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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Savage Garden....I Beg Your Pardon???? Rose Garden-Lynn Anderson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO4wcNVbYOQ RG
  2. And for all you twuckers and seebeeers, here's one that will leave yu with a smile CB Savage-Ron Hart RG
  3. A thought popped into my head. The only, and not expectation, it's more a pleasant surprise, is when a lady you have seen before, and you both click, lets you know before publicly announcing her tour date, of cities she will be in. She knows your own location and travel requirements so you can, if possible, schedule an encounter with her, before she publicly advertises her tour. No expectations of extra special services, or more umphhhh!!!. Actually if the lady and I clicked, then the companionship, services and umphhhh that she already provides are fine...well more than just fine, thank you very much...that's why I like seeing her And it is somewhat flattering that she remembers you, and goes out of her way to contact you. It means she likes you as a client, and would like to see you again. A quick additional thought RG
  4. Sad to see you go, but wish you nothing but the best for your future And if you should chose to come back, you will be welcome here Take care RG
  5. There may be some ladies who may only like kissing on the lips, or no kissing, but that's it It is their comfort zone But as Malika says, the only safe sex is masturbation. And the only way to make that safer is wear latex gloves and a condom (tongue in cheek here) All sexual activity between two or more people involves an element of risk, because the only person's sexual history you can know 100% is your own, and even that has a element of unknown to it, because you never know for certain your sexual partner(s) history. There are ways to minimize the risk, but it can't be eliminated. And as a sidebar, after a bad breakup, well I swore never to date again. For approx three years I didn't date, no sex, just masturbation. Risk free yes, but I much prefer the companionship, with it's risks, of women. And that is why I got into this lifestyle For whatever it's worth RG
  6. Well this hits close to home for me today. Just had some unexpected major truck issues today, bill is close to $1000.00, and they aren't done all repairs yet But an encounter scheduled with a lady this Saturday I just have had to cancel, and I was really looking forward to seeing her again too. Haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm going to try to have an encounter with her in January 2012 to make up for the one I'm going to miss this Saturday (and a little extra make up, I do feel bad that I can't see her). Prefer to think of it as a postponement, not a cancellation Sometimes, life happens. But I have notified her. And I would never just cancel without at least letting the lady know as soon as possible Coming from a guy feeling the pinch of a major truck repair, and to boot, won't be able to see a wonderful lady this weekend, an encounter I've been looking forward to for awhile RG
  7. I can't imagine seeing a teenage girl, being 50 that gives me the creeps My general comfort zone is mid twenties and the oldest lady, thus far is fifty. But I want to see women, not girls RG
  8. Better Off Dead...well if your the Grateful Dead Grateful Dead-Truckin' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPNgjA4i6gM RG
  9. Maybe keep the reco threads to just recos only. No one can respond to them, not the lady, and no hobbiest replying to the reco writer saying "nice reco", "gee, I've got to see her" or response posts to that effect. And it isn't necessarily ladies that bump their recos, some guys bump them too That way the reco thread would only consist of recos, so the only way it comes back is if a new reco written. As for the lady wanting to say thank you to the poster, she can do so either by comment/rep point, a pm or email. After all the thank you, if one is warranted, is private between her and the gentleman after a private encounter Some non argumentative ramblings :-) RG
  10. Not really a joke, but it'll put (or should put) a smile on your face
  11. To me, YMMV means, first and foremost, services based on hygiene (if you have bad breath for example, no kissing) But it also means if the two of you have a chemistry, and click. If you are personable and friendly it is likely to be a much better encounter than if you are cold, non-communicative etc. But it doesn't mean extras, nor should they ever be asked for or expected. And no two encounters are ever the same, each one is unique between two people. I shouldn't expect the exact same encounter with a certain lady because another guy had a certain type of encounter with her. I don't even care about the "menu" any more. I was menu oriented when I started in this lifestyle, it took me four encounters to realize there is more, so much more to being with a lady than a "menu". I like the encounter to unfold naturally, it goes where it goes. I respect all boundries the lady has, and in fact, I prefer to let the lady take the lead, at least in the first encounter or two, just to ensure boundries are respected. And in repeat encounters, a level of trust develops between the two of you, and the encounters, for lack of a better word, become more intimate, you are someone she knows, and vice versa...if that makes sense Respect the lady's boundries. Don't try to go outside her boundries. That is her comfort zone, respect it She is allowing you to be with her alone intimately. Respect the lady, and yes, you will have a good encounter. A quick rambling RG
