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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. You know your old when you remember when the first cell phone came out They just called it a communicator though LOL RG
  2. What Angella said Penelope. You are a "starr" Welcome back, glad you are here with us RG
  3. There are two other ladies I've heard of. Violet Marcel (spelling?) I believe she has a profile on CERB and Oshean, saw her profile on one of the other sites when I started in this lifestyle RG
  4. About the only term I discovered when I came to this board (and used by other boards) is the term hobbiest, which I kinda cringe at when I read it. It kinda, in my humble opinion, dehumanizes what is a very human and interpersonal experience. Hobbies are stamp collecting, coin collecting, etc etc etc, ...thank you Gabriella for pm'ing me with another word to use..."lifestyle" But to echo what has been stated previously I find the underlying theme of "if you don't have anything nice to say...Please don't say anything" Not to mention that ladies and gentlemen here can participate equally sets this board above the rest. We are all here, opposite sides of the same coin, this isn't a case of us versus them A Sunday afternoon rambling RG
  5. Congratulations Catherine on achieving Goddess status RG
  6. Excellent thread Megan. What do I do now. Well I stick pretty much to the ladies on CERB or EC, and those who have a board presence, not just here to post ads. I also stick to independent providers. I have, (because there was a lady who interested me but has since moved on) enquired about reputable agencies, and got good feedback on which agencies are reputable. I don't want to use those agencies which come close or are expoloiting women by pimping them out. Mind you, as of yet, I haven't used an agency, but if I should, I know which ones to use. And I have a minimum age range of ladies I'll see, not just for my own comfort zone, but to avoid those ladies who could possibly be under age, and are not women, but girls. I treat the ladies like a gentleman. Not only payment in full up front, a gift and tip provided as well. If I should use an agency, well like I said, a reputable agency, and the lady will get a tip (likely equal combined value to what I give independents tip + gift, if that is making sense) Finally, gut check, if it seems wrong to me, I won't book an encounter Some quick thoughts RG
  7. Sometimes sweat is just plain wrong other times sweat is oh so right RG
  8. You know your old when you remember when this guy took a stroll on the moon Maybe not such a big deal now, but back then, it was RG
  9. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, and as much as you are an adult, at 20 years old, chronologically, your still very young...it's not like being the 40 Year Old Virgin LOL See another girl, be it through dating or see an escort. As the saying goes, if you get thrown off a horse, just get back on If your worrying about your next time so much, you'll never have a next time Good luck RG
  10. You know your old when you can remember these ads in comics
  11. Guess if you are using bacon lube in an encounter, you can expect a lot of porking to go on My morning groaner RG
  12. I was under the same impression, (much like the store bought visa gift cards) but looking at the webpage under Features (Travel) it does say book hotels.I personally don't have one, so really don't know (and it only caught my attention when a pop-up came up on my computer) but it may be something for someone who can't get a credit card or wishes to hide this lifestyle from their SO to look into RG
  13. Your never too old to lick the beaters after making icing, cake batter, whipped cream, well you get the idea RG
  14. Stylistics-You Make Me Feel Brand New http://vimeo.com/24668202 RG
  15. Well I am going to chime in on the topic. I found it hard as a newbie to write a recommendation. There was something in my mindset that private intimate encounters between a man and woman were just that, private...I had to somewhat unlearn that when I partook in this lifestyle. I learned that a recommendation is appreciated by a lady. Now mind you, some ladies prefer nothing said at all. In any case, when I write a recommendation, I do let the lady read it first, for her ok. She doesn't edit it, or add to it, but if she would prefer it not posted, then I wouldn't. But all recommendations I write are completely my writings, and I only write recos of ladies I had a good or great time with. Also any lady I write a recommendation on, I would (or have) seen again. Something else to keep in mind. Yes a recommendation lets the lady know she is a good SP/MA and her service is good. But something else, irrespective of the business side of it, it has to be flattering for a woman to know a man enjoyed his time with her. That he found her beautiful, desirable and would see her again. There is a personal side to seeing ladies, and what lady doesn't want to hear she is attractive? Some quick thoughts from a man who has been fortunate enough to see many beautiful ladies, and has many wonderful memories of the encounters RG
  16. I'm not disagreeing with you QA, it is a tad pricey. But in the past there have been threads from people (ladies and gents) who couldn't get credit cards, on what to do and recently some guys posting on how to hide this lifestyle. This was only posted for information, it may provide a possible solution for ladies and gents finding themselves with that problem RG
  17. That reminds me, this weekend, two recommendations to write RG
  18. I will pipe in on this one only to say this, this is a much better question, and a good question too RG
  19. Here's four lads who travelled to the USSR The Beatles-Back In The USSR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxyISsA0Oh0 RG
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