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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I'd have to say for me, no. When I'm seeing a lady, I want my attention to be focused on her, and her on me. We are having an encounter with one another, not each other and the tv Besides, isn't porn a surrogate for the times when you aren't with a lady, not the "other partner" when you are with a lady LOL I should add that the encounters I like are gfe, and more akin to a date than a pse, where perhaps porn could add to that type of experience Hope that comes out right and makes sense But that's me RG
  2. Isabella First, you did nothing wrong. Second, tell the man (through pm/email) the only way to make it up to you is to reimburse you for the no show. And as jafo said, use email money transfer or credit card Third, your call since you were there, but when he physically touched you, did you feel in any danger. If so, perhaps a warning to the other ladies. This is unacceptable behaviour, no excuses. If he would do it to one lady, he would likely do it to another lady. As a sidebar, I was ripped off, no other way to put it, to the tune of $500.00 once, but there is no way I would or could bring myself to physically assault the "lady" to get the money back. This guy showed his true colours As for the replies in general, call it a gut level emotional first reaction reply. We like you Isabella, and don't want to see someone wrong you, or any lady for that matter. You deserve to be treated much better RG
  3. I don't know if a funk or not, but I know once the clocks go back, and it gets dark early...just hate it. It's night time by the time I get home from work, and I feel kinda lethargic. And near the end of January I'm just in a winter rut Don't know if it's the thought of my boat all tarped up and put away or what but when spring rolls around I'm a happy boy RG
  4. Sorry you went through this Isabella. You don't (nor does any lady) deserve to be treated that way I too have been fortunate enough to spend time with you and enjoy your companionship. Your photos are 100% accurate and just a gleaning of your posts gives an insight of the type of lady you are No excuse for a man to put his hands on you (or any lady) in a physically threatening way, nor to turn around and leave without at least offering some compensation...you set up a certain time to see him, time you could have used to see a gentleman instead. It seems lost on some (not all) guys, but as pleasurable and enjoyable an escape it is for us, it is the ladies' livelihood, it pays their bills, rent, car payments etc etc etc No excuse for his actions. I'm just glad you are ok Take care RG
  5. Some ladies require cancellation fees, and I believe they are referring to last minute cancellations/no shows, where there is not enough time to re-book with another client. To refer to a cancellation fee as tasteless is in my opinion uncalled for. I respect (as I'm sure most guys and SP's do) your right to operate your business as you see fit. But to refer to those who charge a cancellation fee as tasteless really isn't called for. You can be a proponent of your way of conducting business (and respected for doing so), without calling those who conduct their business differently than yours tasteless. On a personal sidenote, I've re-booked with the lady I had to cancel on. She didn't require a cancellation fee, but me, well I'm making it up to her, tangibly. And mine wasn't a last minute two hours before the encounter cancellation, it was four days notice. But I do feel bad about it. But that's me. Oh, and my reason as posted earlier was an unexpected truck repair. I was late to work...as unexpected as the incident was, my compassionate employer demanded, yup, that I put in leave for the time I was late...for me that leave equals money. I was a late show to work, I paid by having to put in leave If a no show seeing a lady it is equally reasonable if the ladies' policy to pay a cancellation fee Some quick morning ramblings over my first cup of coffee RG
  6. How can he expect any lovin' well...see Christmas from Mrs Claus's point of view RG
  7. Lets see, three of a kind, kings, leon Leon spelled backwards is noel...and it is that time of year Three of a kind and kings Well here's a Christmas song We Three Kings I know, a stretch RG
  8. Hopefully my last chime in on this, although the ladies say it best My encounters have been not just memorable, but memories as well. And yes, there was UMPHHH (don't like the term, only used because it was a term used at the outset) I have had the pleasure of seeing a ladies from Hamilton to Ottawa. Each and every time I treated the ladies like a gentleman. And I'm not extra special, I just treat the ladies like a gentleman should. You will have great and mutually beneficial encounters if you are polite, well groomed, considerate and show respect for the lady. From a guy's viewpoint RG
  9. You just have to have the right attitude when you have no money King Of The Road-Roger Miller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GOkc6aEfkM RG
  10. Kill Two Birds With One Stone...jewellery that looks like a flower Just an idea, with some illustrations RG
