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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Multi Tasking...Just finished making my bed with Nabob's help (something like this) Now enjoying a coffee while Lyla'ing (is that even a word LOL) with Season Six House Of Cards playing in the background A rambling RG
  2. And the Beatles While My Guitar Gently Weeps OK I'm done....For now But I'll be back LOL RG
  3. And the Rolling Stones I Can't Get No Satisfaction RG
  4. Seeing as Eric Clapton is mentioned, another one of his hits Lay Down Sally RG
  5. In keeping with the cowboy theme Slim Whitman Cowboys Heaven And for this I am sorry ๐Ÿ˜‚ But I bet no more cowboy themed songs now ๐Ÿ˜‚ RG
  6. Speaking of Cowboys Big and Rich Save A Horse Ride A Cowboy Sorry...OK Not Sorry ๐Ÿ˜‚ RG
  7. And another....post that is, this time not Johnny Cash but Canadian rockers instead Bachman Turner Overdrive Taking Care Of Business RG ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Johnny Cash Cocaine Blues RG ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. How about Johnny Cash This one, Twenty Five Minutes To Go RG
  10. Things that suck....Alzheimer's Visited a family member today, she's at Stage 7 Alzheimers (there is no Stage 8 ) IMO this disease worse than cancer, I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy RG
  11. Well I recently got the oil changed in my truck, $83.00 Tell guys like that if they got $80.00 go to GM to get their vehicle's oil changed LOL But a paid date, hell $80.00 doesn't begin to cover what I give for gift and tip, but thats how I roll RG
  12. I have, two wonderful unforgettable times. She is a sweet and beautiful lady, well known and respected. I would recommend her, oh wait I have, twice in the Toronto recommendations forum. RG
  13. Forget all scientific ways to discredit them. This ends the argument once and for all๐Ÿ˜‚ RG
  14. Got my Christmas wish book today๐Ÿ˜‚ oh OK actually a boat catalogue from Lund. Looking at getting a fishing boat, something in the 16-18 foot range, just for fishing, not doing tournaments anymore so no need for fancy bells and whistles Couple boat models in mind, still going to take a look and talk to dealers this Winter But now I can dream with pictures LOL RG๐ŸŸ
  15. Walked to the pharmacy today, not just because I needed to get low dose aspirin but also because walking is good exercise. But f*ck me it was cold out, not just the temperature (-1) but the wind too To boot, Christmas music playing in the pharmacy...at least wait till Dec 1st A rambling RG
  16. Real exciting purchase today, bottle of low dose aspirin Now that completes the look of my bedside table looking like a pharmacy๐Ÿ˜‚ RG
  17. Also VIP Favours https://www.vipfavours.ch/ might assist And I believe CAF (Canadian Adult Fun) has a western Canada focus including Vancouver RG
  18. Well eight but that was because the picture that confirmed my guess was the eighth photo. If it had been the first photo I would have guessed after the first photo. Does that answer the question ๐Ÿ™‚ RG
  19. That lady I'm pretty sure is MsManda from Halifax. A lady if I should find myself in Nova Scotia I'd like to meet and book a date with, and a companion who I include in my "Shout Out' tweets on Twitter While you included a few pictures actually if all you had was the black and white photo that would have been enough RG
  20. Could be worse, be like me and bald ๐Ÿ˜‚ A rambling from a bald headed (and now face bare too) guy RG ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. Too late, the lawn mower, scissors and razor came out, I'm barefaced bald again Besides...โ€ฆโ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜‚ Actually I knew from the very beginning it was a long shot, I tried and well f*ck ๐Ÿ™‚ A barefaced rambling RG
  22. On Friday had to go to see the doctor (nothing serious, routine stuff) Doctor took a look at my "beard"๐Ÿ™„ such as it was and asked how long I've been growing it. Told him, and told him I'm letting it go till end of January, that will give it three full months. He said "I hate to break the news but those patchy spots will always remain patchy no matter how long you give it" So I've been mulling over all weekend, and today out will come โœ‚๏ธโœ‚๏ธโœ‚๏ธand beard/moustache gone. I already took the doctor's advice and took a picture of me with the beard for posterity LOL I suppose I could shape it into a goatee with soul patch but...well YUK A rambling about nothing But I had hopes for a beard and that's what sucks ๐Ÿ˜ข Actually on the scale of things not really LOL RG
  23. First, took Nabob to the vet...bill wasn't bad, but not good either. He's a very high maintenance cat, but hard on the wallet LOL Then, after dropping Nabob off home, went and gassed up the truck, and picked up a few groceries...especially beer, it's one of my three favourites drinks, coffee, water and beer Just another rambling about nothing, well guess not nothing, part of it involves Nabob's health RG
  24. Yes but they can't tell if you got a 1000 points for free LOL๐Ÿ˜‚ Me I'm in for the long game LOL...may the best Lyla-ite win RG
  25. Actually I'm of the same school too (I don't really care) But in fairness there was a time (in the early years LOL) it meant something. But now I kind of see the point, 1000 points really means nothing, ok well really zero points LOL. But the more you participate and interact on Lyla the more other members know you (and you know them) and you are judged on that not the number of rep points you have or don't have. Anyway I don't know what the answer is. Except for post count quantification (and even that, is a post in the Joke Section worth the same as one in the General Discussion Area for example correct or should more weight be placed on, well for lack of a better term "more important threads"? Again I don't know But I come here for entertainment, fun, knowledge (we can all learn). But I'll let you all in on a secret Lyla policy, why I really come here and post and post...โ€ฆ. I want to win the steak knives LOL๐Ÿ˜‚ A rambling with hopefully a humorous finish RG
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