  12. For gifts, what I usually give are gift cards, based on the lady's interests and suggestions (look at her website) Suggestions are LaSenza's, Victoria's Secret, bookstores, music stores etc In one case, I gave money, only because the lady had posted about a problem with something (I'm not going into specifics here) and money would have assisted in her buying a replacement. RG
  13. Bela Lugosi Is Not Alive????..... Well the Bee Gee's are Staying Alive and for a laugh, this version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLQWPgQMHhQ RG
  14. You in essence post that the ladies laugh behind the guys backs after receiving gifts and that the guys are considered losers. Your post fuels a lot of the negative and incorrect stereotypes about this lifestyle. So maybe your using the CERB motto "if you do not have anything nice to say...please don't say anything at all" would carry more weight if you practiced it yourself. RG
  15. You are right Angela. It is the overall experience of the encounter that counts. I personally see ladies for far more than just sex. It is their companionship, in it's entirety that I seek. I would feel like I denied myself if all I sought was a sexual encounter. And there is much much more to an encounter, if you allow it, than just sex. And the memories of the encounter are more than just the sexual side. A quick rambling RG
  16. First, every recommendation I write is first emailed to the lady for her yay or nay. She doesn't get to edit, or tell me what to write. But if she is (hasn't happened....yet) uncomfortable with the reco, I just won't post Second, if I get pm's after the reco is posted asking for details, I just explain that the lady prefers no details, and I respect her wishes...in short, no details In fact a lady I saw I wrote a reco on. I was on this board and a couple others (now just on this board) It was a no details reco. After posting on this other board there were posts requesting details, I explained I wouldn't as I was respecting the lady's wishes. Not only a couple nasty posts directed towards me for that, quite a few nasty, not worthy of replying to, pm's too. That was the point where I left all the other boards realizing how sub par they are compared to CERB, oh, and no details ever released, it was a private moment, and the details between the lady and me A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  17. I happen to know Julia (JuliasUndies) has very good erotic writing skills Still "bothered" (in a good way) by them RG :-)
  18. It truly is a betrayal by the government of it's soldiers, who put themselves in harms way, and in doing so, have suffered death, physical harm and psychological harm (ptsd) The people who risk life and limb for their country deserve better, much better than to be swept under the carpet once their service is done Their was a show on TVO back in November, "War In The Mind". Here is a clip, don't know when it will be on again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPY_Gpu0oCI Spud, to you, and to all servicemen and women, thank you for your service RG
  19. Yes the look a dog gets in it's eyes, cats (well the cats I've adopted...because of that look) can do it too...looking all so sweet and innocent...and some people may not understand, but pets, be they cats or dogs, they become part of the family But what really gets me, my nephew, born premature, given 6 months to live, and well he just had his eighth birthday...he's kinda spoiled, had a big birthday party a couple weeks ago but he gets another one, more a quiet dinner just the family this coming Friday. RG
  20. Fisherman that I am, I am very thankful that no one has ever got me this or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VveIve2pRBk&feature=related RG
  21. No argument, he has the right, within the policies of CERB, to discuss what he wants And I'll give him credit for at least keeping the lady's name unknown But, if as he posts, it is a private matter, why even post publicly about it. And the lady (if she is on CERB) will be reading his post, and identity private or not, she may end up inclined to tell her side of the story RG
  22. BOO!!!....I'm scared, like Halloween ghost scared LOL so scared that I could only think of Thriller-Michael Jackson...who was kinda scary in a strange way LOL RG
  23. Guess I'm a dirty dirty boy There is a statistic that something like 95% of all men admit to masturbating and 60% of all women admit to masturbating. There is another statistic that 5% of all men and 40% of all women lied when filling out the questionaire Masturbation is part of normal human sexuality, sex including masturbation isn't dirty, it's normal Repressive attitudes towards sex are not healthy Thats about the only rambling I could come up with, except to say this morning I unrepressed myself with a picture of Catherine Bell...does this make me a bad person, or less tense and able to face the day :-) RG
  24. I like Dorinda,I enjoy reading her fun upbeat posts, which help make this the community it is. She sounds like a lady I'd like to meet...and hey, to boot, she travels, so I can see the possibility of a meeting in 2012. RG
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