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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Don't know the best routes, that's why I got a TomTom...it has navigated me through the downtowns of some big cities I don't know, with no problems It would have solved your travel problems for you Have a safe trip RG
  2. I think the phrase often used by ladies, "gifts, although not expected, are appreciated" I think it applies equally to SP's and MA's And me, I give both a gift and tip RG
  3. This ad is way over top, wasn't sure if I should post it or not. But it has a good health message http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/mcac_rhian_touches_herself RG
  4. Seeing this thread go on I've got to say not all men participate in the best of threads. Personally, I appreciate each lady for her own individual character and uniqueness, if that is coming out right. As for the reco's/reviews, I'll write/post a recommendation (which is simply put, I had a good time with this lady, and she is a lady I recommend seeing) only after the lady first sees it. If she prefers me not to post, it doesn't get posted. And I personally don't post reviews, (I see those as a detailed play by play of the encounter, which almost reminds me of guys bragging in the locker room) The details, to me that is a private matter, and I too am (I hope I am LOL) discrete. Finally, discretion wise, this is in fact even less discrete than the best of threads. There are many ladies who know more than just our board handle. They have a verification requirement in place and know the guy's real names, phone numbers, email etc. And with that information, it would then be "fun" to discuss the size of the hobbyist's packages. At least with the best of threads, it is based on photos the ladies have chosen to publicly post I thought, at the end of the day, what the lady was looking for in a client, was a client who is a gentleman, who paid in full and up front, had good hygiene/shaved, treated her with respect, and respected her boundries. And maybe even though not required gave a tip and gift. I didn't know the lady was looking for guys who are hung like porn stars, and to publicly discuss them on a board afterwards A couple more ramblings RG
  5. I can fish (and tell fish stories too) Competed in tournaments where some of the big boys compete (they usually kick my a$$ though)...actually won, or placed in a few, but was a donator in most of the tournies Don't know if this qualifies as talent, or just something that occupies my time though RG :-)
  6. Sure...and if a lady is one of the ones coming to the door, invite just her in, keep the guy outside LOL...seriously, no, I try not to answer the door in those cases at the best of times If a favourite lady of yours moves (still in driving distance) to another city, but now it requires you to drive a few hours, book a hotel etc etc etc would you continue to see her RG
  7. The difference between a gentleman reviewing/recommending a lady versus a lady publicly commenting how a gentleman measures up is this The review/reco for the lady provides the lady feedback on what she is doing right as an SP/MA. It is a form of advertising based on client feedback that helps, well hopefully helps the lady's business...yes, as social, interpersonal and intimate a lifestyle this is, it is a business The gentleman on the other hand sees a specific lady for a private time. He doesn't want to see a lady if in the back of his mind he wonders how he is going to be publicly rated by the lady he just saw And I know when I first started in this lifestyle I was uncomfortable with the idea of reco's/reviews...to me, intimate time behind closed doors with a woman was a private matter. However for SP's/MA's, a client writing recos/reviews is in most cases welcome, it can bring on new clients. It serves a purpose for them. And in reco's/review's the guy is writing about his time with one paticular lady. He isn't writing about how one lady compares to another But for the gentlemen, writing about how they measure up compared to others serves no purpose I can see. The intent of the post and idea may have been in fun, but at least for me, well all I can say is any lady who would participate in such a public comparisson of guys, she isn't a lady I would see. I see ladies for a private intimate encounter, not wondering how I'm going to publicly rate in her books after the encounter is over RG
  8. Well since that song is used in part for a Viagra ad (posted here for reference) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og3k50q6k_0 I guess a song about erectile dysfunction should follow Art Brut-Rusted Guns of Milan RG
  9. Just as it's IMHO inappropriate to compare one lady to another, it is equally inappropriate to compare one gentleman to another. Yes, guys can write reco's/reviews of ladies they have seen, and ladies can provide references on gentlemen they have seen, but doing comparisons of ladies vs ladies or gentlemen vs gentlemen, not appropriate. As I see it RG
