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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I thought of putting it in the joke section...but I saw the ad for it on tv yesterday. No it's not a joke, it really is being sold. It's kinda giving me a chuckle but it's also kinda in bad taste to market...I'm so confused RG
  2. I like Alexandra...she makes positive contributions (like this thread) to CERB, making it the good community it is, and she is intelligent, sexy, and beautiful RG
  3. Well I have no landline, I use a cell phone But I have cable and internet. No, I wouldn't want to give up the internet, and I like cable...bit of a tv watcher But no bundles here, seperate servers for cable/internet and cell phone RG
  4. Sangria, a wine sometimes served in Mexican restaurants got me to thinking about You Me And Mexico-Edward Bear RG
  5. https://www.americanchia.com/?rtag=chiaobama& Why wasn't I surprised RG
  6. Cledus T. Judd-Christmas a parody of this song Faith Hill-This Kiss Cledus's version is so wrong on so many levels RG :-)
  7. Crimson and Clover, well crimson is red and clovers can be made into wine so UB40-Red Red Wine RG
  8. The Three Graces, instead of rolling over Beethoven would rather "Roll Me Over In The Clover" RG
  9. For me, and I'm speaking only for me, monogamous means you have one partner, and your partner has only one partner (you) for all aspects of an intimate relationship. Now if your partner knows and accepts you have multiple sexual partners and accepts that, it isn't IMHO, and I'm speaking for myself, only myself, a monogamous relationship...it isn't cheating, but it isn't monogamous. What is right and wrong, that is personal between partners. What is right for one couple may be entirely wrong for another Personally, I couldn't be in a relationship where one of us, or both of us saw other people intimately. But ironically, one thing about this lifestyle, which has replaced my dating life, is monogamy is definitely not encouraged, and for lack of a better word, the poly-amorous aspect of it is one of the benefits. Even the ladies understand that we will see other ladies, just as we understand the ladies see other men Well, thats a long winded rambling from a guy who's relationship history has resulted in him being single RG
  10. I like Isabella, a real sweetheart. Cares about people, a positive influence on CERB, one of the ones who makes this more than a board, helps make it a community, and she's just an all round nice person RG
  11. It may happen (and I emphasize may) sometimes with some SP's/MA's, but for him to categorically post as if all MPA take gifts and then laugh behind the clients back, uncalled for. Just posted, IMHO to make out the ladies as money grabbers, and the clients who gift give as losers. He should look to the top of the CERB page next time, you know, the part which says if you do not have anything nice to say...Please don't say anything at all I stand by my original post, and fully understand why he got the negative rep points he did RG
  12. We have our thread on what we'd like for Christmas, but 2012 is fast approaching too. So what is your New Year's Resolution, and are you going to keep it, or seriously attempt to keep it. Mine, to lose a few (well quite a few LOL) pounds. Biggest thing in that regard is starting to exercise by walking, but also start eating more healthy balanced meals Second one, don't know if it qualifies in the resolution catagory, take a certain lady (she knows who she is) fishing...was supposed to this last season, but the season sort of slipped by And third, and I'm hoping here, that there is a CERB summer social end of June/first three weeks July, would love to attend one RG
  13. Is this the Cliff you are talking about...just wondering, with that grin he looks like he's expecting a bbbj, and we all know he was on the edge, of what we don't know LOL Sorry, best humour I can muster on only my first cup of coffee RG :-)
  14. "Don't hunt elephants with a BB gun" A quote in regards to using heavy tackle for fishing for muskie/big pike. Sorry, just heard it, liked it, thought I'd share. Anyone who fishes understands, anyone who doesn't fish, well they'll just be looking at me funny (funnier) RG
  15. Well they can still laugh and call me a loser behind my back (said sarcastically, I don't for one second believe ladies laugh behind our backs), I'm going to keep tipping/gifting. And it's what happens face to face, privately in an encounter is what I tip/gift give for. And frankly, I think your full of it. An SP/MA appreciates being treated like a lady by a gentleman, it makes what is her livelihood, an enjoyable and respectful time. Why would she laugh at someone showing her respect The gift, a little token of appreciation. The tip, well it helps the lady pay the bills, put food on the table, offset expenses, or just buy something she wants I think you just wanted to put a rationalization (an unwanted rationalization) out here probably to justify that (I assume), you don't tip/gift give Do you really think your negative comments necessary? RG
  16. Camper Van Beethoven, well it's early, haven't had a coffee yet, so all I can take right now is.... A Fifth Of Beethoven-Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band RG
  17. It's Friday, a weekend to finish up my Christmas shopping And I got an email from one of my favourite lady's confirming our encounter is on for next weekend...7 long days away And a pm from another favourite lady, just a friendly "hi" RG
  18. Going to pop a bag of popcorn, microwave runs it's allotted time, open the door, the bag barely popped, and whatever popcorn there is is burned Oh, and it was the last bag in the apartment RG
  19. To the moralist prostitution does not consist so much in the fact that the woman sells her body, but rather that she sells it out of wedlock. EMMA GOLDMAN, Anarchism and Other Essays What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many? ANGELA CARTER, Nights at the Circus Marriage is for woman the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. BERTRAND RUSSELL, Marriage and Morals If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction. NILS JOHAN RINGDAL, Love For Sale Prostitution is criminal, and bad things happen because it's run illegally by dirt-bags who are criminals. If it's legal, then the girls could have health checks, unions, benefits, anything any other worker gets, and it would be far better. JESSE VENTURA, Playboy interview, Nov. 1999 Butterfield 8, with its call-girl heroine working her way down the alphabet of men from Amherst to Yale, appeared at a very formative moment in my adolescence and impressed me forever with the persona of the prostitute, whom I continue to revere. The prostitute is not, as feminists claim, the victim of men, but rather their conqueror, an outlaw, who controls the sexual channels between nature and culture. CAMILLE PAGLIA, Vamps and Tramps The only way to stop this trafficking in and profiting from the use of women's bodies is for prostitution to be legalized. Legalization will open it up to regulation; and regulation means safety. JEANNETTE ANGELL, Callgirl
  20. Sounds like both sides of the story are out. A once "life happens" cancellation is one thing, but serial cancellations, not cool, not cool at all...shows at bare minimum a disrespect for the lady's time, she could be seeing a paying client instead of waiting around for someone who doesn't show up If you want to be treated with respect, you have to treat others with respect too RG
  21. mrnice2...well what can I say about him, he's....well nice, makes a valued contribution to this community and I enjoy what he has to say RG
  22. Duck....isn't that a bird?...how about a song about another bird Snowbird-Anne Murray RG
  23. Glad it was a success, sad I couldn't go. I can't make these socials with the way my work and leave schedule go, but hint hint hint, last week June, first three weeks July are holidays for me...I'd scoot up to Ottawa for a summer social, that is, if there is one RG
  24. This thread is taking a turn out to left field...er left lilypad LOL and kinda giving me the blues....but not any blues, the... Tadpole Blues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR5ie2BE7Ys RG :-)
  25. Well seeing some of the comments here, one piece of advice, beats all other advice hands down STAY SINGLE RG :-)
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