  11. Don't know the nature of the friendship, but I would go with jewellery. Flowers are nice, but they do die. Once gone, they are gone Jewellery lasts, and can be a daily reminder for years of your gift and the thought that went into buying it My 2 cents RG
  12. I like Meg because...well what isn't there to like about Meg RG
  13. I'm going to cheat a little here The Bourne Trilogy (3 movies...but I'm counting as 1) James Bond (most of them) Guns of Navarone Where Eagles Dare Dirty Harry Series (the first four, the fifth was so so) The Longest Day Saving Private Ryan Monty Python And The Holy Grail Monty Python's Life Of Brian Monty Python Meaning Of Life Just a few RG
  14. First off thank you for the compliment, it is appreciated And maybe, not with you, but with hb and his thread, wanting to know how to get that "extra mile" I find somewhat off putting, so I can imagine how the ladies would take to it. It is the assumption that some men are "just" getting what they paid the lady for, but some other guys are getting that, plus something extra...this magical UUMPHHH!!!" whatever that is. And it does come across a bit like trying to get something more, something extra from a lady And my response is more towards the line of thinking, "basically some guys get the UUMPHHH, why can't we" There is, as in all interactions between people, chemistry. And if two people just don't click, they aren't going to click. And yes, I've had a couple less than good encounters, and chemistry was a factor. I behave like a gentleman (at least I think I do) towards the ladies, and have had encounters which aren't just memorable, but a memory too. I also don't have encounters with any expectations of what will take place. I am with a lady, and let the encounter just unfold naturally. And in all likelihood the guys who are happy with their encounters aren't getting anything extra (still like to know what this extra is btw) they just enjoy and appreciate the encounter and companionship the lady provides, there's nothing "extra", the encounter is "UMPHHH" enough RG
  15. Tubthumping...well if we get rid of the tubt we have humping...what about a humping song Jimmy Buffet Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw RG
  16. Congratulations Samantha on a well deserved Goddess status If anyone deserves it, it is you RG
  17. I like Old Dog because even though he knows that I travel, he has never attempted to try and book a date with me. LOL RG :-)
  18. Well that one was cold and just HURT Johnny Cash-Hurt RG
  19. Well maybe, and I emphasize maybe, it is strictly speaking a contract that could go to court for a decision But I did say "in all likelihood", because aside from the question of whether it could go to court, lawyer's fee's, not to mention time in court would exceed in cost any money attempted to recoup. But the ladies likely have other ways to enforce payment such as the SP's Section etc, which if used would blacklist, for lack of a better word, a guy wanting future encounters...but I'm speculating But if your a no show, last minute cancellation, and cancellation fee is required, pay it with an email explaining. It isn't just a no show, it is time the lady set aside for you, which could have used for another encounter RG
  20. My impression is that a cancellation fee, and the lady's can correct me if I'm wrong, a fee charged to a client who is a last minute cancellation/no-show. But the fee, in all likelihood can't be legally enforced. But for a client, paying it keeps his name good with the lady, and allows him the chance to re-book with her. Also, if he doesn't pay, his name may go in the SP's Only Section, may get passed to other ladies etc.....in short, he'll get known as a bad date/client And on a personal note the lady was understanding, and I'm going to re-book with her, with a little extra token of appreciation for having to miss this encounter And as Emily said, cancellations suck (as intimate an encounter it is, I realize it is the ladies' livelihood), but not just for the lady, they suck for me too A quick rambling RG
  21. Honeymoon Suite...well honeymoon....and here's a song about when the honeymoon is over Shania Twain Home Ain't Where His Heart Is (Anymore) RG
  22. Maybe the quality of encounters men have vary because of what Emily said. You quoted her, but maybe you should re-read what she said. And she said If someone is concerned about YMMV, they need to take a good hard look at themself and as its already been said be polite, well groomed, considerate and show respect to the lady they are visiting with and they should have NOTHING to worry about. My guess is that the guys complaining about the quality of their encounters are not polite, grooming not good, inconsiderate and/or disrespectful You say men would love to know what they can do to increase the probability of a positive encounter, try being polite, well groomed, considerate and show respect for the lady...in short, be a gentleman and treat the SP/MA like a lady RG
  23. I need another hug today...bill in $1659.10 ouch Right before Christmas RG
  24. I could use a hug too...my $2.00 truck broke today and has right now about $1000.00 in repairs done, and they haven't fixed everything yet RG
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