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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Another milestone reached in the CERB ranks Congratulations Gabriella on becoming a Goddess...although you didn't need the rep points to achieve goddess status Congratulations RG
  2. Well here's what I do to be discrete, with the caveat, I'm single 1. Get a web based email address (ie gmail etc) Don't use the shared email at home, or in my case, my "official" LOL email address 2. Delete your browsing history after every time on the computer, and no favorites related to this lifestyle saved on your computer 3. Cash only. Even hotels (including major chains) will accept cash. They only use the cc for reservations, just tell them you want to pay cash. All costs for this lifestyle I pay in cash, even money to buy gas for the trip 4. Get a disposable cell phone, that only you know about. That's just a few things you can do Others who are married, may have more ideas RG
  3. Well actually sorta funny and sucked at the same time Was visiting family this weekend, came home. My cat must have got bored. Toilet paper pulled off the roll (it was a full roll btw) out of the bathroom and into the living room. Had to laugh, but it sucked cleaning the paper up RG
  4. I'm with Castle on this one, I don't know how many blind dates I was fixed up with, especially ones sprung on me, non ever worked. When other people decide who is right for you, doesn't work. Best blind dates, if they can be called that, (except for a couple) were the ladies I met since seeing SP's, that I contacted because something just interested me about meeting them RG
  5. It can be hard, extremely hard to deal with what we call in my line of work, high needs individuals, whether mentally challenged, or someone acting like a jerk. The only person I saw from the video needing removal was the bus driver. Not only has he lowered himself down from professional driver to jerk, so much so he's the one person on the bus who really needs to be removed. He now has worked himself into a rage so much so that he'd likely be susceptible to road rage. And he's dumb to boot, in this day and age everyone carries cell phones (with cameras/videos) and he doesn't think his conduct will be recorded Sorry but no sympathy here for the driver, I work in a job dealing with worse than that every day, and if I acted like that, I would have been gone a long time ago RG
  6. Just to add to the discussion, I think the Canadian Blood Services wants pure uncontamanated blood (in itself a good thing), but they utilize in their screening process, profiling (such as sex in exchange for money, men having sex with men etc) using stereotypes. I may be wrong but their sterotyping extends to drug use. They don't accept any drug user. I can understand not wanting users of illegal drugs, but it extends to all drug users. I take a prescription drug, have since 1980, and likely wouldn't be here now if I didn't. Got told when I offerred to donate blood, your on a prescription, can't donate, end of story. BTW I've never taken any illegal drugs not even marijuana, ever in my life, nor have I drank, since 1980. But I'm not able to donate Their screening process is so strict based both on real risk management and also, in addition, sterotypical profiling, probably to err on the side of safety, but in reality, a lot of good blood donor candidates get turned away There, a long winded rambling RG Some quick additional thoughts/questions/ramblings 1. Do individuals who have tattoos get barred from donating? Never know whether the tattoo parlour (or maybe homemade tattoo) practiced proper sterilization/hygiene practices. 2. The issue of paying/getting paid for sex. What if, for example, a woman gets involved with a man who unbeknownst to her sees/has seen a SP. She wouldn't know, but by standards the Canadian Blood Service uses, she is equally a bad candidate. Likewise, what if a man is involved with a woman who once was involved with a man who saw SP's...well you get the idea, also should be a bad candidate by CBS standards 3 Is it ok to be a single man/woman sexually active (but no money changes hands) playing the field though. Gee, maybe it's that pesky money that spreads disease and dirtys blood (yes, said very sarcastically)...mind you seeing SP's is far less expensive in the long run than relationships, somewhere along the line in a relationship, money (in the form of dating, gifts, etc) comes into play 4. Guess the only ideal candidates are those who are celebate, no tattoos, or liars 5. Do you fill out the screening form once only? If so you may be an ideal candidate (by CBS standards) when filling out the form, but at a later date may begin to see SP's, or become a SP. Do you fill out the form every time you donate?
