance of the glasses was $400.00 I'd kill if all I needed was reading glasses RG
  10. Well I guess I'm guilty sort of, of that. The ladies I've seen have certain favourite stores, so I get gift cards for those stores, be it Victoria's Secret, LaSenza's, etc etc etc. Unless a lady has a very specific item she'd like for a gift, I'll play it safe and stick with a gift card That allows her to pick out something she likes from her favourite store. But I've never had a lady get upset with me for doing that LOL...actually the ladies appreciate the sentiment of receiving a thoughtful gift RG :-)
  11. Kindman If you truly suffer from sex addiction, you should be seeking help from a therapist/psychologist. If diagnosed as such already, your therapist/psychologist would likely direct you to appropriate chat rooms. He/she would also likely tell you to stay away from escort sites, such as CERB. I do understand Alexandra's point about CERB, although I have to agree with Loopie. First question coming to mind is how you came to CERB. I found CERB when I decided to begin embarking on this lifestyle, and used Google. If it were me, and I was to be looking for help regarding sex addiction, I would Google sex addiction Here's what I quickly came up with http://www.sexhelp.com/am-i-a-sex-addict/sex-addiction-test This can tell you whether you are a sex addict or not (if not already diagnosed), or at least it's a starting point. Some quick ramblings RG
  12. The Mods have quite a bit of work, and must feel at times like they are unappreciated. In fact they are the unsung heroes of this board. If it wasn't for their effort (and the Town Council's) this would be JAEB (just another escort board LOL) The ladies and gents can meet here, in a safe environment and discuss matters. Here is where we are IMHO opposite sides of the same coin, not an us versus them. Good thread. And again, thanks to the Mod for CERB And thanks to WIT for posting the business plan Some quick ramblings RG
  13. Well I'll spin it back...one more time, it would be a 24 hour encounter with all the Ottawa ladies I've met All the Ottawa ladies I've had the pleasure of meeting are ladies I'd like to meet again, and if only allowed one more time, it would be an encounter with all of them How's that for diplomatically dodging a minefield, and telling the truth at the same time RG
  14. This year went to brother's for Christmas dinner Good news, didn't have to do a turkey dinner (yes most of it I do) and kitchen clean-up Bad news, not bragging, but the dinner wasn't as good as the one I do Next year I'm back at the helm But I'm more committed now, with all the food, sweets, candies kicking around, to my New Year's resolution...lose weight RG
  15. I should add to my thoughts here, at least for me, I'm just as genuine as the ladies are. When a lady meets me, she isn't meeting some alter ego, or some guy playing a role, what you see is what you get. RG
  16. Well I'm here most everyday, except those days when I'm seeing a lady So yes, I'm in RG
  17. Well with that PS, here's a song about a Martial Artist/Actor The Chuck Norris Song RG
  18. Well at a young age, early 20's I was diagnosed with a medical condition, for which to this day I take a prescription for (prescription changed not so long ago and affects certain other things but I digress) However some "friends" and some family (uncle/aunt) found out at the time I was diagnosed, and freaked and as much as I want nothing to do with them, to this day, the same holds true for them regarding me...well the friends are no longer friends and I have no use for the family members Really, the only visible sign I have of this condition are when I take my prescription and that I don't drink...I otherwise live and lead a normal life What has it taught me, this experience showed me how even the supposed closest people to you can become prejudiced against you, and in my day to day life I do my best not to be prejudiced and judgemental with other people. In short, I do my very best to treat others as I would like to be treated RG
  19. Hi Dixon I gather from this post you have yet to see a SP. One thing, I went through it, probably every guy has gone through it, the first time you schedule an encounter, you will both be terrified and look forward to it at the same time, a real mixture of emotions. Don't let the fear win out. After the encounter is over, you will have hopefully fond memories of the encounter, wonder why you didn't start this earlier in life, and counting down till your next encounter. The first encounter gets you over the hurdle of seeing ladies. I don't know what city you will see ladies in, but once you find a lady on CERB (and stick with CERB, the ladies have all been good to me here) contact her, let her know it will be your first time, ask any pointers etc. I know a little off topic, and didn't mean to hijack your thread Good luck RG
  20. Somthing I don't think has been said...I like CERB because dispite hiccups, we want this board, nay community to continue...we think it's worth fighting for...this thread is case in point RG
  21. Well I'll give my opinion, and I'm speaking for myself only. The most rewarding and memorable encounters I've had are those where time was spent getting to know one another. I like, at a minimum, a two hour encounter, and it's certainly not because I'm a marathoner sexually. The most unenjoyable (yes unenjoyable) encounter was a lady who came to my room, first words she uttered, "gotta pay the bills hun, gotta pay the bills" I'm not dumb, I know the lady is there receiving compensation for her time. But making a connection, clicking, chemistry or whatever you wish to call it, before any sexual activity, well lets say I'm just not a fan of impersonal sex. That initial connection, at least in my experience, happens before going to the bedroom. It takes place in initial emails/pm's etc, then in conversation over drinks. Then it carries on to the bedroom, where I'm with a lady I got to know, and she got to know me. And some of the ladies I've met, well we've made connections, in some cases friendships, beyond a simple SP/Client relationship, which makes repeat encounters all the more enjoyable So long winded rambling short, if there wasn't that connection, genuineness, clicking etc etc etc in my encounters, I would stop participating in this lifestyle. Part of the enjoyment of the encounter for me is meeting and getting to know new ladies or having repeat encounters with ladies I've seen. Hope that makes sense RG
  22. Well...it's Boxing Day, and instead of Shepherds Watching Their Flocks, we can be watching Shepherds...well Cybill Shepherd, singing Toldya I Love Ya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGEUY0qPHc&feature=related RG
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