  10. If it is a date with the idea of leading to a relationship, then I really think the lady should initiate and ask the gentleman out, to make it clear it is a social date, not a paid encounter. When a gentleman asks asks a SP out it is going to be seen as a client asking a SP for an encounter, with the lady receiving compensation for her time I'm not saying a relationship couldn't develop between a SP and Client, but I don't think one should enter into this lifestyle expecting a relationship beyond that of SP and Client. It complicates what is supposed to be uncomplicated. RG
  11. Congrats Lowdark on 500...look for to the next 500 RG
  12. I think what is being missed is this...yes the ladies are companions, professional companions, meaning that they are seeing you in exchange for money...they are not in this profession to be asked out at a social level for a date. And at least for me, I'm not using this lifestyle to meet, date and marry the woman of my dreams. Yes, it is a very unique lifestyle. Very intimate, social and interpersonal, but the lady does so for monetary compensation. And underlying this is no strings. It is, or is supposed to be, a simple and uncomplicated arrangement. Expect any asking out to be considered by the lady as being asked out for a paid encounter, not a date at a social level And a SP, like every other person has a private personal life with friends. You are part of her professional life, and not part of her personal life Respect the boundries, don't assume because an SP is being intimate with you she wants a personal relationship with you, she is a professional companion RG
  13. I'm in this lifestyle because I've given up on dating/relationships. When I was in conventional dating/relationships with women, I was monogomous. And I couldn't be involved in a relationship unless monogomous. But since involved with this lifestyle, well I'm just enjoying myself too much with the ladies I've met, will meet and meet again. And I don't think I could give up this lifestyle now, which I'd have to do, to get involved in a relationship So the curse, and IMHO a blessed curse, this lifestyle makes me want to not get back in the dating/relationship game again. I'm enjoying this too much RG
  14. Keeping along the same lines of hotels and discretion, as an outcall type of guy, who has a once a month escape with a lady, one other thing I do to be discrete is change hotels. I don't go to the same hotel on a regular monthly basis. It might arouse suspicions. It may not be a major thing. But I know of a couple hotels to go to in Toronto, in Ottawa, in Kingston and in Hamilton, and mix it up a bit Oh, and on a lighter note, don't sing this when checking in or out, or on the way to or from the lady's incall RG
  15. Well instead of taking the train, how about a plane Jet Airliner-Steve Miller Band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGF_0AcHaGs RG
  16. How 'bout this James....Rick James Super Freak RG
  17. Sorry about that...but a good job bringing the thread back So instead of Mountains of Mourne how about this mountain Rocky Mountain Way-Joe Walsh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF2OP_gFsz4 RG
  18. Well I recall a quote years ago, and I'm paraphrasing here, that referred to Prince as a midget dipped in a vat of oil and rolled in pubic hair so...Maclean and Maclean-I've Seen Pubic Hair http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o16RxBoKJu8 I'm sorry, all I could come up with :-) LOL RG
  19. I understand your sentiments, but the fact is legally the tax man is entitled to his cut, and not paying it is illegal. The consequences of getting caught not paying taxes can be severe. Also how do you start this self directed retirement plan etc etc...any RRSP's, chequing/savings accounts etc etc etc require your SIN number and Revenue Canada will know. And with laws more directed against money laundering, banks are required to report deposits over, I believe $10,000/day, but I'm sure a bank would report any accounts that cause eyebrows to be raised. Only way to keep it completely under the table is bury the money in the back yard, and financially speaking, live off the grid One final thing, sex for money is not illegal. Related acts are (bawdy house, living off avails etc). So why put oneself in legal predicament with the taxman for a few bucks RG
  20. Forget the riverboats, how about fishing boats...like the one in this video I'm Gonna Miss Her-Brad Paisley What'd you expect from a fisherman like me LOL RG
  21. The closest I've come to seeing a lady advertise where she is staying is when I've seen ads in Toronto, and it will say Toronto Airport, or Downtown Toronto, but no specifics. In the case of Downtown Toronto, it could be a condo, or hotel. If Toronto Airport, well that could be either Mississauga or Toronto Mind you I've personally never seen an ad where a specific hotel is named (not saying it doesn't happen), but as an outcall guy for the most part, I'd avoid seeing a lady so indiscrete...for the most part, if she isn't discrete about locale, what else is she not discrete about??? RG
  22. Carley I've always enjoyed your posts, you seem like a very upbeat positive person. Although we never got the chance to meet in person, I'm glad we are, on this board and community, friends Good luck with your new opportunity. And I'm sure I speak for others to say you are always welcome here Take care RG
  23. Here's another outlaw Waylon Jennings -Good Hearted Woman RG
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