  7. Everything hurts, - what does not hurt, doesnt work! The gleam in your eye is now the reflection upon your bifocals You feel like the morning after, but havent been anywhere Your children begin to look middle aged A dripping tap causes an uncontrollable urge You have the answers, but no one asks those questions You look forward to a dull evening at home You need glasses to find your glasses You turn out lights for economy, instead of for romance Your knees buckle, but your belt wont Your house is too big and your medicine cupboard is not big enough You just wish that you could live long enough to be a problem to your children
  8. It's not my fantasy, I don't fantasize based on race. If a lady interests me, I contact her to see her Thus far in this lifestyle, the type of lady that appeals to me is between 25 to 50, blonde, brunette and redhead, different body types. Now if I see a lady that is asian, and she interests me, I will contact her and schedule an encounter...but it won't be because she is asian, it is because there is something about her personality (which comes through in her posts/emails/pm's etc) that makes me want to meet her But thats me RG
  9. My guess, as with every lady, it's her boundries and what she feels comfortable doing/not doing. Some ladies (not just MA's, even SP's) don't like or offer kissing If kissing is not part of the massage, you have to respect that, it's her boundry. A quick late night rambling RG
  10. Out ice fishing, get the coleman stove out, cook up some venison or moose steaks (couple friends I fish with hunt as well), along with baked beans, habitant pea soup, fried potatoes, and me, being the non drinker, a thermos of hot coffee, my buddies, well something instead of hot coffee RG
  11. Hall and Oates-Out Of Touch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1RcRglBaHA RG
  12. Three Dog Night-Old Fashioned Love Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbputOGcttk RG
  13. All I would say is invest, if thats the right word, in the friendship. Let it develop. Don't let it develop for alterior motives, namely sex. If you mutually want to be friends, and are only friends, but close enough as friends that you can bring up the subject, then ask if it can be a fwb friendship. And a question for you, if she says no, she just wants to be a friend, can you still be friends with her or would you not continue seeing her And I'm just asking a question, that's all RG
  14. http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/low-testosterone-hits-40percent-of-men-over-45
  15. I would say that for me, independent ladies are the way to go. Now if a lady at an agency interests me, I would likely see her. The caveat for me, is the agency reputable? I did my checking in that regards, because there are a couple agency ladies (won't say what city/what agency) who peaked my interest (and yes, I did check their recommendations, and also found out the agency is reputable) But seeing a agency lady for me will be an exception, not the rule. There is still the middleman (the agency) when seeing an agency lady, where as an independent lady, it's just the two of you A quick rambling, for whatever it's worth RG
  16. Partridge, isn't that a bird??? Bird On A Wire-The Neville Brothers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9ez80bQW4w RG
  17. Don't know if you are evil, but this song tells us where evil grows Where Evil Grows-The Poppy Family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNg-GAnUxFQ RG
  18. Congratulations Spud Enjoy your posts, looking forward to reading many more RG
  19. Talk of planets makes me think it's time to trek around so....... The Star Trek Song RG :-)
  20. Here's a thought, why not throw out that mug and buy a new one RG
  21. Congratulations Sophia on your milestone. Enjoy reading your posts, and looking forward to reading many more RG
  22. Going to send out early congratulations to Phaedrus, just 2 posts away from making the 1000 post mark Congratulations RG
  23. I like Areez, makes posts that are a positive contribution to CERB...not to mention he is right about Meg RG
  24. Thanks to everyone for the comments. They really are appreciated. At times I still feel like a newbie, seems just like yesterday I began participating in this lifestyle, and I have learned so much through CERB, not to mention enjoying and appreciating the sense of community here. A big thank you to Mod and Town Council for the work they do to keep this a positive site. Thanks to Old Dog for noticing I post waaaaayyyyyy toooo much LOL, and to WIT who observed I made that magic number (still can't believe that one) and again thank you to everyone for their comments, they are very much appreciated RG
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