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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I like Andy for his positive contributions to CERB and being a fellow music threads lover and game player RG
  2. Happy Birthday Sasha Enjoy your special day RG
  3. Judging from your avatar I'm going to say true LOL...maybe the cat was an influence True or False I tried marijuana once RG
  4. These are a couple paraphrased quotes, the exact quote eludes me right now and I don't feel like searching on Google A man complained about having no shoes till he saw the man with no feet Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes right to the bone Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement RG
  5. The rating I've never used as a guide to anything. When I see a post I like, I'll give it a nomination or rep points or both Sometimes, you gotta spread the love, in which case I'll acknowledge the poster either through another post, a pm or a comment in the person's guestbook And if I have thoughts of my own to contribute, I'll contribute as well My take on the matter RG
  6. When it comes to dirty talk don't do what Seinfeld did. There, a Seinfeld episode for every occasion. Sorry I have no sage advice to give though RG :-)
  7. Thank you Isabella, I like you not because your a coffee drinker, but your a good caring person But here's a coffee for two for the two of us :-) And I like Malika, she's a fun and positive contributer to this community, enjoy her presence here on CERB I just hope I'm in her good books and don't need punishing LOL RG
  8. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2011/11/22/technology-worst-passwords-splashdata.html
  9. Something on CBC News RG http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2011/11/21/breast-cancer-screening.html
  10. Atlanta Rhythm Section-So Into You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpPdLb69-qk RG
  11. Well a couple questions then. Do you not post reco's at all on CERB?...or just reco's of ladies who meet 100 percent to your standards. Second question, if the other board, whatever board that is, is so great, why are you on CERB if you don't like it's policy regarding recos And Meg is right, you can't on one hand complain about lack of reco's here for ladies and use that as a negative for the lady but on the other hand not post any reco's yourself. My two cents RG
  12. I heard this was the first agency that advertised on CERB RG :-)
  13. You know your old when your first "cell" phone was in fact a pay phone, and it cost ten cents to make a call, then was upped to twenty five cents BTW, I don't recall growing up seeing line ups of people waiting to use a pay phone, but now, everyone "needs" a phone to their ear 24/7 365 days a year Kinda makes you go hummmmm. RG
  14. And I'd love to be in the middle with Soleil and Gabriella :-) RG :-)
  15. I think this comes to a case of viewing the glass as half full or half empty I've had my ups and downs in life. A medical condition diagnosed in my early 20's changed my life including career plans (actually dreams) completely. And I felt that I was at rock bottom, what I wanted to do since I was a kid I would never be able to do. But the job I got turned out to be very good salary/benefits wise, but more importantly, I met some people who turned out to be best friends and fishing buddies (actually introduced me to fishing, much more costly than seeing escorts btw LOL)...friends to this day My parents divorced at around the same time. And to put it mildly, it was hell, for my brother and me. We were adults, and one parent playing guilt trips if we saw the other parent and so on. But when the grief of the divorce waned and parents didn't play us off against one another, well both parents were happier, and my brother and my relationship with our parents much better than immediate pre-divorce times I've had hit/misses in the relationship field, all turned out at the time to be big misses, and certainly in a couple cases was heartbroken, thinking I'd lost the love of my life. But now, looking back, staying single, for me turned out to be the one thing correct in my life. It led me to CERB and seeing ladies, and has been one of the positives in my life, I've met some great ladies in person, and some wonderful people through board talk on CERB One of the highlights of the day for me is coming on CERB, reading, posting and generally finding a very positive community. And my monthly escape is seeing ladies and having a two to three hour escape. And the support from some board members is touching. Long story short, I got ripped off in an encounter I had back in September. I was fuming, pi$$ed off, mad. Well a couple ladies found out, and provided moral support. Instead of viewing the glass half empty, I stepped back (took two days btw) and thought to myself, here are ladies concerned about me. So I thought, forget the September "encounter", think of all the good encounters you've had, will have, and the wonderful people you've met through CERB. Oh, and as if there isn't karma, about a week later I was contacted by another lady (a great lady btw) who's travel plans worked out with my schedule, and I had a great memorable encounter with her. It was just one of those unexpected but very pleasant surprises I guess the point I'm coming to in all of this. Sometimes things do seem dark. But where one door closes, another door opens. Now I may seem philosophical somewhat, but after fifty years life experience and observations I tend to look at the glass half full. The relationships you form, the direction your life takes shapes you, and how you approach it determines whether these influences are positive or negative. A very long winded rambling for what it's worth RG
  16. I like OttawaAdventurer, he makes genuine and positive posts and is one of the members who makes CERB a good community RG
  17. Don't fret about it too much, I don't think you crossed the line. There is a learning curve, you learned something new today RG
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